Library of Congress Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jul 5, 2023
Today is July 4, 2023. I am trying to give myself a day of freedom but an apple tree in my front yard fell over yesterday. I cut off many branches. They were heavy with apples which I think toppled the tree along with a lot of rain. I should go out witht he chain saw and cut it up some more but it is so hot and muggy I think I will wait another day.
Jan 28, 2020
Agree - Beautiful building. Ugh! End up in the ER twice in 2 days. Gallstones and fractured toe. Then rushed to the ER and have surgery. Then a few days later hubby passes. I really miss him! Can't count how many times I've cried.
Jan 28, 2020
I am so sorry, carolsapple. You will be in my prayers and as well as your husband. One of my friend's husband died last month. It was a shock, and cries. Cry all you want. That is a terrible loss and I remember how my mom felt when my dad died. Prayers are being said.
Jan 28, 2020
When did your husband pass, carolsapple? I am so sorry for all the trauma you have been experiencing! May God bless and comfort you.
Jan 29, 2020
Carol, so sorry to hear of your husband's passing. Prayers that God brings you strength and peace.
Jan 29, 2020
So sad for you Carolsapple. God bless you. Hugs.
Jan 30, 2020
Carolsapple, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. Go ahead and cry - God gave us tears to help us bear the worst of sorrows. Know that he's in God's loving hands, held close to His breast for the best of comfort. He holds you, too.
Feb 20, 2020
Ugh! Then his niece was asking me if I have the necessary funds to bury or cremate him. He passed on Dec. 1st. I then developed an infection in the gut from an overuse of antibotics. 4 weeks on an antibotic - very common. Then his niece was asking me if I'm okay? Then a couple weeks ago she texts me and says that I'm mean and disrespectful? Then why do you keep trying to argue with me? lol Then she says oh were just trying to help you - I think not! She wants to control what I did with him and I told her that I'd take care of it and did. Almost 20 years together.
Feb 20, 2020
Then my sister claimed that she told everyone about his passing. Truth is she didn't tell anyone. Sad but true.
Feb 21, 2020
Oh, Carolsapple, people can be so cruel. It's especially hurtful at the time of great loss. Praying for your comfort and good health.
Feb 21, 2020
Sometimes family can be a bother, but then they stop that and become the people we love again. You are in my prayers.
Feb 24, 2020
For some weird reason I feel like I'm in an episode of the tv show Seinfeld. His niece contacted me and was complaining that grandma - hubby's mother won't return her calls. I explained to her that she's grieving. At the time of his death I was aksed if his family knew by the nurse. I replied No. The nurse then stated "Could you plz contact his mother and tell her the news". I just couldn't make that call and tell her that. His condition was managed and he got worse in the beginning of Oct. then was transported to another hospital in the middle of Nov. I believe that he got worse over there because he was on a heart and lung machine. Sedated and intubated. I myself wrote family members and nothing. I thought an aunt and uncle would definitely contact me - I sent them an xmas card, a note and contacted the aunt via Facebook. Not one call or card from anyone. This has just made this situation even harder. My sis says oh we care but their actions tell me that they don't.
Feb 24, 2020
You are in my prayers, carolsapple. I am so sorry your family has deserted you when you needed them the most.
Feb 25, 2020
Then his niece was asking me if I have the necessary funds to bury or cremate him. Then messaging me using the words easier? I recall myself being in the hospital with tests for a couple days and on the 2nd day he walks in and says oh c plz get better. It's not the same at home and I miss you.
Feb 26, 2020
I am so sorry this happened to you carolsapple. No one should have to face a loss like this one alone. I know I speak for all the Puzzlers when I say we are here and you are in our prayers.
Feb 3, 2020
Impressive building erected by skilled craftsmen as well as many laborers, probably immigrants.
Jan 29, 2020
Jan 29, 2020
Wonderful looking building.
Jan 29, 2020
And perfectly, beautifully amazing on the inside!! :)
Jan 28, 2020
A beautiful building but not an easy puzzle to do.
Will find out today about Tabby's blood work. Hopefully she has shown some improvement.

"Don't let yesterday take up too much of today". Will Rogers
Jan 28, 2020
Hope Tabby does well in the results. Is it thyroid? >^-^<
Jan 28, 2020
Down a little in 2 things but the vet wasn't worried. Just keep her on the medication. Bringing Cleo in next week. She is always wanting to eat which is not too good a sign. The only one that is gaining weight is Blu. I had her on a diet until all this other stuff started and needed to keep food for Tabby. She got skinny enough to jump up and go over to where I had their food. Sometimes you just can't win.
Jan 28, 2020
Grand structure
Jan 28, 2020
Ah the Greeks are still being honored for all the classical buildings that are still being built. Have a "fantabulous" day, Puzzlers, and blessings to all!
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