Happy Chihuahua Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 10, 2021
VERY CUTE!!!!!! My sister has one that's very happy and cute, also!!!!!!!
Jun 8, 2020
Such a cute little doggie! He looks a lot like my chihuahua Paco!
Mar 27, 2020
What a cute and happy little dog. Cheered me up a bit. Yesterday morning we had to find an emergency vet, one of our 12 year old corgi's started some extremely heavy bleeding. She had just finished her heat cycle so we knew it wasn't that. Our normal vet was closed due to the coronavirus, but gave us the number of an emergency vet in Bend.....35 miles away. I called and under the circumstances they said to bring her right in and they would come out to the car and get her and we would have to wait in the car. They had to do a ct scan and she has to have surgery they think she has a prolapsed uterus. Don't know if she will make it. Actually my son's dog and he is so very upset, wish I could make him, my husband and her sister feel better. It's the first time the two girls have ever been apart and we cannot get our other corgi to settle down, she has been wandering around looking for her sister. You all be safe.
Mar 27, 2020
Darambo I pray that your sweet corgi-girl heals completely and quickly. Our little fur-balls mean so much to us and bring such joy into our lives.
Our little mini-dachshund is just getting over a month-long bout with his liver disease. It's taking him a little longer to heal this time as he is almost 13 years old now.
Mar 27, 2020
Sorry to hear about your son's pet. Hope she pulls through.
Mar 30, 2020
Darambo, I hope and pray that your son's dog will be ok.
Mar 30, 2020
Praying for your pupper. *hugs*
Mar 30, 2020
Some prayers were answered yesterday, our Amber girl will be ok. The surgery went well, turned out she had a large tumor that was pressing on her bladder, uterus, and everything else in that area and making her bleed. They were able to remove the tumor whole in one piece and sent it to be biopsied, then they spayed her. Said she may be able to come home today.....I hope. She also has an infection, white count up. Such a bad way to spend your birthday.....oh well couldn't have anyone over for cake anyways. You all be safe and stay well.
Mar 30, 2020
Glad Amber will be back with you and has had a good outcome. It's sort of a birthdy present don't you think even is it kept you from a celebration?
Mar 30, 2020
So happy to hear Amber is doing well. Hoping she heals quickly and will be back with her sister very soon.
Mar 30, 2020
I am so happy to hear your little corgi girl is going to be ok. Happy birthday to you darambo also..
Mar 30, 2020
Thank you for the birthday wishes and Amber being ok was the best present I could hope for, don't care about celebrating, one of our babies is ok and that was more than enough. My mother in law stopped by and left me a card and some cash( unexpected ) and that went promptly into the vet bill fund, going to take a while to pay all of that bill off. Mamag how is Chip doing? Winston says WOOF WOOF to Chip. Winston's bark is so loud and such a deep voice! Be safe and hope you are well.
Mar 30, 2020
How did I miss saying that? Happy belated Birthday, darambo. I apologise for being so slow. I pray for your husband each night that he has no more falls. How's he?
Mar 30, 2020
Chip has me a little concerned. He has been making some really weird noises. It is not exactly a cough but like a dry hacking sound that you make when you clear your
throat. I had one person think it might be allergies but I am not sure. She said try half a tablet of Benadryl and see if that doesn't help. I can't take him to the vet because of the quarantine. Unless I call them and tell them what is going on. I am always worried about his heartworm disease coming back. Ad I am so happy your furbaby is doing good. Chip says tell Winston arf arf and bow wow. Please stay safe my friend. I work in a convenient store and we have been so busy lately. Our state has reported 22 deaths so far. This virus is scary.
Mar 30, 2020
I feel sad for both of your girls. It is an amazing bond between littermates. My two orange cats are 2 years old on April 1st. They were born on Easter and cannot stand it when the other one is out of site. You have done the best you can for the sick dog. I am surprised that the vet did not suggest spaying at that age.
Mar 30, 2020
Pixi thanks for the birthday wishes. Hubby doing fine may need another shot to keep the cancer at bay. His psa has gone up, has a doctors app, but may be canceled due to the coronavirus. Will let you all know how it goes. You and yours stay safe and well.
Mar 31, 2020
Mamag our mini-dachshund makes a sound like he's trying to clear his throat and when we asked his vet (who we love and is an excellent doctor) about it he said that he's coughing. No big problem, just coughing.
