Ice Cold Drink Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a refreshing ice cold drink. Red strawberries add flavor and color.


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May 15, 2018
I could go for one right now! Love strawberries
May 2, 2016
Served over ice cream would be good
Apr 22, 2018
I've taken raspberries or strawberries and pured them and poured it over ice cream. Even made homemade Strawberry ice cream. Didn't use a machine. Used sugar, half and half and cream and pure and mix and then freeze. I made it and someone said it was too sweet. I replied yeah you don't make any sense because you ate candy and that's really sweet.
Jan 19, 2018
It does look refreshing!
Apr 18, 2017
This looks a nice refreshing drink for a summers day. A wee bit to cool, for today. Nice thought, but a little to soon for the English weather.
May 14, 2016
Just as it look is more then I can take right now but a great Puzzle./
Apr 26, 2016
Strawberries....the only fruit with the seeds outside..just give me this fruit soaked overnight with lots of cane sugar. Yum.
Apr 26, 2016
And served over angel food cake or ice cream - or both!
Apr 26, 2016
Oh you lot are making me put on weight just thinking about your suggestions. Wheeeeeee
Apr 29, 2016
I sometimes cut peaches into small pieces and sprinkle a little white cane sugar on them a few hours before serving them. Peel them first if you must, but it really is not necessary. Remember that most fruits and vegetables have their nutrients protected just under the skin.
Apr 29, 2016
Retirenow, did you know that sugared peach bits are (to me anyway) better on angel food cake than strawberries?
Apr 30, 2016
Yummm! Both sound delicious, and halfway healthy to me, trynfindit.
Apr 30, 2016
Trynfindit....did you know peaches, and apples are loaded with pesticides more than any other fruit..try and find Organic (GMO free)for your protection.
May 1, 2016
Judy...yes, I've read about the "25 most pesticided fruits" but all say that washing thoroughly takes care of that. I always thoroughly wash all my fruit and produce.
May 1, 2016
Trynfindit.....don't believe them.....I saw a video on washing fruit & veggies done by a lab on tv......even washed in Clorox did not remove the chemicals because they are already absorbed into the can get rid of some but NOT all......sad.
Apr 27, 2016
Now this was fun.

The strawberries look bubbly. Perhaps in a spritzer water?

Speaking of spritzer water, does anyone remember the 7-UP theme song? Part of the lyrics go something like, 7-UP is wet and wild, like no cola can...7-UP is wet and wild...the uncola, the uncola!
Apr 27, 2016
I love strawberries. The only time I visited my mom's aunt and my great grandmother, we had fresh strawberries with cream for breakfast. I remember this almost 50 years later.

I usually eat strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries plain. To me, they don't need extra anything. However, blueberries, I prefer baked in something like cakes, muffins, or pancakes. I know that there are other types of berries (one of my aunt and uncles had this wallpaper with different berries in their dining room for a period of time), such as gooseberries and huckleberries.
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