Reception Cookies Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle of a tray of cookies. The heart shaped cookies are decorated for a wedding with the word love.


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Oct 11, 2015
I am so blessed I just have to share. I have recently started a regimen of high doses of vitamin B12 i(1000 units twice a week) n hopes of relieving fibromyalgia. The results have been nothing less than miraculous! I feel so much better I have been able to work in my yard again and am finally finishing up some projects around the house. I painted the rails on my deck this morning! I can't tell you how many months it has been waiting to be finished. God is so very good.

God bless you all and may He grant each of you your own special miracle.
Oct 11, 2015
Yay, nlb - so very happy for you!
Oct 11, 2015
Praise God! So glad you are able to do things and feel productive again.
Oct 11, 2015
Wonderful! What a blessing!
Oct 11, 2015
Thank you for sharing. That is good news. And yes, God is so very good!
Oct 12, 2015
Nlb, vitamin B12 is truly a miracle drug! It even helps lessen my neuropathy. So glad you had such good results - and it's much less expensive than prescription drugs that don't always work, too. I take 1, 000 units daily.
Oct 12, 2015
My sister has fibromyalgia also. She says the best therapy is to keep moving. It is nice to hear you found something that works for you. :)
Dec 30, 2017
Hi hlb, is that B12 still working for you? My friend has fibro and I just suggested your regimen to her, she's going to try it.
Dec 31, 2017
Yes. The B12 is still working. I am no longer getting injections. I am now using 5000 mcg liquid sublingual daily. By going sublingual, much more of it gets into the body instead of getting filtered out through the liver. And I must concur with mamag15, keeping moving helps too.
Dec 31, 2017
Thanks for the update, I'm glad to hear it's still helping. Have a blessed new year
Oct 11, 2015
Good morning friends just a little update my surgery went well but the doctor says that there is very little of my knee joint left so require a knee replacement. Timing will all depend on recovery from this op and of course I will have to see what is happening with my husband. We are currently been spoilt by a live in carer who loves cooking she is from Bulgaria so we are also been treated to a different cuisine I will have to watch the calories been cooked for and less active
Oct 11, 2015
Relax. Get better. Glad the surgery went well. See if there is some outside the body support for your knee before you get another operation. If you don't mind how it looks it could save you doing that maybe?????
Oct 11, 2015
So glad to hear your surgery went well and that y'all are being spoiled by your care giver.

My hubby needed knee surgery and his surgeon, rather than replacing the knee, did a surgery procedure where he resurfaced the bones and the knee cap with titanium and teflon.
Oct 11, 2015
I've had both knees replaced. The first one hurt for awhile, but the second one took no time at all to heal. The key is exercise Before the surgery so that the muscles can heal faster. Then continue with therapy afterwards.

On a side note: my uncle was the inventor of the artificial knee! He carved the first prototype out of balsa wood and a piece of soap. When he refined things a little, he took a homeless man who couldn't walk anymore, put him in the hospital, and gave him a new knee. The man walked out of the hospital the next day with no pain! My uncle presented his findings to the Mayo Clinic and received a standing ovation. He then sold the patent rights to someone for ten thousand dollars...No street smarts!
Oct 11, 2015
Ah well, I hope the recognition from the medical community and knowledge of the good that came from his work made up for the lack of monetary reward.
Oct 11, 2015
Like many others, I, too, have had knee replacements. I'm glad I did and sorry I didn't do it sooner! Guess I figured if I had survived having born 8 children, including twins, that I could endure just about anything. Anyway, other than "beeping" when I go through airport security, no problems. And, obviously, security is used to all that commotion by now since lots of us have had similar replacements somewhere in the body. My thoughts are that as long as technology continues to update body parts, I'm good to go!
Oct 11, 2015
And now it costs $10, 000 for just one knee replacement! And you don't walk the next day with no pain, either.
Oct 11, 2015
I hope that you heal up soon! God bless.
Oct 11, 2015
Hope everything goes great and that you feel better soon! You will be in my thoughts and prayers:)
Oct 12, 2015
When I had my op they cleared up a lot of debri and cut away some of the bone spurs to help with the pain, although I will have to wait a while for the replacement thanks to the good old NHS I will not have to pay either. I have been doing exercises since April and continuing with them to keep the muscles stronger and aid recovery. Thanks all of you for your prayers and best wishes. What an interesting story about your uncle Joyce
Oct 12, 2015
Good job, crly! I pray all the clean up helps with the pain and that you don't have to face the replacement for a long time. Keep up those exercises!

I have been praying for both you and your husband. Watching someone you love go through the end of life can be devastating, but it can also be beautiful if you view it as birth in reverse. I don't know if you are a believer or not, but when I was with my father during that time, he kept getting glimpses of heaven that he shared with me. It's too long of a story to type on here, but it suffices to say any doubts I ever had about heaven are gone! I can't wait to crawl out of this old, decrepit body and into Jesus' arms. I'm going to dance!

God bless...
Oct 12, 2015
Ha! The 'ole Martha Stewart style!
Oct 11, 2015
Those look like they took a really long time to decorate - cookies that probably are more for decoration than eating. There would have to be a separate batch of cookies with minimal decorating for eating.
Oct 11, 2015
I agree Jamie....looks too sweet to eat. Can you say sugar coma???
Oct 12, 2015
I can say it, but I haven't reached one yet. ;-)
Oct 11, 2015
Love never fails, but people do.

"Whenever you think it's the end, it's probably just the start of something else." Jen Gotch

"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved."
– Hellen Keller

Good night, God bless all of you. Hugs.
Oct 11, 2015
Nighty night aussie - hugs back at you
Oct 11, 2015
Good morning, aussie! Once again both of your quotes hit me right where it helps. God bless you. and hugs back your way.
Oct 12, 2015
The love quote is very true, aussie. It's only through adversity that our characters are formed and our strengths are discovered. May this be a day of discovery for you.
Oct 11, 2015
Oct 11, 2015
Pretty cookies interesting puzzle
Oct 11, 2015
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone
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