Sugar Cube Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of a sugar cube. The cube will be dropped in a hot drink to sweeten it.


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Jul 10, 2018
Mystery today
didn't know it was a sugar cube until I was finished
Aug 24, 2015
Yesterday I went looking for a new waterfall to paint. I have already done all that are possible within an hour's drive so now I have to make more hefty treks. I found a new one via internet and in following directions had pulled off the road in the middle of nowhere and got out to look around to see if I were making the right turn. After scouting around I was pretty sure I was wrong and turned to go back to my car. There another car had pulled off the road and a lone woman was fussing with something in her hatchback. I asked her if she knew where the falls was and she was able to give excellent directions. She had pulled over because she couldn't stand listening to a grill rattling as she drove. Now what are the chances it would get to her at exactly the time and spot I had pulled over and that she would know how to get me to the falls? I told her it had been God's doing that the grill was rattling so badly because He needed to have her direct me. The kindness of God brings me to tears. That He would help me that way.....
The falls was wonderful but not an easy place to set up for a painting---no flat place. All rocks ended on slanting ledges. I enjoyed the hike through the woods to get there but could never pull my golf cart of painting supplies to the site anyway. I took pix but they never capture the scene. Maybe I'll settle for a pastel but even there I couldn't do the falls itself...just no place to safely set up. I don't work from photos. I prefer on site (plein aire) and sketches plus memory. Photos flatten everything and take the life out of it unless you become a master and have mega bucks for equipment.
Wishing you a day of happy anticipation.
PS--doing this in hex would make me blind. I think I'll backtrack and do one I missed.
Aug 24, 2015
Lovely pixi, thank you so much for sharing. Hugs.
Aug 25, 2015
Thank you for reading it, Aussie. I used to be in a prayer group where we could share things like that. We don't live there any more but it was wonderful while it lasted. This site is a bit like it.
Aug 25, 2015
It is so cool how God works in mysterious ways. God is everywhere all the time. God bless you and the one who helped give you directions. I would love to see your paintings.
Mar 23, 2016
If you are going to paint waterfalls pixipixil, you will need water color paints. That's what we used for any art work when I was small.
Mar 23, 2016
I do use watercolors but they are acrylics.
mamag--I wish I could show them to you.
Aug 24, 2015
How very sweet!!!
Aug 24, 2015
Hi, Barbaranne! Missed reading your comments these past couple of weeks. Are you doing OK?
Aug 27, 2015
Been off my feet for a little while, being to feel better and now I'm able to be around a little more, I am on a hefty dose of steroids each day and I don't react well to them just another 4-5 weeks and then maybe just maybe I will have finished with them and I should be raring to go. thank you for asking.
Aug 28, 2015
Several of us have commented on your absence. So sorry to hear you're having pain again. I offer prayers of healing for you.
Aug 24, 2015
At first, I thought this was some kind of processed meat - like a sausage, salami, Spam, or something. I've only seen white sugar cubes, which I have for hot tea. I think the first time I had ever seen a sugar cube was getting a polio vaccine when I was pretty young.
Aug 24, 2015
Huh!! Both you and nlbuchanan mentioned that. I can't even remember back that far lol. I must be really ancient!! Hugs.
Aug 25, 2015
I had to check to see what nibuchanan wrote - I wasn't completely sure if it would be about polio vaccines or thinking that the puzzle looked like some sort of processed meat.
Aug 25, 2015
JamieT and aussie, I first had the polio vaccine on a sugar cube - and the vaccine was pink, nlb - and that was in 1957. I was in second grade. Some kids still cried when the sugar was put in their mouth, too. Of course, some kids cry about anything...
Aug 26, 2015
I had my polio vaccine when I was pretty young - I remember being carried by my dad. Afterwards, I wanted more sugar cubes. I might have been one of those kids who cried because vaccines meant needles. My doctor at the time would give a Saf-T-Pop sucker and, if you had an injection, you got to keep the syringe. I would usually draw whatever I was drinking into the syringe and then "inject" it into my mouth.
Aug 25, 2015
Somewhat difficult.
Aug 24, 2015
I was sitting looking at the ocean this morning and thought you might enjoy what I wrote -

Sitting on the ocean's edge
Rippling waves tossed by the wind,
Impervious to flocks of birds and human intrusion
Trailing worn and weary feet through the surface of the sea.

Pelicans preening and ever watchful
for any tasty morsel which may come their way,
Gulls gathered together, always ready for flight at the slightest provocation.

