Spools of Thread Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of colorful thread. The thread is wrapped around spools and lined up for use.


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Jul 1, 2024
Used to have to make my own clothes because they were too expensive to buy. Now that I am retired, I really don't have to have really good clothes to hang around in.
Feb 22, 2022
I wish I could get my spools of thread in such a lovely order, but no matter what I do, end up with chaos....and I hate chaos. I will keep on trying! Blessings to all you lovely people who are on this site and to the people who make this possible. It gets my day off to a good start.
Feb 23, 2022
Clear fishing tackle boxes might help. They come in different sizes.
May 22, 2024
(smile) So true
May 23, 2024
Feb 23, 2022
Happy Twosday to all on 2/22/22!!!
Feb 23, 2022
I didn't notice today's special date. Thank you JAMP124 for pointing it out! :-)
Feb 23, 2022
Happy Twosday to you too JAMP124. Today's the only time of the year where all the numbers are twos in a day's date. :-)
Feb 23, 2022
Also remember 7 7 77
Feb 23, 2022
What were you doing at 22:22 (military time) on 2/22/22??
Feb 26, 2022
Having tea for two!
May 22, 2024
I remember the first time someone pointed out 6/6/66. I guess that dates me.
May 23, 2024
That brought back a dear memory. In 1966 I was teaching first grade. About a week before that auspicious date of 6/6/66, I taught my little ones how to write the date May 28, 1966 OR another way 5/28/66 with all the explanations of which number meant what! On the special date I wrote the date on the board June 6, 1966 --- and asked if anyone knew another way to write it. Everyone knew! --- and I had one come to the board to write it. Their "homework" was to teach their family the "special other" way to write the date!
Mar 11, 2022
Like the colors
Mar 2, 2022
I threaded my way through this one pretty fast, but still not in the top three. Oh well, I'll just keep bobbin along.
Feb 22, 2022
Oh how I love this one I loved to sew and quilt
After I retired January 1990 I started quilting my husband wanted me to make him one I told him to find a picture of one he wanted but he didn't he for he died in August of1990 about 5 or 6Years ago I got a quilt book from a thrift store with a pattern of the Army Star I made that quilt for him
He served in Army in WII that was the last quilt I made sure wish I could still quilt and sew that quilt was designed by two Army men
Feb 22, 2022
What a wonderful homage to your husband. I have a lot of heart for all of our veterans. God bless them all and their families.
Feb 23, 2022
Dbnc2 what a dear story. And you have the Army Star quilt that holds so many memories of him.
Feb 23, 2022
Dang cut 8 minutes my best time
Feb 23, 2022
VIVID color of spools of thread!!!!!!
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