Labrador Retriever Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a black labrador retriever dog playing outside. Labradors are known for being outgoing with a great sense of smell.


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Oct 22, 2018
Did as a mystery
looks mean to me
Jun 5, 2015
Awesome Black Lab! My 1st dog that I owned myself was a black lab. he was a true gem. Wish I could get another one. But then I always want another doxie or chi or or or or....
But retired means it is to much work to train pup peez! Anymore! & Vet'z cost to much to own any critters these days.
Dec 6, 2017
I love dogs too - I always wanted a lab. I had our pup trained. This trainer I told his wife that I saw them on Facebook. She says yeah oh - I said oh I love that cute photo that was taken of our pup. I said oh that's too funny - she had this mischievous look. When I said the word funny she thought I was making fun of her and wasn't. She says what's so funny. I told her I'm talking about our pup not you! There is a vet in Denver who does treatment and surgeries for low income ppl.
Sep 17, 2016
Beautiful, shiny, healthy coat.
Mar 9, 2016
Good stuff, not as fast as most of ya'll, but its fun.
Aug 7, 2015
Good nite all.
May 24, 2015
I love good big dogs.
May 24, 2015
Hi Feisty. Folks are still worried about you because of the email you sent several days ago. You might want to tell them you are okay now?
I envy dog owners/lovers. It must be wonderful to have that kind of bond. I am allergic to dogs.
May 24, 2015
I am allergic to dogs and cats, but we have a cat in the yard. as long as they don't touch me I am ok, but if they do I get big red welts on me that itch lots
May 24, 2015
Wow. That is really allergic. How are your breathing responses?
May 24, 2015
I have a sister that is allergic to cats and she cant even go in a house where a cat has been. She has ended up in the hospital many times because it gets her asthma going till she cant breathe. Has ended up with collapsed lungs too but got out of hospital. She is very careful and wont take a chance around cats now.
May 26, 2015
Doesn't affect my breathing at all. just the welts and itching
May 26, 2015
I'm pretty sure you've got prescription meds galore for this condition, but if you need a good one for topical itching, try Benedryl gel. It even helps with shingles.
May 27, 2015
Great info, aknan. I'll have to get some. I got a shot to prevent shingles but if the gel is even helpful for that it must be pretty awesome.
May 27, 2015
It certainly works for me - very good for wasp & bee stings, too. Takes the swelling right down and is totally clear. An aspirin, tylenol or benedryl tablet crushed and mixed to a paste with water, then patted on the sting, will also immediately take it away.
May 27, 2015
I haven't had much trouble with wasps and bees. I got bitten by several yellow jackets when I unknowingly started weeding the ground here they had a hive. Didn't hurt that much and went right away. BUT spider bites are another story.
I have used cortisone to good effect but your gel sounds better.
Jun 5, 2015
I have an 82-pd German Shepherd. Training him as a service dog. You'd love him.
May 27, 2015
Pretty black Lab.
May 25, 2015
Even though I am scared of dogs the one dog I have always loved the looks of is what I call lassie, or I guess I should say collie right? I have no idea what there temperament is like though cause I have only seen them usually on lassie and things like that, lol. I do think they are such a pretty dog though and even their pictures don't scare me, lol!
May 26, 2015
Collies are a great breed! Typically make great family pets, and are usually a very gentle creature.
May 26, 2015
Thanks kjd3682. I knew there would be somebody out there that would know something about collies. For some reason that is the only dog that has ever interested me.
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