Medieval Housing Jigsaw Puzzle

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May 15, 2021
Hi all. Trying to check the posts daily but have so much on my mind no time to puzzle. Hope you are all well and thank you all for your kind wishes. I hope things calm down soon...I am quite nervous from this and can get to sleep but wake up and can't get back worrying.
May 15, 2021
Pixi, you've had a huge upset in your life and it will take time to adjust to the changes it brings. Nervousness and sleeplessness are just two of the manifestations. When my father died, my mother kept lights on in the house at night - the bathroom, bedroom (a bedside lamp on my Dad's side of the bed), kitchen lamp and living room - because it made him feel closer to her. Do whatever you need to do to get through this time, even vocalizing at night, if you wish! Ball up all of your worries, troubles and pains and give it all to God. He's big enough to handle all of them! It's amazing how calm this makes you feel, too. (Speaking from experience, here...) Hugs, dear one. I'll keep praying for you.
May 15, 2021
Loving hugs Pixi.
May 15, 2021
Of course you're nervous your world was just turned upside down. Just remember your heavenly Father is right there carrying you. Give Him your grief and worries. xoxo
May 15, 2021
Pixi I've missed something! Are you ok?
May 15, 2021
When worry keeps you awake thought needs to be silenced. Try breathing thru your stomach and counting, or say a poem in your mind...Do not follow the thoughts...Love
May 15, 2021
I think of you several times a day, Pixi and each time I do I send up a prayer for you. I'll add good sleep to the list. Hugs.
May 15, 2021
Pixi lost her husband suddenly on May 1.
May 15, 2021
Still thinking of you. Take care.
May 15, 2021
Pixi's husband died suddenly and unexpectedly trynfindit. Hugs.
May 15, 2021
Things will calm down Pixi. You've had a terrible shock but you're going to be ok. We all care and are here for you. When I wake up and worry, I practice focusing on my breath which usually lets me get back to sleep. I hope that might help you too. xo
May 15, 2021
Hi Trynfindit. My husband died without warning on May 1. We would have been married 50 years in August. I'm coping. What else can one do?
He was 76 with no history of a heart condition. Family Dr. & ME didn't do an autopsy. Just decided that's what it was. We were talking and planning the evening to watch the final episode of Damages. Neither of us had a clue he would suddenly be taken. He didn't feel a thing they tell me. At least like my son it was a death without pain or fear. He was devoted to Mary and died on May 1 her month and on the feast of St. Joseph (his middle name). It is a consolation. Surely he went straight to heaven. If not I can give up hope of getting there!
May 15, 2021
Thanks, Aussie. Hugs to you, too.
May 17, 2021
Hi Karen, Becky, arlenez, xyxyxy. Thank you for your get back to sleep pointers. Happily I slept well last night. Money worries quickly eat holes in ones soul. A bill being proposed by "my" attorney has upset me especially with my brother convinced (as I am) it is too high. But the thought of trying to terminate a contract I signed and try to get someone else....too much stress. I try to think of Jesus with the Tilapia that had a coin in it's mouth and try to think of it as rendering unto Caesar. It helps enormously.
May 17, 2021
Wow, pixi, I had no idea. I've been on the site less than usual these past weeks. I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's passing but I know from reading your posts that y'all have a solid belief in our Lord. I pray that He give you strength and peace in this very difficult time. Hugs.
May 17, 2021
Thank you Trynfindit. Today I termnated my lawyer. I didn't even get to first base using her. The contract was so bad I had to pull out. She was really nasty...said to me she never had anyone "make a stink" about the thing I objected to. Not a nice person. you hire a lawyer to protect your interests. Seems to me she forgot what her job is.
May 18, 2021
Glad you terminated that lawyer. What a piece of work she is (not the words I'd like to use), especially in your current circumstances. Placing your trust in our Lord is definitely the right thing to do. <><
May 18, 2021
I'm glad you had the courage to terminate your lawyer and pray you find someone with your best interests at heart.
May 18, 2021
Sorry I am late I saw it several days ago
so sorry to hear about your dear one
Those we love never go away
They walk beside us every day
Unseen unheard but always near
So loved
loved so missed So very dear
i retired Jan. 1 1990 my husband died June 23 1990
we were married Nov. 9 1946
i know he is in a better place
i am 93 yrs. old
God bless you
May 19, 2021
Dbnc2, God bless you for being 93 years old! :)
May 24, 2021
It has been a hectic week. A friend of my husband has a brother who is a retired lawyer. There is only one piece of value I need to get a court paper about but it holds all else in limbo.
They are helping me fill out the form out of the kindness of their hearts.
I told my sister-in-law what went on and she wanted me to contact the powers that be and get the bad disbarred. I just couldn't go through doing that. She was unhappy I wouldn't so I finally said if someone else lodges a complaint I would support them and that seemed to satisfy her.
May 15, 2021
What a pretty place. nhoward, I agree. I have a list of just buildings.
May 15, 2021
What a lovely neighborhood!
May 15, 2021
Yeah! Used 154 Diamonds
May 15, 2021
May 13, 2021
What a lovely picture and fun puzzle! I love puzzles like this. Thank you, Crazy4Jigsaws!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day of love and blessings.
May 13, 2021
It almost looks like the trees are growing on top of the houses. Nice puzzle to do. Would be a nice view from the top of the hill.
Still working on my closets. Not too far from the end. Never thought I had so many clothes and are not doing much anymore so going to let someone else wear them.
"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing". Mother Teresa
Hopefully everyone will have a very good day.
May 13, 2021
The very best result of every kindness is that it helps both the giver and receiver and it is always free. Great results!
May 13, 2021
I love seeing pictures of old settings and buildings like this. Fun puzzle.
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