Yellow Mongoose Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of a yellow mongoose. The mongoose is a small mammal native to the southern parts of Africa.


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Aug 16, 2017
You will not beleive it, but this is the first time I have seen a mongoose, we get a good variety of thev woodland creatures but me personaly, it is the first for this one, you see you are never to old to learn.Thank you team for this one.
Jan 16, 2016
Jun 6, 2015
The Yellow Mongoose is from southern and southwestern Africa, so this mongoose won't naturally go up against a King Cobra - they're in a different part of the world (India and southeast Asia), but they will eat snakes. I'm not sure if they'll go up against snakes like a Black Mamba or not.

When I did a brief Google search on the Yellow Mongoose, they're also known as Red Meerkats, something that kind of blew my mind - there's usually a pretty distinct difference between red and yellow. Some people have kept them as pets - for example, they are a legal pet in the UK, but they cost about 1500 pounds.
Jun 7, 2015
Do you know what 1500 pounds is in American dollars? I don't know if pounds or dollars is more, does anyone out there know?
Jun 7, 2015
As of Friday, 1500 UK Pounds was equal to $2291.47.
Jun 9, 2015
Wow Jamie. I cant see paying so much for a animal like that. I wouldn't trust a wild thing like that.
Jun 9, 2015
If I were to pay that much for a "pet", I'd want it to be able to do simple housekeeping tasks and earn money by entertaining people.
Jun 10, 2015
Ha ha ha Jamie. Yes it better do something for that kind of money. I am laughing picturing it sweeping a floor and vacuuming and washing dishes, maybe it could clean out the fridge and do laundry too, lol.
Aug 9, 2015
Wow. More $ than I have, Glaad for my stray cat.
Jun 6, 2015
What cute little animals, wonder if they are vicious?

"Follow your heart. Your heart is the right guide in everything big. " unknown

"Today I caught myself smiling for no reason...then I realized I was thinking about you. " unknown

Good night dear friends, God bless all of you. Hugs.
Jun 6, 2015
I don't think I'd chance a cuddle!! My 13 week old kitten is bad enough with his teeth and claws!! I bet this little chappy is very unfriendly if you get too close to him. Cute though. I love all these puzzles and always do them with the picture hidden. Nice start to my day. Hugs and smiles, Av,
Jun 6, 2015
Hi, Aussie - love the first quote, so true: I intend to! I don't think the average mongoose would be too friendly :-)) They are not mustelids like stoats & weasels, which are ferocious animals, but they can battle cobras (remember Rikki-Tikki-Tavey? ), though they don't hunt them for food.
Jun 6, 2015
Love the last quote. It would be a perfect one for a "thinking of you" greeting card. I may use it!
Jun 6, 2015
Actually they like to eat King Cobra...Many years ago I had a real cobra & mongoose that was done by a gave everyone the creeps when they looked at. I found it at an old shop that sold strange things.....I am not that strange anymore. I sold it...sort of miss it....I had it for 30 years......maybe I am strange....just guessing.
Jun 7, 2015
Then we both are because that would have appealed to me. Who wants what everybody else has?
Jun 8, 2015
Pixi...........reminds me of that old song..."people are strange when your a stranger"
Jun 7, 2015
Jingles my daughter and I made a trip over to see family at this time last year. As soon as we got in my parents house my Mom said sit down now we have some bad news. My sisters son had been found dead in the woods. The day before a friend he didn't care for and was also related to came over to talk him into helping him move. The boys dad had kicked him out again so my sisters son gave in to go help him move. He is like that, always helping people even if he didn't care for them. As they drove off his last words were, Good-bye, I love you Dad and Mom. That was the last time they saw him alive.
He didn't show up that night and by midnight were very worried and had been making calls & trying to find him. He was found the next day late in the day in the woods dead. They ruled it a homicide and suspected the friend from the start & my sisters son had cuts & bruises on him when found. The other kid lied repeatedly to the cops & his grandpa covered for him also. I don't know all the cops found to rule it a homicide and to suspect that so called friend & I don't think I want to know everything, but they repeatedly caught him lying. It was a complete devastation to the family and the kid is still running free.
Jun 6, 2015
They have a look about them that I wouldn't trust, but then I don't trust any wild animal. I don't even trust a lot of peoples pets but then I usually have a reason not to trust them.
Sad day today. It makes 1 year today since my sister and her husbands son was found dead in the woods. He had just turned 18 and had 2 weeks to graduate when this happened. It was their only son. My Mom said they are really feeling low. I knew it was going to be bad when it hit that 1 year mark. They have been thru so much this past year. I think that's why my stomach has being bothering me so much this past week and have been so drug out. Thinking of them and their son a lot and it makes me so sad. He was such a nice boy. Everyone in the family misses him so much. They are having a hard time.
Jun 6, 2015
So sorry. my Gods love help them thru this
Jun 6, 2015
Dear Seaview:
All I can offer is prayers and sympathy for you and your family. I know what it's like as you know and some times of year are particularly hard. For myself I do whatever I can to distract myself from thinking of things that depress me. I think you should also because it hurts you and does not help your sister or her stepson nor do I think they would want you to be suffering. In fact for their sake please take care of yourself and family. It is NOT disloyal to the memories of the deceased to be happy.
Jun 6, 2015
How Sad! ! What happened? My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Jun 6, 2015
Seaview, what a tragedy. God's peace and strength help you and your family at this very difficult time.
Jun 7, 2015
Memory eternal, as we Russian Orthodox Christians say. I have lost a child, so I can dimly relate, & &I'm so sorry it happened to your friends. I will say a prayer just for them to find peace. So sad for them. Please tell them people do care!
Jun 7, 2015
Pixie I worded that a little strange now that I looked at it again. I made it look like it was my sisters husbands son and that must be why you said her stepson, but it is my sisters son too, not her stepson, sorry about my wording.
My sister and her husband are close to 350 miles away from me so I am not around them right now. That's why my Mom mentioned they were feeling low because they live over that way too. I did not want to bother anyone today so I just left them alone and my Mom will let me know anything since she is over there too.
I was going to go to town today to get my mind off things but haven't been sleeping well lately & wake up & cant sleep & when I finally fall asleep half the day is shot & if I don't make it into town before dark I wont go. Been reading books and doing a few puzzles today instead. There is a ton of stuff I need to do but am too tired. Might watch one of my old series after I look thru comments on here.
Jun 6, 2015
A cute little animal I have only seen grey or light black mongooses before Saw them fight cobras when I was stationed in Thailand
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