Napping Dog Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 20, 2021
That's one tired puppy! Either tired or he's scratching his back in the grass.
I wonder how the little guy in the background fits in.
Jan 20, 2021
My Jack Russell slept that way often. She did prefer to sleep in her "nest" of blankets though.
Jan 20, 2021
When my dachshund, Penney, slept like that, she snored!
Jul 19, 2024
Four years later --- I have figured it out!
Mama Dog is demonstrating for her pup --- "When you want a belly-rub, assume this position --- and a loving hand will reach out and rub, rub, rub!!!
Jul 22, 2024
That's got to be it, Jamp124!
Jul 3, 2023
Happiness is a nice patch of grass to roll around in.
Jul 3, 2023
...or go to sleep.
Jun 13, 2023
It was hard to see the pieces. Lying on their backs means they are happy & trustful
Aug 22, 2022
Yes, I do like this puzzle. I love dogs.
Apr 15, 2022
One happy dog!
Jan 25, 2022
Such a cute little dog just sleeping away in the grass on a sunny day, while another one is sitting and watching.
Jan 20, 2021
I've had a couple of Jack Russell dogs in the past - delightful, but very naughty they were. For some reason, known only to themselves, they seemed to want to fight with HUGE dogs. One, in particular, specialised in having a go at a local Rottweiller.

He became known as 'Jack the Rottie-killer' - I couldn't walk him near any other dog walkers.

Very good as a burglar alarm ;-).
Jan 20, 2021
My brother had a Jack Russel. He liked to watch the TV. When something he liked to chase went off the screen the dog would jump up and look behind the TV set.
Jan 21, 2021
Hahahaha - they can be such comedians, can't they!
Jan 21, 2021
That dog surely was. We had several dogs--all big. I think a small dog would have been better for the house we now have. Our first house was nice and big and we had an Irish setter for a short time. Of the dogs we had she was my favorite. We were on a dort road that paralleled a state route. My husband liked to "jog" (he and I barely went at a fast walk) and would let the dog (I named her Swanee) run with us. Well she'd take off down the road and be nearly out of sight when she'd realize she was alone and come charging back. Then she'd cock her head at us as if to say, "I thought we were going for a run. What do you call this? "
Jan 22, 2021
I actually prefer larger dogs - favourite has always been the German Shepherd because we had three when I was growing up in the 50's. As a child, I even 'handled them' in the Show Ring at Dog Shows - maybe we won on 'the cute factor' ;-). I live in a fairly small flat (apartment) on an upper floor, so wouldn't be able to have a dog these days - besides not having the mobility for exercising one regularly. I was considering getting another cat - the last one needed to be 'put to sleep' around 8 years ago - but a few neighbours have already got cats, and I wouldn't like to add another to 'the cat's chorus' that goes on during the nights in this area ;-).
Jan 24, 2021
I had to put down our last cat and felt it unfair to get another as we like traveling in the summer and also because any cat we might get might outlive us. Also tired of all the hair and changing the litter trays. I am surprised how little I miss having them...although sometimes...
Jan 25, 2021
...........Yes - I can understand how you can miss those 'kitty cuddles' - but you're also right about the 'litter trays' and 'cat hairs on the furniture'. I well remember the Kennels and Cattery where we used to live. Tiggy-Tiger used to go there for 2 weeks whenever we went on holiday - my 'other half's niece' worked there, and spoiled him rotten. Whenever he came back home, he would ignore us for a couple of days as punishment for abandoning him to his 'Life of Luxury' behind our backs ;-)!
Jan 20, 2021
My grandsons dog sleeps like that
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