Kitten Sleeping Jigsaw Puzzle

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Dec 25, 2023
Couldn't resist this puzzle nhoward. So darling! I was still in the hospital when it came out. Have been home about a week. Nurses will be seeing me. Could take months for bed sores to heal. I go see wound doctor tomorrow. So Happy to be home though. Hope you had a Very Merry Christmas.
Nov 26, 2023
What an adorable picture! It makes me want to go back to bed! We are expected to have 3 inches of snow......I hate winter! Have a safe day and may you have more blessings than snow inches!! LOL!
Nov 27, 2023
Where are you? Must be in the northwest.
Nov 27, 2023
No, Northern Illinois, about 90 miles northwest of Chicago.
Nov 27, 2023
Ahh, I just heard on this morning's weather that the snow storm was in Kansas. I guess winter has begun. Get ready....LOL
Nov 30, 2023
You have certainly lived in very different climates in your adventurous life nhoward!
Dec 1, 2023
When I met my first husband, I was excited to go to Honduras. I had always wanted to be able to live in another country. I was there for 17 years before I came back. While the marriage fell apart, I learned so much about a country that I knew nothing about and about a totally different culture. The people there were so kind and had so little and those who had a lot, were too busy being rude and looking down on the rest of the people. Not all of the rich were "hoity-toity", but I learned more about living and being kind from those who had almost nothing. It was life lesson that I have never forgot.
Dec 24, 2023
Wow. What an enriching experience. Just catching up on Christmas Eve - how timely. Thank you.
Dec 25, 2023
It was and it opened my eyes and heart to honor all people especially the poor. Merry Christmas and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Nov 30, 2023
I adopted a young ginger male cat recently, and he is so much fun!
Nov 28, 2023
I am not a cat person but that is cute
Nov 27, 2023
So cute. I still have 2 kitties--a black one and a white one. Used to have one this color but no more. However, mine are not kittens--grown-up cats!
Nov 27, 2023
I had a orange cat named Freddy. He was a terror and mischievous. Comical and loving. He was just passing through and had many homes in the neighborhood. This kitty reminds me of him. Great puzzle.
Nov 27, 2023
Is that a face you could love, or what? Wish I had him/her here.
Nov 27, 2023
So cute!
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