Playful Shepherd Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a German Shepherd dog. The dog is playing with a toy soccer ball.

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Oct 21, 2019
" ---- all the better to hear you with! "
Oct 21, 2019
Before I was born, my mother and the mailman had several conversations about my family's dog, Teddy, and her reaction to a new baby ---- Competition? That would be a problem.'
On one of my first outings in my carriage on the porch the mailman arrived and Teddy who was resting by my carriage greeted him with a low growl! The mailman reported to my mother that Teddy was not a threat to the baby --- she was the baby's protector!
Oct 21, 2019
Teddy was part chow.
Feb 24, 2018
I love German Shehards. they are so intelligent.
Jul 19, 2017
Good dog!
Jul 19, 2017
For some reason, I am afraid of German Shepards, but I am happy for this pup. Somebody loves him very much--wide open spaces, fresh new toy & getting his picture taken. Family across the street have a lovely female & her name is Greta, but she surely is a good protector.
Jul 19, 2017
I am afraid of German Shepards too. My dad had a one and he trained it to be mean. It bit my above my eye and thank God I did not lose. I do not blame the dog but, I am still scared to death of them. It is weird though because I had Shepard Husky and she was the most playful thing. Even when she got old, she thought she was a puppy. Shepards are a beautiful dog.
Jul 20, 2017
I was bitten by a Dalmatian when I was about three, and was terrified of dogs for many years. Finally my parents got a puppy (Dachshund/poodle mix) and took me to the local Red Cross puppy training classes. Teaching the pup taught me not to be afraid; everyone there had puppies (some big, some tiny) and watching adults make mistakes and then get it right helped me gain confidence. We were also taught how to interact safely with strange dogs, such as ignoring the "look a dog in the eye and they'll run away" nonsense that was going the rounds in the sixties.
Oct 6, 2017
BayGrannie and mamag, a lot of people are afraid of German Shepherds because they have a reputation of being aggressive and/or dangerous. Those dogs that fit that description have been taught by their owners to be that way. I have had four German Shepherds over my lifetime and they have been raised with love, attention and kindness, traits that they learned to use toward people. One of the big things about German Shepherds is that they are VERY, VERY protective of their family (aka "pack"). That is why I always cautioned people who wanted to approach my shepherd to stand still and let the dog approach them. I, of course, kept a taught leash in the event the dog felt or looked threatened by anything and I had to pull him back. But none of my shepherds ever hurt anyone and, once a little 'relationship' was established between the dog and a new 'friend', the dog was always very happy for love and pets.
That being said, there are some breeds that should especially be looked out for as they can be aggressive under certain circumstances: German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Dobermans, Chows, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Bull Terriers, Bull dogs, Great Danes, and Pit Bulls.
All dogs should be respected and raised and socialized with love, tenderness and respect. I know I'm 'talking to the choir' here.
Oct 6, 2017
PS: Don't ever let a German Shepherd get bored. They will dig holes the size of graves, pull vines off garden walls, and pull anything off the garage walls it can reach. I speak from experience.
Oct 7, 2017
A bored dog is a destructive dog, no matter what breed or size. A girl I knew years ago would leave a cocker spaniel alone all day while she worked, and then wondered why the dog tore the wallpaper off the walls, chewed everything in reach, etc.
Oct 6, 2017
What a magnificent looking animal. Love, love, love German Shepherds.
Jul 20, 2017
Looks like he had a good time. Sorry, I've been away for the past couple of days. I've been running around doing errands and trying to get things done for the late husband. Death is draining for those trying to grieve and deal with the red tape that has to be dealt with afterwards.
Oct 6, 2017
Olamae I only just now saw your post and I hope that God in his great mercy is providing you strength and peace.
Jul 19, 2017
Beautiful dog and looks as though he is having some fun.

QUOTES - "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." —Albert Schweitzer

"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you." –Oprah Winfrey - END

Not sure I agree with the "energy of the universe" though, that energy for me at least is a loving God who guides us.

Jul 19, 2017
I agree with you, aussie. The rest of Oprah's quote is good advice, just follow God's leading.
Jul 19, 2017
That quote came from Oprah - more like Maya Angelo - have always wondered what her issue with Hermes and that purse. Oprah claims the store employees were rude to her. Maybe that' s when she was in Paris - sometimes they can seem unfriendly. I'll never forget being in Italy and one day we were asked to leave the store. They were going to lunch and locking up the store.
Jul 19, 2017
:) hugs
Jul 20, 2017
Awww thx haven't felt well all week. Migraines, back and tummy pain. Yes I've been to the doctor. Wasn't feeling well in the store - today I told hubby in the store what I needed for his bday cake. Then he starts questioning me why I'm buy the item. I was in pain too in the store.
Jul 20, 2017
Looks like my daughters dog..Lady Regina Dixie Lee...Dix or Dixie for short
Jul 19, 2017
Actually, it looks like a worn out, once playful dog. Much like I look right now.

God bless you all.
Jul 19, 2017
I was thinking the same thing, nlb - looks like he's getting some grey in his coat.
Jul 19, 2017
Dear nlbuchanan I hope your ok, also did you get my message thanking you & a few other words. Take care & God bless you love Wendy xxxx.
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