Nail Polish Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Aug 30, 2021
I see a color in this puzzle that is on my tootsie's right now. Love getting pedicures, especially when my person massages my legs too. Oooh....I'm in heaven.
Feb 12, 2020
Loved this colorful pic. I get pedi's at least once a month in the summer and every two months in the winter. Never get manicures as the polish thins my nails and then they crack. No sense paying money for polished finger nails anyway, as I just end up breaking them at my library job.
May 21, 2020
My nails shale off and crack. They are very thin but I don't find the gel polish causes them harm. In fact if I can get it on when they aren't too damaged my nails will hold together for a while. Being out in the sun gardening actually helps. It must be the vitamin D.
May 22, 2020
I take vitamin D every morning. I've found since this virus took over and I'm stuck at home due to the library closure, my nails really look great. I think it is due to not handling the books and putting so much stress on them. Still don't think I'll have my nails painted as they chip too easily anyway.
May 26, 2020
I have never had my nails done professionally but I think they adhere a sort of extension to the end of the nail so it doesn't break.
I tried using fake nails and was so unaccustomed to them being long I kept catching them and bending them backwards. Oh boy did that hurt. It was the end of my doing anything to have long nails. I do too much stuff to pamper them--gardening, playing guitar and trying to play piano and for a while I was doing pottery which I hope to get back to if I can just find the time and energy not to mention being Mrs, Fixit since my husband has no know-how for that.
May 27, 2020
You sound like a "Jackie" of all trades. I do miss have a pedi though and will have them done soon.
May 27, 2020
Sort of. It's the reason, according to my husband, I'm master of none. I point out not all JOAT's are losers. Da Vinci was one and nobody considers him a loser eventhough many of his ideas were failures.
Did you know he destroyed one of his frescoes trying to dry it quickly? I'm pretty sure it caught fire although I can't see how that's possible with plaster.
May 27, 2020
HI. I may be mixed up. I can't find any reference to that fresco but they do say he used novel technique on one that caused the painting not to adhere to the wall and it ended up in a puddle on the floor and with the Last Supper he used another novel technoque which has cuased much of the painting to flake apart.
May 21, 2020
Makes me remember being young and having reasons to get dressed up. I have been the same size for over thirty years and have collected and made lots of pretty clothes. With this lockdown not even the one place to dress up--church--is still available. I dress up anyway for the TV Mass we watch Sundays.
Feb 4, 2020
Love the multi-colors in this puzzle. Also, to complete my puzzlement I am curious how the top puzzlers can complete this one so fast. Five to 9 minutes, wow!
Feb 5, 2020
What cut? I do hex and the top time there was 10:44. I came in sixth at 13:22.
Feb 6, 2020
I'm rarely play a Hex (? ) cut instead usually the 192 Classic. This re-opens the question that all the totals are equivalent using the same cut, but if we used different cuts then we are back with that question; why set timing order with different cuts?
Feb 6, 2020
At 85 I've given up trying to get polish to hold. I just use hard as nails to cut down on the splitting!
Feb 4, 2020
When I was in my 40-50 I had gel nails and I would go every 2 weeks to get them touched up. I now have ridges in my nails that will not hold polish. I have been told that gel nails don't cause that, and that gel nails will cause that, but all I know is that I have weird nails now. So, I am perfectly happy with not drawing attention to them. Ah, the wisdom of age. Have a most glorious day with blessings and hugs!
Feb 4, 2020
Nborchardt, if I was there, I'd smooth those nails for you and give you a manicure that ends with a hand massage. That's what I do for my ladies and gent at the nursing home each week.
Feb 4, 2020
Xoxox aknan
Feb 5, 2020
Bless you, aknan!
Feb 5, 2020
I can't use nail polish, neither, due to my chemical sensitivity. However, the puzzle was fun with its pretty colors.
Feb 4, 2020
I'm a Plain Jane --- no nailpolish at all!
Feb 4, 2020
Same here JAMP124. I used to fuss over my nails when I was working, but now, can't be bothered with them. Most of the time, my hands hurt from RA or Renard. Most uncomfortable. :(
Have to say, this is a very colorful puzzle. Quite enjoyable.
it's starting out very cool out here in Weeki, 48 deg. at 5 am. Curled up in a blanket doing this puzzle. In need of a hot cup of tea. Have a great day...:) >^-^<
Feb 4, 2020
Hi Tomandray. Do you mean Raynaud's syndrome? It happens as a secondery response to RA? My husband has primary Raynaud's so it's not as serious as yours. He has had it since I married him...49 years in August.
Feb 4, 2020
We are looking for snow here...cold here today!

"Two kittens are twice as much fun. Three are the best company! And four...who could ask for more! - unknown"

Have a great day!
Feb 4, 2020
You to CatLadyOKC. I saw in this morning nat'l. weather, you were getting snow. Please stay in, stay warm, be safe. There is always tomorrow to go out. I enjoyed your cat quotes. >^-^<
Feb 4, 2020
Don't need to get out until Thursday: I have an hair appt. & it's afternoon, snow should be gone by then.
Feb 4, 2020
I am the same too. There are some who like to be more flashy, but not my taste, though when I see the effort one goes into with their nails, it is nice to look at but I couldn't be bothered.
Feb 5, 2020
My nails shale and are very thin. Right now I have polish on them--a color that blends with my natural color-and it helps with the shaling. I tried artificial nails but because my natural nails seldom grow longer than my finger tips I didn't know how to avoid catching the long artificial nails bending them back. It was so painful I gave up on the idea of long nails. Sometimes I wear a flashy color if I'm doing something special and wearing that color but mostly my nails languish. I have too much to do to baby them.
Feb 5, 2020
I don't use nail polish either Jamp.
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