Morning sand, dappled with pock-marked footprints
from early morning walkers.
Dried seaweed sending pungent aromas into the spring-filled breezes.
Trees whose branches sway lazily
to some unheard melodic tune
and darting here and there
as though under the direction of some unseen conductor,
back and forth, up and down
in a never ending rhythm.

God has created little pockets of heaven
to delight us during our sojourn here,
A tiny taste of what is to come.
The need to heed His voice in these magic moments
and be open to anything He may be whispering to,
or trying to teach us.

Thank you Lord for your provision and a wonderful world.
May we see the beauty in all of Your creation
and learn to enjoy and embrace all You have allowed us to experience.
H C (c) - Poem No 655 (24 Aug 2015)

God bless and take care. Hugs.
Aug 24, 2015
Hi Aussie. That's lovely but it's more than a poem--it's like a psalm. It not only delights us (thank you for sharing it) but I'm sure it also delights the Lord.
Aug 24, 2015
You are so very talented aussie
Aug 24, 2015
Lovely, aussie.
Aug 24, 2015
That's a great poem! Are you a published poet?
Aug 24, 2015
Love it, aussie! Just plain beautiful and tugs at the heart.
Aug 24, 2015
Aussie, that's fantastic! You are really tuned into the world around you and all its majesty. I especially like the "little pockets of heaven" part; so true! All we need to do is listen and God's voice becomes clear.
Aug 24, 2015
Beautiful. Thank you. Grammy Hug to you and yours.
Aug 24, 2015
Thank you all so very much for your lovely comments. I never forget where the gift came from and give Him the glory.
Aug 24, 2015
JamieT - I self published a book many years ago, and did try to get some publishing houses interested in the poetry. Most of them said the same thing "your work is good, but we don't know who you are" lol - so how do you get known - get your work published hahaha bit of a catch 22. I need to try again and see if the time is right. Hugs.
Aug 24, 2015
Aknan that's the hard part, listening. My husband liked the tree bit, so I guess different parts appeal to different people. Hope you are well. Hugs.
Aug 24, 2015
Aussie, I also have tried to get someone interested in publishing my poetry - even sent some to magazines. Then, like you, I self published a book and ended up giving most of them away to family and friends. Oh, the ego can sure make one do strange things.
Aug 25, 2015
I have quite a few left which I give to people if the occasion calls for it, so know what you mean. But I believe when the time is right it will happen. Hugs.
Aug 24, 2015
WELL WHATEVER WAS IN MY YARD THE OTHER EVENING WAS THERE AGAIN LAST NIGHT.! ! This time they were larger and different colors and made a shriek noise. They were way back by the creek at the far end of my yard. I don't have any close neighbors so no one else saw them. I just don't know what to think about them. So far they haven't come near the house.
I'm am anxious to see if they are here tonight.

God bless.
Aug 24, 2015
Oh Jingles, I'm sorry I teased you. Whatever you are seeing is indeed scary. Have you contacted anyone? There must be a lot of resources. How about MUFON? They are a group that investigates strange sightings. I don't know where you live. Look them up for your area--on Google. Let us know!
Aug 24, 2015
I see colored sugar cubes and think of the first polio vaccine I was given. It was the year before I started kindergarten (yes, a VERY long time ago). Everyone gathered at the school and waited in line to be given a sugar cube with a drop of - I believe it was pink- liquid one it. Sometimes wished the other doses that way too. Never did likes shots!

God bless you all and may the nasty stuff in life be dosed out to you with lots of sugar.
Aug 24, 2015
So much has changed with injections nlb, I am an insulin dependant diabetic and my sister quivers at the thought of my nightly injection. However the needles are so fine now you barely feel them going in, not to mention they are all disposable and only have one usage. Hugs.
Aug 24, 2015
I remember getting every new polio vaccine when it first came out, but I had polio in 1951 before the vaccine. I was about to start 3rd grade. My children & all the grandchildren have also had the vaccine. I can even remember the day they entered me into the hospital, 9/7/1951, of course it was easy to remember it was the day after my brother was born, didn't get to see him until he was 3 month old.
Aug 24, 2015
CatladyOKC, my cousin also had polio. He walked with a limp most of his life because of it. Aussie, needles have gotten much smaller and I don't mind them nearly as much now as I did as a child. Even hating them, I refused to cry when all the school kids had to get out of class for shots. I wasn't going to have anybody calling me a baby!
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