Peppers Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle of fresh peppers. The colorful peppers will be added to a healthy dish.


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Jan 30, 2018
I love peppers!!!
Jan 27, 2018
Green peppers were all I ever saw in the grocery stores in upstate NY until other colors became common in the last 15 years or so. Since I found out that green ones are not ripe, I have stopped eating them. They are very hard to digest, as are green tomatoes. Thank God and the pepper growers for the ramp up in red, orange, and yellow pepper production. Red ones are very good for us, and often are offered for sale at reduced prices. We buy a few extra to clean, halve, and freeze until the next sale pops up!
Jan 26, 2018
I can handle all except the green peppers ---- and hot Italian peppers.
The rest of them and I get along well!
Jan 26, 2018
One of my favorite dishes is stuffed peppers. Luv 'em!!!! Also love stuffed cabbage. Maybe I'm just an old stuffed shirt myself...just saying.
Jan 23, 2018
Good morning to all my fellow puzzlers, hope your will be as bright as this puzzle. Puzzle wasn't too hard. Loved the bright colors, look so cheerful together. You all be safe.
Jan 23, 2018
That is supposed to " hope your day will be ax bright as this puzzle", guess it didn't wake me as much as I thought lol!!!
Jan 23, 2018
This is not going to be my day. That is supposed to be as not ax. Have to go to have a mamagram today, maybe I shouldn't go the way my morning has started, or maybe should go back to bed and get up again lol!! ;-)
Jan 23, 2018
Good luck with your mammo.
Jan 23, 2018
Oh, dear darambo! If you only knew how often I make mistakes like that, you would feel like a pro! lol I made my living as an admin asst, using typewriters, then computers the whole time, sometimes working a second job doing the same thing. Just this post alone, I've had to use the backspace key several times. I'm at the point now where I just laugh at myself and go on!
Jan 23, 2018
Mornin' darambo! I'm always surprised at the errors I find in the things I type before proofreading before posting -- and even after posting, I've seen errors I've made. Facebook allows you to edit your posts, and that would be a nice upgrade for C4J techs to code. Hope your mammogram wasn't too uncomfortable and shows everything OK.
Jan 23, 2018
Dear darambo - I am sure there are gremlins who delete letters and change words on here lol But it is usually aussie errors and being in too much of a hurry. Let us know how you got on with the mammogram. Hugs.
Jan 23, 2018
I usually see all of my errors; the moment after I post them. LOL
Jan 24, 2018
Aussie and all my puzzlers who made me feel better about all my errors--- thanks lol!!!! ;-D Mammogram went just fine, no problems thank God. You all stay safe and thanks for your concern.
Jan 24, 2018
I hate mammograms - I think the purpose is to see how far off the floor they can lift you - ouch!!! Hugs darambo and glad it was all clear.
Jan 23, 2018
Nasty food. Peppers and I do not get along at all.
Jan 23, 2018
Wonder how many folks are allergic to peppers? I am, too, but it only developed about 3 years ago. Loved hot Mexican food and had a wonderful chili verde burrito one evening, only to find about 3 to 4 hours later that my bottom lip was quite swollen. Glad it wasn't my throat! So, no more chili verde for me. Then I started to notice that the salsa with jalapeno peppers caused itching. Now I can't eat any peppers. Then all kinds of spices caused problems. Wish there were an antidote.
Jan 23, 2018
Benedryl and Zyrtec, both antihistamines, help with allergic reactions, from food to insect stings. Wouldn't use it daily, but when you want to enjoy some spicier foods, it make let you enjoy them.
Jan 24, 2018
Thanks, aknan. I've used the generic for Claratin (sp? ) occasionally, but I get awfully depressed when almost anything I eat that isn't bland causes problems. And I understand that long term use of many antihistamines may cause Alzheimer's. Zyrtec is the safest -- doesn't have the same kinds of active ingredients as Benedryl and Claratin, but it doesn't work the same for my skin allergies for some reason. Again, though, thanks for pitching in with a good suggestion. Happy puzzling!
Jan 24, 2018
I LOVE "green" peppers.
Jan 24, 2018
Very colorful
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