Outdoor Chairs Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of two wooden chairs in the grass. The chairs are holding white flower vases.


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May 11, 2017
I think this is the 4th. time I've done this one
my mystery today
Feb 7, 2015
At about 2:30 this morning Hazel went to sleep and woke with Jesus

She has been praying to do that for a good while

I will miss her but I can't be sad because she is not hurting any
Feb 7, 2015
I am sorry for your loss but also glad that Hazel's pain and trials are over. God be with you dbnc.
Feb 8, 2015
Thank you
Feb 8, 2015
So very sorry for your loss
Feb 8, 2015
So sorry for your loss dbnc2. Our prayers and love go out to you to be strong. How long were you together?
Feb 9, 2015
She was 90 Jan 11 -2014
I am 87-2014
there was 9 children and I am the last one
Feb 9, 2015
What a wonderful reunion you will all have in Heaven!
Feb 9, 2015
So sorry to hear that. But now Jesus has a beautiful new angel in heaven.
Feb 10, 2015
Thank all you all for your loving words
I went tonight to night to the visitation
many family and friends were there
the funeral will be tomorrow
Apr 1, 2015
Dbnc2 I just now got up to your post on February 7 as I am still way behind on comments and puzzles but I am into February now and am also going ahead to March puzzles, well April now to keep up that way too.
Anyway saw how you posted about your sister Hazel and I am so sorry I didn't see this sooner. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you are doing ok. Do you have any other brothers and sisters that are still around and that live near you? I hope so.
You mentioned there were 9 children and you are the last one but I didn't know if you meant you are the baby of the 9 or the last one left.
I also had 9 children but lost my youngest at birth and she would of turned 16 if she had lived this March that just passed on the 13th. That was a very hard time for me because we never knew her and have no memories since it was at birth.
That is the one thing you do have that I wish I would of had is all the memories of all your time together over the years and your sister had a long life so I am sure you have a lot of good memories that you will cherish.
I lost a sister years ago who had 4 children and her youngest 2 were too young and grew up not knowing their mother and that was a very hard time for everyone but especially my Dad and Mom but I know it was hard for those kids of hers.
Even though I am late finding out about your sister it is still not been long for you and I know how much you loved your sister by your comments. As soon as I saw it I was oh no and I am just finding out because of being so far behind when my dental problem started in again. I just had to contact you even if I am late but know that I am thinking of you and again I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you are ok.
Apr 1, 2015
Seaview thank you so much for your kind thoughts
I made a mistake in my note
I was 87 Jan. 10th. 2015
Hazel was 90 Jan 11th 2015
and yes I am the youngest of 9 and the last living
there was 3 boys and 6 girls
my mama died when I was 2 and a half and
I don't remember her
we were a loving family and I do miss all of them but they are with mama and papa and waiting for me
it's odd but the girls died in the order they were born
Apr 2, 2015
Dbnc2 you had to of had a loving family to of had 9 children in the family and with your mother dying when you were only 2 and a half everyone must of all pitched in to help and make it work. That's what I call a awesome family.
I bet you have plenty of stories you could tell too!
Apr 2, 2015
Thank you for you kind thoughts
Sep 4, 2016
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Our family has lost 9 relatives in 9 years. I certainly understand about missing those we've lost. Certain days are really hard - bdays, xmas and anniversaries.
Feb 8, 2016
I just got a surprise
I did a mystery puzzle and looked down a couple comments
saw where on Feb7th I did this puzzle and told about my sister dyeing
Jun 17, 2015
If it ever quit raining here we can enjoy this.
Mar 15, 2015
Peaceful setting and nice looking outdoor chairs.
Feb 7, 2015
Je pense que c'est parfait pour une journée de détente. I love that the French word for day is journée. Makes it seem that each one holds an adventure. And here that adventure is nothing more than a time spent with a dear friend, the one who makes your life more special. Happy Saturday all! Bon journée!
Feb 7, 2015
Seems no accent marks allowed here so have a journee de detente, relaxing day.
Feb 7, 2015
Thank you, ghoul, and the same to you.
Feb 7, 2015
That is nice to have the word for day be journey. Thank you for sharing that, ghoulsnite.
Mar 5, 2015
I thought so too, you're welcome pixi.
Feb 7, 2015
There are similar chairs in our garden, with cushions on them, very comfy. With me around the flowers would have to go or be spilt.
I pray that you will all have a peaceful weekend basking in the warmth of the Love of God.
Feb 7, 2015
Thank you, barbaranne. You, too.
Feb 7, 2015
Thanks Barbaranne, and the same to you.
Feb 7, 2015
Lovely barbaranne - how is your leg? Hugs.
Feb 7, 2015
I do not think that C4J would be tolerant with me if I told you bluntly how my leg is, so I will try and be polite. It is the worse pain I have ever had and it leaves me depressed, the only thing that will take the pain away and leave me like a zombie is morphine and its derivatives. The Proffessor cannot understand it, but being the man he is tries everything he can to help, and I see him often, I have told him that if he think amputation will cure it to go ahead, all he says is that would just bring a bigger load of problems. I am grateful to you all for your prayers and concern which comes I'm sure from christian love, thank you for the hug I shall treasure it. God bless
Feb 7, 2015
I wish I could take it away, Barbaranne. I will pray again tonight.
Feb 7, 2015
I think there is something in us all that wishes we could take away a dear friend's pain. It really is hard sometimes to understand what is God's will in all these things, but He does have a purpose. God bless you barbaranne and you too pixi. Hugs.
Feb 8, 2015
Barbaranne, why does the Professor think that amputation "would just bring a bigger load of problems? " What kinds of problems? How much worse could it be than the torment you've already been through? I will keep praying.
Feb 8, 2015
Barbaranne I am so sorry that you are having so much pain
love and prayers
Feb 9, 2015
Trynfindit, amputation would bring with it even worse pain, phantom pain from the missing limb, also the possiblities of ulcers at the stump end if artifical limbs were less than perfect. I know that one day the pain will be no more and then I can have a life again. I am very lucky to have the sisters here who do every thing possible to keep my spirits up, and you wonderful people as well who hold me in prayer, what else could I want?!!
Feb 10, 2015
I would also wonder if your professor didn't fear the amputation would not heal since your ulcer won't.
You have such beautiful faith, Barbaranne. God bless you.
Feb 10, 2015
Barbaranne, so if the ulcers you get now won't heal, then the assumption is that any ulcers post-amputation probably wouldn't heal either. Makes sense. I'll keep praying.
Feb 13, 2015
Barbaranne, just now finding this update. Prayers going out for you. Cyber hugs coming your way too!
Feb 9, 2015
Great puzzle helping us all know that Spring isn't far away. Think I will pick that one lonely dandelion! LOL
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