Modern Living Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a rendering of a living area with modern furniture. Two large vases fit in the center of the coffee table for a nice accent piece.


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Feb 22, 2021
I love to do rooms even though they are not my style. So many items in it and that is what I like to put together.
May 7, 2019
I totally love this pic...Love the lines and the sophisticated use of colour.
Jan 16, 2019
Good morning to all, hope you are all well. Don't like this style of furniture to well. You all take care and be safe.
Jan 16, 2019
With you on that. Imagine bumping a knee on one of those sharp corners --OUCH!
Jan 16, 2019
Not crazy about it either. I do like the roominess though.
Jan 16, 2019
If I lived there the place would be filled with clutter in no time. Those windows would definitely be filled with plants.
Jan 21, 2019
Pixi I'm with you, you can't get to my south facing windows because of my plants. One of my plants is a palm tree that my best friend sent me 25 years ago, shortly before she died. It is very precious to me, also have 3 different orchids and many other plants. I'm sure my hubby would like me to get rid of some of them. I even have a pineapple plant I started from the top. The leaves are about 4 feet long. It takes up a lot of room, no pineapples yet!! Been thinking about giving it away, if I can find someone to take it. Be safe.
Jan 22, 2019
Thanks darambo. You, too. That's awesome that you were able to keep those plants going all those years. My biggest house plant is a croton--I have had it for maybe four or five years. It has gotten too big to move but I used to put it outside in the summer. I have a palm--a very small one from one of the arrangements given us at our son's funeral and also a spider plant. I tried to keep most of the plants alive but only the two I least like have managed. And I have a Christmas cactus my mother gave me. She's dead ten years now and I almost killed that one repotting it but enough of the shoots survived to make a new plant. It's pretty big now. The rest are plants I had started in the summer and are trying to keep going for the next season. Unfortunately more than half are on our sun porch which has no heart and the temperature this morning was -10. I put a half filled bucket of boiling water under a Marhta Washington geranium last night but haven't checked to see if it worked.
Jan 22, 2019
No heat not no heart
Jan 21, 2019
Nice puzzle to do, but I like a different style for myself!
Jan 16, 2019
A little cold looking, but clean, simple and uncluttered.
Jan 17, 2019
That was my first thought, ctjan - the room looks cold. Needs a few colorful pillows, at least, and someone get rid of that chair!
Jan 18, 2019
I agree.
Jan 16, 2019
Good Morning! I would put in some comfortable looking furniture, but I love the large windows! Blessings to all.
Jan 17, 2019
The windows kind of redeem then entire misguided room! I love lots of natural light!
Jan 17, 2019
I love the windows too. I look at the room and wonder where are the hobbies? Maybe there is a big kitchen and they are creative in the kitchen.
Jan 17, 2019
I would love to redecorate it into something comfortable, livable, and much potential.
Jan 17, 2019
Somehow this does not look honey to m. It does not look lived in. The furniture is not my cup of tea
Jan 17, 2019
Not MY style, but it's still uncluttered, nevertheless.
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