Mar 31, 2020
Retirenow14 they did spay her, they had to. The tumor was so very large and turned out it was inside her uterus, so the choice was surgery or let her bleed to death. Both the other dogs....her sister and our new puppy went and lay outside the door of our son's room where she sleeps, until she got back home. Amber can't play so we are having to separate them for 7-10 days and none of them are very happy about it. Be safe and stay well.
Mar 31, 2020
Mamag sometimes our dogs get a little cough like that, but it goes away fast. It's like they have something in their throat. If Chip does this for a long time or it gets worse call your vet and let them know he was a rescue dog. Years ago we got a rescue dog and he had a dry cough and it turned to be something called kennel cough and dogs that are in kennels get it from other dogs, it's very contagious. Maybe the vet will give him some antibiotics without seeing him under the circumstances. Could also be allergies, be careful giving Chip people meds, sometimes they aren't good for them. As far as the heartworm as long as Chip is on the right heartworm meds and takes them as prescribed he will be fine. I'm sure I would worry about it also, if I had one of my babies go through the treatment for heartworm....very difficult, not all dogs make it. Mamag you are the one who needs to stay safe, working where you do. I worry about you my friend. There has been 16 deaths in Oregon so far, is very scary, Ed has been staying in. He is the one we worry about since he has cancer. Are you wearing rubber gloves? If not try to get some!!! You please stay safe. WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!!! tell Chip to be safe and take care also.
Mar 31, 2020
Very good advice darambo, both for the dogs and the peeps.
Mar 31, 2020
I am staying safe at work. We have disposable gloves for serving food. I do need to get Chip to the vet's so he can get looked at. He was sheltered at a rescue center that has an onsite vet clinic. I had a friend of mine who also thinks it might allergies. She told meI could give him half a tablet of Benadryl. I hope Ed does not get this virus or you. I know so many people with weak immune systems that it would put them in the hospital or worse. ARF ARF ARF. Chip says Hi and you and Ed also take care as well. Hugs from Glade Hill, VA.
Apr 1, 2020
Mamag, I'd check with your vet before giving Chip the Benadryl. Our vet said that human medicines shouldn't be given to dogs (and probably cats too). Just to be safe.
Apr 1, 2020
Trynfindit, I am going to take him to the vet's next week to make sure it is not his heartworms again as that also causes a cough. He also needs to be checked for ticks. I have already had to pull two off of him. I hate doing it as it hurts the poor little boy. I put flea and tick medicine on him but he still gets them. You ad Ed take care. Hugs.
Mar 27, 2020
Not a puerbred I think. He looks part corgi.
My aunt had a gorgeous chihuahua called Bambi. He had a face just like Bambi's. Would put this little guy in the ugly category by comparison.
Happy puzzling to all you dog enthusiasts. I'll be shopping randoms again.
Mar 27, 2020
I am always doing "randoms!
Mar 27, 2020
It's fun to choose for oneself from such a variety of topics.
Mar 30, 2020
Sometimes when I feel like working several puzzles I play a game where I have to pick one of the random puzzles from the thumbnails on the left. When I finish that puzzle I again have to pick from the thumbnails. It can lead to some interesting puzzles.
Mar 30, 2020
My Aunt - in the US - also had a 'cross-chihuahua' called Bambi. A female one - and very pretty, at that! Not my own favourite breed of dog. I prefer my dogs to be, at least, knee height................or bigger!
Mar 30, 2020
VERY SPECIAL!!!!! My sister has a Chihuahua that is a little bit older than this one, but she treats it with LOTS of TLC and so it isn't aggressive towards me when I visit. I like her BIG ears for a small dog.
Mar 27, 2020
The dog really looks happy! I don't care for that breed. Just give me my cats and I'm happy! Not an easy puzzle and also had trouble with my "sound" so had to fix that.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Right now it seems like our lives are on "hold" or "fix". Hopefully it will end sooner rather than later! You all be safe and adhere to the RULES you were given. Had to run a few errands yesterday and next to Office Max where I had to get an ink cartridge, Bed Bath and Beyond was open. I was really surprised!
Mar 27, 2020
This hot in the 80's & we are getting storm just north of us.

" When a kitten tickles you with his whiskers, he tickles the bottom of your soul. - unknow"

Will be setting done for a few hours then way gone I be back up. Have a Great Day!
Mar 27, 2020
"Oh my, what big eyes you have! "
Mar 27, 2020
Cute doggy
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