Indian Roller Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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The bird in this online jigsaw puzzle is known as an Indian roller. During the mating season, the colorful male performs incredible acrobatic displays, twisting and turning in the air.


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Dec 14, 2020
May 8, 2020
Pretty bird and would love to watch his antics during mating season. Picture of the bird easy to put together, but the background was a little tough.
Jun 19, 2018
Pretty bird...
Jun 14, 2018
How beautiful is this bird - the Lord must have knocked over his colour pots when He did this one.

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."
– Albert Camus

"Happiness is a warm puppy."
– Charles M. Schulz

Take care and God bless. Hugs.
Jun 14, 2018
When God made the birds, He made them colorful to please the eye and with songs that please the ear. Then He made butterflies and let them sing, too. The birds were very unhappy, as no one noticed them any more, so they went to God and asked to be the only ones that sang. He said yes and to this day, no butterfly has a song.
Jun 14, 2018
Aknan, what a wonderful story.
Jun 14, 2018
Aussie I love your quote's. And enjoy your hugs. Thank you
Jun 14, 2018
Interesting story aknan.
Jun 14, 2018
Aknan - I agree with Jan, and Jan I must admit at times I wish they were real hugs. Touch is so important in this world in which we have to live.
Jun 14, 2018
Aknan, I saw a picture when my computer opened up of Manatuska glacier this morning and being the curious person I am, I looked it up and it is in Alaska. How beautiful!!! Saw some with the northern lights in it as well. No wonder you like living there. Hugs.
Jun 15, 2018
Don't worry Aussie, they FEEL really real. thanks
Jun 15, 2018
Aussie, my daughter and son-in-love are on an Alaskan cruise right now, celebrating their 20th anniversary. I've been getting some great pictures from them. They were on their way to the Duck Tour last I heard from them.
Jun 15, 2018
The only Duck Tour I know of is in Fairbanks. Are they doing a land part of their cruise?
Jun 15, 2018
Yes, in Sitka yesterday, where they did a Raptors and Rainforest walking tour, and they were in Ketchikan today, where they took the Duck Tour, they'll be in Victoria tomorrow. I sure hope I got all that right! lol At any rate, I've been receiving some glorious pictures from your beloved State. My brother's family took him on a different Alaskan Cruise a couple of years ago, just before he passed away. It was a life long dream of his, and they made it come true. His daughter is an RN and her husband is a neurosurgeon, so he was in pretty good hands. They sent some very wonderful pictures as well.
Jun 17, 2018
When I lived on Manitoulin Island, I got the chance to see the Northern Lights. My grandparents (mother's side) were visiting and for some reason, they appeared! After that, never saw them again. I figure the weather conditions were just right. Oh, and it was summer time too.
Jun 18, 2018
The Northern Lights are high on my bucket list!
Jun 17, 2018
That's an impressive suit of clothes God gave him. I would like to see his acrobatics.
Jun 15, 2018
Never saw even a picture of this kind of bird. Very impressive.
Jun 15, 2018
Thank You Jesus for this beautiful bird!
Jun 14, 2018
Very relaxing time to work this puzzle. Wonderful colors. My husband and I took 4 of our Great Grand kids to church and feed them supper (our church has a cafe that serves food) then brought them home and let them spend the night. Fun time but they went home at 10 :30 am (home to the grandpa and grandma that is whom is next door to us) It is nice to be able to help our granddaughter and husband have an evening to them self's. The kids are 9, 8, 6 and 4. Three girls and one boy. There is one more who is 2 but too little to stay just yet as our bedroom is downstairs and too hard to climb all the stairs if there are problems. They were up at 7 am so they had breakfast and then we went on a pontoon boat ride as we live on a lake and they played in the sand while I fixed them some snacks. Needless to say I am pooped! But what fun. The girls asked me if we has any toothpaste and I said no, then they asked well how do you brush your teeth? I told them Grandpa and I just toss our teeth in the dishwasher. I loved the look on their faces as they said yewuhew. Then I replied of course we have toothpaste! We will do it again next Wednesday also and through the summer. My son that lives next door watches them for his daughter while she works so giving them all a break. So far so good!
Jun 15, 2018
What a wonderful time of making memories for you all! I'm sure the family appreciates the time you spend with your little blessings, as well. I can see why you'd be pooped!
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