Three Birdhouses Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Online puzzle of three birdhouses in the sun. The birdhouses are painted different colors to attract the birds.


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Feb 12, 2020
No birdhouses in my yard, but I have a large bird feeder and have a slew of birds coming to feed every day. I joke that I going to have to get another job to keep them in bird seed and suet! They're eating me out of house and home. Ha Ha.
May 20, 2019
No more bird houses for me. Never saw any interest from my local birds. Maybe they're too discriminating for their own good. Ha Ha
Dec 24, 2017
I really like these
Jul 21, 2015
Yeah the wrong kind of birds! roofs are not long enough....and they are too close together...they are pretty tho...
Jul 21, 2015
Not only that they are made of plywood and will quickly deteriorate.
Jul 21, 2015
Hi winston. I see you are from Mississippi.
Nov 11, 2017
Trynfindit, how can you tell where someone's from?
Nov 11, 2017
Well, I believe winston402 changed his/her icon since I asked about Mississippi because you can often tell where someone is by their flag icon. Your icon is, I think, Arizona.
Nov 11, 2017
Yes it is! What is yours? I'm not familiar with it.
Nov 11, 2017
Oh, I see now, it's Florida
Nov 13, 2017
Jun 9, 2016
Pretty bird house. I like to have one bird house but all other critters come around. so that's the reason why I don't have one, who ever build the Bird house very nice color full bird house.
Feb 29, 2016
I have a cute birdhouse hanging from my tree, but tenants.
Jul 23, 2015
Love doing this Puzzle and I love the colord box as well would make a big puzzle.
Jul 21, 2015
We have lots of Mockingbirds and Mourning Doves (which like to come in my garage! ). I hear Cardinals off in the trees, but rarely see them.
Jul 21, 2015
We also have lots of Mockingbirds and mourning doves. Similar climates, perhaps?
Jul 21, 2015
The mockingbirds are around but don't visit my yard. I had th priviledge of hearing onr when I went to a nearby garden center. He was perched on a power wire high above us and sang a regular concert of bird calls. Never before had I heard a mockingbird who could sing like that.
Jul 21, 2015
Similar climates, but if rac5712 is seeing Cardinals, she's seeing Eastern Mockingbirds, while you're seeing Western ones. Mourning doves are all over the country - except Alaska!
Jul 21, 2015
I knew I would never see a cardinal around here that's why I said similar climate rather than living in close proximity. The other two are frequent fliers in my skies. A mockingbird serenades me through the bedroom window on many a night.
Jul 22, 2015
When we were visiting Sedona, Arizona, a few years ago, there was a clock in the condo area that played the Westminster chime every hour during the day. Early one morning, we were awoken by a mockingbird imitating the chime! Talented birds.
Jul 22, 2015
Wow, Aknan. That's the kind of bird I wouldn't mind some one giving me.
Did you ever look up talking birds on the internet? There's a video of a lyrebird who imitates the shutter on a camera, a chain saw, and a variety of other sounds. There's also a raven that actually says "nevermore." :-)
Jul 22, 2015
I've seen that video, pixi, and it's really interesting. When my mom refilled our bird feeder in Arkansas, she would always whistle "The Blue Danube" to let the cardinals know it was meal time and the mockingbirds picked up on that, too.
Jul 22, 2015
I looked into retiring in Arkansas. My husband and I visited twice and looked at houses but then he decided not to retire and the weather has been so extreme there (as well as most every place we considered) that I wouldn't consider it any more. Whereabouts in Arkansas did you live? I love your park system.
Jul 23, 2015
We lived in Jacksonville, just north of Little Rock. My grandparents' farm was taken over by the Air Force to build a Strategic Air Command base back in the 30s. We left Arkansas in August, 1960 and moved to Willcox, Arizona. Spent 3 months there, the new power plant my dad was supposed to manage got tied up in pre-EPA rigamarole and we then moved to Hooker, Oklahoma, where I lived until 1968. Would not want to live in any of those places now.
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