Old Encyclopedias Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of three encyclopedia books. The worn books are displayed on a shelf.


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Jun 20, 2018
"La Grande" puzzle! A challenge!
Jun 20, 2018
Did it as a Mystery --- and it was for awhile!
Sep 3, 2017
My mystery for today
Mar 9, 2017
I can remember having Encyclopedia Britticana and World Book for years. Loved World Book. Used it alot while in school. No computers then--not even electric typewriters--only manual ones. I still have my old Royal typewriter and have it displayed in my house. Had it in the case for years but got moldy so cleaned it up and displayed it. Also have our thermos from grade school displayed also.My typewriter is about 65 years old and the thermos a little older. This puzzle brought back memories.
Mar 9, 2017
I recall those books as well. We had the World Book series. The series had a stand too.
Mar 9, 2017
We had both of those sets of books. World Book had its stand and my dad built one for the Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Mar 10, 2017
We had Brittanica only. It had a lot of words but not many pictures. I always liked the World Book better. I used that at the school library.
Mar 10, 2017
Yes, I liked the World Book set better too. How many students do you suppose that set of books helped over the years? Do young people now have such a reference other than the internet? One can't, it seems, even always depend on the internet to be correct.
Mar 10, 2017
You're right about that. I think Google is the new encyclopedia. It's great in some ways, but there is so much bad info on the internet too. They have to know how to discern bad from good. Maybe teachers only allow them to use certain sites for reports.
Mar 12, 2017
I don't like Google. I use Bing.
Mar 12, 2017
Yeah well Bing can have incorrect answers as well. My husband asked me a question about a cast member from the movie The Breakfast Club. He wanted to know the blond actors name from the movie. I looked at Bing and the actor wasn't even listed. The actors name was Anthony Michael Hall.
Mar 13, 2017
Yes, I know none of them are perfect. But I prefer Bing over Google.
Mar 17, 2017
My husband and I went over to the UK to visit his family. It was our second visit. We were told to leave room for big books. We did. And....we came home with their set of World Book. My husband had it in his room when he was going to school so they wanted him to have it. And now it resides in the bookcase in the upper hallway.
Mar 17, 2017
I've been to London a couple of times. The 2nd time I went my father took the grand kids. He hired an european travel company. The name is so cute and they took care of everything. Air, hotel and even restaurant reservations. They also took care of the tickets at the attractions.
Mar 18, 2017
My family and his family live in the UK. His parents are now deceased. My parents are still alive but both now have cancer. Father and stepmother in the UK and mother is in Canada. Finances will not allow me to go to the UK and maybe that's better as I am Daddy's girl, even now.
Mar 9, 2017
The original Google!
Mar 9, 2017
You have that right cannj. I love hearing pages turn and the smell of books. Everything is so high tech anymore. I think it takes the joy out of actual reading. I know there are people in the church I go to use electronic devices. Our pastor often says he loves the sound of pages from the Bible being turned. Nothing like that beautiful sound. Have a blessed day.
Mar 10, 2017
I can't imagine reading the bible on an electronic device! The pages of a bible have such a special feel to them. I love having an actual book to read, reading on the laptop gives me a headache. Blessings.
Mar 10, 2017
Amen to that cannj. I hate ereaders. Books are so much better.Have a blessed day.
Mar 17, 2017
And I like both. I don't lose books to folk who forget to return them when it's on an ereader. Plus I can read at night as the screen lights up. I don't need a light when reading on the way home in the car. No, no headache here!
Mar 13, 2017
The kids today would have no idea what this is
Mar 11, 2017
Not only old encyclopedias, but french ones, interesting!
Mar 10, 2017
I love Books
Mar 10, 2017
All I have now which reminds me of these good 'ol books is my Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary Set!!!! Yes I use them all the time, lol! They even have the real gold trim, I love books in this style covers!
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