Salsa and Chips Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of freshly made salsa with warm tortilla chips. The tasty salsa is served in a small brown bowl.


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May 5, 2018
I am back from my trip to Pa. It was a long trip and hard. What should have taken 8 hours took almost 12. Hubby is not going to be able to do much traveling anymore. His health is getting too bad. It was nice seeing his dad and our daughter and took care of Jake's grave ( our 21-year-old). This might be our last trip unless I start doing most of the driving. We went to the Northeast part of the state and it was a nice time for the most part except for hubby. We are both glad to be home. I missed you all and hope ya'll are doing good.
May 5, 2018
Hi Mamag. Glad you are bk. Sorry the trip was so hard on hubby. Yesterday was my dead son's birthday so I think I know how you're feeling. I'm glad you saw your dad and daughter. Maybe she could bring him (your dad) out to see you next time.
May 5, 2018
Glad you made a safe trip. It's really hard when you get old. I'm not doing much traveling anymore. Glad I did it as soon as I retired. I also don't drive much anymore, just necessary trips.
May 5, 2018
My one trip to PA ended in the middle of a blizzard, eons ago.
May 5, 2018
Welcome back! I've always wanted to see PA. Was the trip very far to travel? I hope you're both taking the time you need to rest up.
May 5, 2018
I have a lot of family in PA, MD. and WV. Most are 2nd and third cousins. I haven't been back there in over 40 years. I'm so thankful for Facebook. It lets us keep in touch and with the new "smart" phones we can send photos and videos as they happen. And see each other when we call. That's all of the "travelling" that my 89 year old mother is able to do now. I took her to visit her last remaining sister yesterday and even that short 30 minute ride took all of her energy. But out of 15 siblings they are the only 2 left and if she hadn't gone she would have regretted it later. Her sister is 4 years younger, but health issues have left her much older and her doctors say it's only a matter of time. I feel so bad for my mother. It has to be really hard watching all of the others go before her.
May 5, 2018
One of my cousins set up a page for all of us cousins to visit on, like you we exchange pictures, etc. It's really nice to be in touch with them all. My mom was from a family of 15 kids, too. So I have a LOT of cousins! lol I'm glad you were able to take your mom to see her sister.
May 5, 2018
Evening mamag, glad to see you back. Sorry the trip was so hard on hubby. Glad you were able to see his dad and your daughter. And visit Jake's grave. I know how hard that must be. I went out to clean up my son James grave today.
May 6, 2018
It is so nice to see everyone again. I don't miss the crazy weather up there. Pixi and bluesweets, I am so sorry for the loss of your children also. It is hard especially when their birthdays and angelversaries come around. I was glad to see Jake and I put a new color-changing solar angel at the head of his stone. Hubby and I are thinking of getting a bigger vehicle that will be more comfortable for us. The Fusion is just too small and he feels cramped in it. It was nice until he got sicker and his breathing is getting worse. I also have facebook to keep up with my family and friends but it is not the same as visiting with them. Hopefully, Dad and our daughter will be able to come to Virginia next year. It is an 8-hour ride and it will be hard on Dad as he is 89 and his legs are not doing good at all. I worry about something happening to him and then we will have to make the trek back up. Right now, it is one day at a time and in God's hands. I love my family and miss them but I will not move back. I am planted here with my church family and faith friends.
May 6, 2018
I remember the days of window vans. How I wanted one with those wonderful captain chairs and sitting high above the road with a clear view out the hugfe windshield. We coudn't afford one. Would still love to have one but my husband doesn't like driving that much so it would be a waste. There are still a few well=preserved ones around online. I looked a while ago just out of nostalgia.
May 8, 2018
Pixi, we are looking into getting a small van so hubby has more leg room. It will also be used to carry his wheelchair. I never thought this day would come so soon.l
May 8, 2018
I have a Chevy Equinox which I love (2012). I am short but can just slide in the front seat--no boosting up or plunking down to get in. Also maybe you should get a companion wheelchair--no big wheels on the side. Very easy to put into a car. I had one (and still have) for my mother when she wanted to go shopping with me. She got hers thru medicare but they only cost about $200 in catalogs.
May 8, 2018
Thank you elijah. I will look into that. Hubby is looking for a motorized lightweight wheelchair. I wonder if this would work with him. The problem might be the cost as I doubt Medicare will pay for it. We were looking at vehicles yesterday but right now, we can't afford anything. We are still looking for something used that is cheap and in good shape.
