Soft Kitten Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Online jigsaw of a soft kitten.


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Jul 11, 2024
She could be called Comfy Kitten!
Jan 31, 2014
Help me, gang. I want a kitten so very very much! I don't know if my 3-yr. old Maltese pooch would allow it. Also, could one go outdoors through our little dog door into the backyard and stay there in the yard? There are coyotes in our town, but we have high concrete walls in my neighborhood and the tiny dog is safe. I really don't want to deal with a litter box. I suppose a kitty would probably climb the drapes--the sofa is already all chewed up by the dog. I think about it all the time. I do have a lot of love to give....The vet would be happy. I practically support their office now. Seems the Maltese, a purebred, needs the dang vet more often than it seems to me to be ordinary. It is always more than $130 just about every month or so for some ailment or other. This last time was due to fungus in his ears. Dog has a delicate digestive system and I have to buy his food from the vet. Got any advice for me? Oh woe. I love the little critters! I see pictures of kitties and doggies sleeping together all the time on the Net....
Feb 19, 2014
Both my dog and cat get along! Katie the dog is neutred so she is much less agressive. Paulie the cat is also neutered. I think that may be the trick!
Dec 16, 2017
I hve 3 cats. The first 2 are really bonded together. The last one is tolarated by them. However they don't fight. The first 2 are really friendly with everyone. The last one--Blu-- only stays with me. If someone comes, she hides. They are all indoor cats. Litter is not that much a problem. I scoop the litter box morning and night. They get fed "wet" food morning and night and dry is always down for between times. I feed them about 8 am and 5 pm. They also let me know when it is time to eat!
Jul 7, 2016
A random one that I hadn't done. So sweet. Looks like my Tabby!
Mar 15, 2014
Sweet little thing!
Feb 19, 2014
What another cutie!
Aug 22, 2012
Love kitties that look like this. Mom would call them spigatini cause they were all mixed up like spagetti. They would come wild from the fields and we would feed them leftovers and they took care of the mice for us.
Mar 1, 2013
Did you live on a farm? Are you Italian? Loved your story! Cheers from oz.
Mar 2, 2013
I'm Polish/Russian. We lived in the country and there were fields around us. There was a farm behind us and the cows would come down to eat the grass. There were 12 of us and Dad always had a wonderful garden of veggies. We canned all fall. We had 8 apple trees in our back yard so we froze and canned apples and made apple sauce and apple juice. The river was close so dad would take us swimming and our uncle had a dairy farm so we went there to get the milk, do the haying and swim in the pond too. It wasn't until I was in my teens that I realized how poor we actually were:).
Mar 3, 2013
Sounds fantastic!! What a childhood. You might have been poor in dollars, but rich in your upbringing & family love. (Ps. I'm part Russian/Polish too).
Mar 3, 2013
Another one! It's a good mix. Still remember being under the table in the kitchen of my grandmother's house and watching her brush her hair from under there. I loved her long hair and love wearing my hair long to honor her.
Mar 4, 2013
I to come from a very poor family we were 5 children, my father was severly injured in a mining accident in the days before trade unions, but for all that we had a lovely childhood with fields and woods all around. We had a orchard of about 20 trees...apples pear, cherry and plums, we also like you helped to can and bottle etc. My parents shared the windfalls with the villagers so nothing went to waste. As children we were never really aware of our poverty but very aware of the riches of love that surrounded us.
Mar 4, 2013
I know what you mean! My dad took us away from the coal mines right after the last time he had to dig himself out of a cave in. So wonderful to have a dad like that. He died at the age of 54 from multiple myloma. Still miss him today but know that my strength came from him and my other wonderful ancestors. Every time I see Schindlers list it reminds me of my great Uncle that escaped from the Nazi's 3 times. The last time he did get here. He was a metalergist and they needed him. I have a little gold cross that I wear all the time that says Jerusalem on it. Always wondered why it said that until I saw the movie and then I knew. I'm seriously thinking of sending it to my daughter soon with a letter of the history so his memory will go on and this will never happen again.
Aug 4, 2013
That type of a cat is called a Mackerel Tabby. Look at the forehead and you'll see a M in it. That's the type of cat.

Great mousers!
Aug 7, 2013
See it! Never knew that! Thanks!
Aug 4, 2013
This would be Angel, my first cat when I moved to Toronto. She would get that look when hunting a mouse. I lived in the basement of a house. It had mice. I would call the landlord downstairs to catch it. I just stayed on the bed :)

I asked if it was OK if I got a cat. Yes, so I did. The mice moved upstairs! I would find the door between our places open (it was a house) and they would be attempting to get Angel to go upstairs. It never worked though!
Jun 22, 2012
It's my best friend Abby, my Manx cat when she was younger!! Always love doing puzzles that look like her. THANKS!!!!!