Sleepy Cat Jigsaw Puzzle

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Apr 1, 2024
"My family has gone out for awhile --- I'll stay close to them by having a nap on their phone. In case they call me I can answer right away and I'll purr to let them know I'm OK! Purrfect plan! "
Oct 6, 2023
I have 2 cats now. However they never get on my computer things. They will step around them--and I didn't train them--they just know where they can step and where they can't. The highest they go is to my chairs.
Sep 27, 2023
We have always had a cat and dog. Fairy nice to have. Especially they kept Sam company when I was in the hospital. Each set were friendly. Sometimes they would swat each other or sometimes they lick each other.
Sep 18, 2023
Sweet picture but is shows the main reason I won't have a cat.......they get on the top of tables, cabinets, dressers, etc. and they break things! Anyway, whether you have a cat or not, have a truly blessed day with those you love and care for.
Sep 19, 2023
It's true cats jump on tables but I never had one break anything. I was careful to choose cats that were calm. Siamese are particularly hard to handle, but I found Russian Blues to be affectionate and intelligent and they don't shed. I was lucky my husband liked both dogs and cats.
Sep 19, 2023
I agree about the cat situation. I've seen people let their cats sit on the dining room and kitchen tables and counters. ugh.
Blessings to you too nh.
Sep 19, 2023
Sorry...but you are so off base with that remark. I've owned cats all my life and NONE of them have ever been on my dressers, cabinets, etc., and have NEVER broken any of my things. They are as trainable as dogs and as calm and nice as their owners treat them. Anyway, have a nice day.
Sep 20, 2023
Mine would jump on the table if I left food there and was not in the room. Otherwise they did not. There are plenty of dog lovers who let their pets practically eat off their plates at table and make pests of themselves begging for food. My brother was one of those. When we had dogs they were kept out of the room where we ate or trained to lie down and stay. It's the owner not the animal usually.
Sep 20, 2023
I said I knew people who HAD let their cats etc etc etc. I didn't say everyone allowed that. Crikey!
Sep 20, 2023
Well, my experience was when I took care of my daughter's cat when she went on a trip. I had a decorated egg from a teacher from the school who worked with me whose husband was from Russia, and had decorated eggs all his life. The first thing this cat did was jump up on my shelf that had the egg and knocked it over and broke it. It wasn't the cat's fault, how did he know what he was doing, but it put me off on cats. No offense to anyone, that occurrence just turned me off on having a cat. Blessings to all and to all a grand day!
Sep 21, 2023
It's hard to like a cat if you never had one of your own. Having someone else's pet is never taking care of someone else's child.
Sep 20, 2023
I am not a cat person but the puzzle was fun to do!
Sep 19, 2023
Maybe he's listening to music ---- and it put him to sleep!
Sep 19, 2023
Peaceful kitty, keeping them off their device. Nice cat puzzle.
Sep 19, 2023
I wonder what sound is coming from that earpiece. Whatever it is the cat is loving it.
Sep 19, 2023
It's like a cat spa with aroma therapy too.
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