Golden Retriever Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle of a golden retriever dog. The dog is panting after playing outside.


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Aug 15, 2023
A very beautiful dog and enjoy doing this puzzle!
Aug 9, 2023
What a handsome dog! I have always loved dogs and am grateful for my little Yorkie, Frodo. This is the last time you will see me on this site for 2 weeks. I go on my journey I have always wanted to to.....visit England, Wales, Scotland (and the bagpipes!!!! ) and Ireland. I am going with one of my best friends so it is going to be wonderful. She and I taught at the same school in Honduras and kept the friendship going. I hope all of you have blessed safe days and may your days be serene, happy, and filled with much love! See you in two weeks, my friends!!
Aug 9, 2023
Oh bagpipes, best friends, & travel. You are a lucky lady. Enjoy, enjoy. Safe trip.
Aug 9, 2023
Oh what a wonderful trip. Enjoy to the fullest.
Aug 9, 2023
How I envy you! Have a wonderful trip, great adventures and don't forget to tell us about some of it!
Aug 9, 2023
Have the most wonderful adventure and good company to enjoy it with. Bless all you meet with joy.
Aug 10, 2023
Have a wonderful time, nhoward!
Aug 10, 2023
Praying for safe travels. Hope you have a wonderful time. Will be expecting a report when you return :)
Aug 10, 2023
Nhoward, SO glad you and your friend are doing your UK trip!!! That's great and I know y'all will love it!. Wish we were going with y'all; I'm in the process of planning our next trip over there.
Aug 10, 2023
Right now have 2 Yorkshire Terriers. One is only 4 pounds 6 ounces and such a sweetheart. While I decided to get him some company, I purchased a second Yorkie. Which would be #7 of that breed I've owned over the years. If you have ever seen the movie, Grimlins, she's one of them. Horrible personality, doesn't listen and constantly picks on the little guy. Both are fixed so thankful no babies. Enjoy your well worth vacation.
Aug 11, 2023
Howard, you are now on my #1 Dream Trip!! My ancestors came from that area and I've always wanted to tour the entire area in depth! I passed through London once when I was a teenager, but I was too young to appreciate what I was seeing. I'd love to go now with my cousins who are more knowledgeable about our ancestors, but alas, I've decided I'm never traveling ANYWHERE again...I just got home last night from a 3 day car trip to just the other side of the Rocky Mountains!
I live in Denver and my husband and I went to a funeral in Montrose - 6 hour trip there, one day for the funeral, and 6 hours back. My sciatic nerve screamed "You're not going to live through this! " for the whole trip!! I thought for sure it was right! I'm in bed right now, and I'm still not sure! Lol! Calgon take me away! I don't think I'll ever leave my bedroom/bathroom AGAIN except for Dr appointments!!

Whew! Rant over...
Hope your trip was FILLED with wonderful memories! Please share them with us!!
Aug 13, 2023
JR --- Glad you got that rant out of your system. It's the best way to handle frustration. And Crazy4jigsaws is an understanding bunch of friends who understand. Better days ahead!
Aug 10, 2023
Aug 9, 2023
Love my Shepard/Russel mix. He is a wonderful dog. Love dog puzzles, actually love all the puzzles.
Aug 9, 2023
Happy looking dog