Lavender Road Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of a winding road in Hungary. The road crosses through a purple lavender field.


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Jun 6, 2018
Apr 23, 2016
Nice quiet place for a sunday drive. Would love to throw down a blanket aand have a picnic right there.
Feb 23, 2015
Feb 15, 2015
The only place where I've seen a lot of lavender growing was near St. Paul-de-Vence, near Nice. Just north of the town was just this huge field of purple.
Feb 9, 2015
My Dr. is from Hungary. Beautiful Lavender field puzzle.
Feb 9, 2015
Feb 8, 2015
On Washington's Olympic Peninsula there are gorgeous lavender fields in the Sequim-Dungeness area. I went to a fashion show of dresses and accessories from the 1800's in a beautiful restored farm house. I was amazed that the dresses had about 18-in waists! How could those old gals even breath? Holy Moley!
We were served lavender tea and cookies with lavender baked in them. Very interesting and good, a fun experience, but I prefer regular tea & cookies.
Feb 8, 2015
Corsets! They used corsets to basically compress their waists.It pushed their innards up into unusual places. It's no wonder that women never did live past their thirties. By then, it had all caught up with them. I saw a series on the BBC where they had a family move into a house that had been remodelled into one of the 1800s. The mother and older daughter wore corsets originally. They talked on how short of breath they were at all times. It was the bane of their existence. Then one of the produces gave them a book of the times that explained what was happening to their insides. And so the corsets came off. The mother was insistent as it was a concern of health.
That was a most interesting series!
Feb 9, 2015
I saw that series too Taffi. It was so interesting to see 'living history' and experience it (without the pain of the corsets - lol). The other thing I found interesting is how the girls had to miss one day of school a week to help with laundry. :(
Feb 8, 2015
I wonder what the building in the upper left corner is.
Feb 8, 2015
Look like it might be a castle or large church. More likely a castle, couldn't see any crosses on it.
Feb 8, 2015
I'm going with a castle. It looks like they're turrets. Mind you, it's Hungary, so who knows! :)
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