Wreath Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free Christmas jigsaw puzzle of a wreath hanging on a wall. The wreath is covered in white lights and tied with a large red ribbon.


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Nov 10, 2017
I really did enjoy this and the other Christmas puzzles. It is just a cheerful few moments in a busy day. Have a good week everyone. I am just learning to navigate this site.
Jan 3, 2018
I Irene, I just saw your comment. I love the Christmas puzzles too. Looks like you're navigating this site just fine. You'll find a lot of fun-loving, warm-hearted puzzlers on this site. Belated Merry Christmas to you, and a very wonderful new year. Deborah
Dec 20, 2016
Cozy and sweet
Dec 11, 2016
I love Christmas puzzles. The lights on this wreath showed up especially well. Thank you!
Dec 3, 2016
My niece and her husband just put my Christmas wreaths up today and will put the spotlight on it tonight. I don't have lights on my wreath.
Dec 16, 2015
Lovely puzzle...thanks!
Dec 13, 2015
So simple but very effective.

I would appreciate your prayers tonight as I feel as though I have torn a muscle on the inside right leg, but have not done anything that may have caused it. I also have a high temperature and having trouble getting it to come down.

Take care and God bless. Hugs.
Dec 13, 2015
Praying for you Aussie.
Dec 13, 2015
Will be praying for you, Aussie.
Dec 13, 2015
Praying for you Aussie. Everyone be safe out there. Been snowing for 3 days, must be a foot at least.
Dec 13, 2015
Please go to the doctor immediately. I send prayer but you must also do what is necessary, Aussie.
Dec 13, 2015
Dec 13, 2015
God is with you he is our savior and we all should trust him
Dec 13, 2015
Only my 2nd comment, but I will be praying for you, may God bless you, heal you and wrap His comforting arms around you!! Take care my fellow puzzle worker!! :)
Dec 13, 2015
I am sending prayers and hugs. This is a terrible time to have anything go wrong. Just take it easy and hopefully it will get better real fast.
Dec 13, 2015
You dear aussie are always in my prayers - just sent up a special prayer for you. Feel better
Dec 13, 2015
Saying a prayer now. Be well soonest. You are always in my thoughts. God's speed. Grammy Hugs
Dec 13, 2015
Aussie, love and prayers
Dec 13, 2015
Prayers for you Aussie. A high fever means there is something seriously wrong going on in your body. You need to get in to see a doctor soon. Please don't "wait and see" for too long...
Dec 13, 2015
Thank you all for your prayers, I do appreciate all of you and Joyce, I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, but will try to bring it forward to today. Hugs.
Dec 13, 2015
Keep us posted please
Dec 13, 2015
Praying for relief and healing
Dec 13, 2015
I hope the doctor is able to figure out what's going on and that it's nothing too serious.
Dec 13, 2015
Hi folks, managed to get in to see the doctor this morning, a minor miracle lol. The temperature got back to normal last night after a few hours, but the leg is still sore. He is sending me to have an x-ray (or whatever they call it) deep vein thrombosis to rule out clots, but said it is probably due to OA syndrome (old age :( ) Could not get in until Wednesday and it is nearly Monday afternoon here. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers - don't think I have ever been around such a caring bunch of people. God bless all of you. mega hugs.
Dec 14, 2015
Happy to se you are feeling better Aussie! But I would like to have a word with that MD, old age is not an illness and you are not SO old!!? Niether am I!! :)) Many big hugs to you and all on this site!!
Dec 14, 2015
Glad to hear that you are doing better, Aussie! I hope they can find out what's going on when you have the x-ray (or is it an MRI? ). I also hope that whatever it is, it will be easily taken care of.
Dec 14, 2015
They gave my husband's mother that sort of diagnosis--in her case battle fatigue from having so many kids and it turned out she had kidney disease which wasn't treated because she had believed him.
Glad you are being x-rayed. High temperatures don't come from old age. Will pray you get an accurate and speedy diagnosis. I am glad you got in to see him.
Dec 14, 2015
Aussie, just followed the string of comments and I think the procedure you're having is a sonogram to check the pressure in your leg veins. I've had this done - not painful, just long - and wound up with compression hosiery because my blood wasn't returning quickly enough up my leg. May your situation be as simple to solve!
Dec 14, 2015
Amen to that.
Dec 14, 2015
Praying for you Aussie.
Dec 16, 2015
Hope you are feeling better real soon Aussie! Keeping you in my prayers. :)
Dec 16, 2015
I hope and pray that you are feeling better Aussiesapphire.....JESUS is our Healer. Will believe God for you!
Dec 14, 2015
Beautiful wreath
Dec 13, 2015
Aussie, hope you get well quickly, please keep us posted.
Dec 14, 2015
Thanks maryhelen. Hugs.
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