Piercy Island Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of Piercy Island off the coast in North Island of New Zealand. The rock formation is more commonly known as the hole in the rock. The hole was formed by wind and crashing waves over centuries.

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Mar 18, 2017
Quickly looking at it, I thought it was an animal! Strange rock formation.
May 7, 2024
I agree, elijah13 --- it looks like a prehistoric elephant --- with a rather thick trunk to the left.
Feb 17, 2018
Such beautiful green water. Reminds of some of the caves along the coast of Okinawa. We week-ended on the beaches every week end
Jan 23, 2016
Did as a mystery
I think I will go bac for a little nap
didn't sleep good last night
Jan 23, 2016
At first glance, it looked like a huge elephant standing in the water.
Apr 16, 2015
This looks like it should be the home of some rare sea bird - it looks like it's isolated enough for some birds or other animals to make their home there.

To me, it kind of looks like a wolf drinking water.
Oct 21, 2014
Yes, it does look like some kind of animal! Can you see the weird mouth? LOL!!!!!!!
Apr 7, 2014
Quite the rock of an island!
Jan 30, 2013
My imagination is running wild this morning, the rock looks like a Bison enjoying a drink, its head is on the right with the hole in the rock forming its neck, the hump of the rock is its back and the legs are in the water. Thats my silliness for the day have a good one.
Jan 30, 2013
Agreed! This does look like it could be a Bison, or some other large animal. And I don't think it is at all silly. Or perhaps I enjoy silly.
Jan 30, 2013
As soon as I read your message I could see the bison too!
Jan 30, 2013
I didn't think that until I read your comment but now I see what you are saying.
Jan 30, 2013
It's fun looking for hidden things. I can see two faces along the rock fold by the inlet. One at the top looks like it's going Ooooo! The one at the bottom is smiling. That's only in the thumbnail view.
Jan 30, 2013
It is a Bison/Buffalo! Wonderful.
Jan 30, 2013
Good imagination, great minds think a like I also thought it looked like an animal
Jan 30, 2013
What an imagination you have! I can see the bison too!
Jan 30, 2013
It does! I didn't realise that until I saw your comment! :D
Jan 30, 2013
31/1: Oh, yes - it is, too! Or maybe the mammoth in Ice Age 2!!
Jan 30, 2013
Funny you mentioned it I can see the bison too!!!!!!!!
Jan 31, 2013
I like this one.
Feb 5, 2013
Earlier I was looling at and thought I saw a forrest with a bunch of animals. At the bottom left corner is a couple of ducks or swans. At the top on left two foxes are walking toward the fold in the rock and just under them is a wild horse running towards us. Oh and just above the swans is a monkey with his hands over his ears like the hear no evil monkey. And all the green spots are trees and shrubs. Just thought I was really getting crazy in my old age until I read where all of you were seeing things in the rock.
Feb 5, 2013
Thats a lot nicer than old bison
Feb 5, 2013
6 Feb: Hey, jldenney, crazy is good!! And you've got me going now - I can see them, too. But I really must stop looking for more, and go and do useful things!
Feb 6, 2013
Puzzling is a useful thing it keeps the brain active, I hope, 6, 2. 13,
Mar 23, 2013
Reminds me of a rock we have on the northern California coast (which is much rockier than southern CA) it's called pachyderm or elephant rock. However, you are right, this looks more like a bison than an elephant. They are just both getting a drink of water.
Feb 12, 2013
Rockin good.
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