May 9, 2018
We didn't think Medicare would, but it did. However rules have changed. Good luck! You might look up "companion wheelchair and see what comes up.
May 9, 2018
They're also known as transport chairs. Costco and most pharmacies carry them here, I don't know about where you live. You may even be able to find a used or new one at a medical supply.
May 9, 2018
Walmart has them for under $200.00. I was blessed to have one given to me for my sister. It's really just a heavy walker with a seat. Which is good because I make her walk every chance I get. There is no physical reason she can't walk, but she has a psychotic delusion that she can't. The chair acts as a bridge between delusion and reality.
May 9, 2018
Fropo, I think you're thinking of the walkers with 4 wheels, right? That's different than the transport chair. The TC is like a wheel chair without arms.
May 10, 2018
Companion wheelchairs don't have big wheels on each side. Only have 4 small ones on the bottom. However it does have arms. We got my mothers at a store that sells wheelchairs.
May 11, 2018
The one my sister has fits the desciptiom given by Elijah13. It has a seat and arms. There's also a detachable bag that fits on the back bar to hold things.
May 11, 2018
Thanks for the info fropo and elijah13, I see the difference now. I googled it.
May 11, 2018
We are looking into getting a motorized scooter with a basket so we can go into stores that don't have motorized shopping buggies. The only that concerns me is the weight. I have enough of a time with his regular wheelchair. I see all the good ideas on here and I thank you all. the biggest thing will be paying for it if Medicare doesn't. We will pray about this and see what happens.
May 11, 2018
God bless you Mamag15. It must be difficult when family is a far distance away. It was nice that you were able to see them for a visit.
May 12, 2018
Thank you sunsetsky. It was a very nice visit. The only thing I don't like is having to see my son's grave. It will be almost 9 years and I still hate seeing it. I wish you could see a picture of what I did to it. It is so pretty. I miss him so much especially with Mother's Day coming up. The alst thing I remember he did for me was to clean the house because he could not afford to buy me something. He left me a note and was worried that it was not good enough. It was the best present I ever got. I still have the note and a small teddy bear he and my daughter both got for me. I do want to go up again this fall but I don't think my husband could handle another trip. It took almost 12 hours where normally it would be 8. I loved spending time with my daughter and Father-in-Law.
May 13, 2018
Would a bus or train be a possibility?
May 14, 2018
No pixi. They don't run up to Northeast part of Pa. We will just visit when we can.
May 5, 2018
I like salsa as long as it's not too "hot" or "spicy".
May 5, 2018
Me too, always ask for mild salsa. Think I'm going to get caught up...was up 3am. one night & next night until 4am. The first night weather radios were going off until then & I think just stress the next night. Don't think we have severe until next weekend. We finally had good rain needed it badly. Pats to the girls from us...daughter sent pictures of her two cats (Whelan & Ace) they have really grown, Whelan is to fat! Hubby took her our larger carrier he needs it.
May 12, 2018
Trying to send you a picture. It looks like I will need your e-mail address. Will write the "staff" again and see if I can do it via this site. You all really have had some storms. Stay safe. I worry about the people in Hawaii and the volcano. That is VERY scary!
May 13, 2018
Yes that is Very scary...don't need them. I gave them permission for them to give it to you...but still haven't heard from them.
May 13, 2018
Just got and e-mail from C4J that they will be sending your email to me and mine to we are getting closer!! Yea! YeaY
May 8, 2018
Yummy my favorite kind of food!!!
May 5, 2018
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
May 5, 2018
Back at ya!
May 5, 2018
Si, si! Gratias and buenos dias.
May 5, 2018
My city has a parade to celebrate this holiday
May 6, 2018
My city had a 3 day festival. My sister and her daughters and I went yesterday, it was fun even though it would have been better if it hadn't rained which made temperature cooler than what we were supposed to have.
May 6, 2018
I prefer the cheese dip
May 5, 2018
Good stuff!!
May 5, 2018
Looks yum!
May 5, 2018
Never do a "food-puzzle" when you're hungry!
May 5, 2018
That's as bad as going grocery shopping when you're hungry. I totally agree with you!
May 5, 2018
Yep I've done just that - went to the store hungry and a few times episodes - forgot to eat breakfast and lunch. I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out and had blurry vision. Had to got to the doc last yr. and mention this situation. He says well no wonder you didn't have any blood flow to the brain.
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