Fruit Taffy Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle of colorful chewy taffy. The candy looks like popular slices of fruit.


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Jun 27, 2024
This is a great puzzle. Not my favorite kind of candy, but the colors and patterns make for a great puzzle.
Sep 15, 2022
My teeth are hurting just looking at these!
May 9, 2022
That green almost glows. There are lemons, limes and oranges, cherries and I guess raspberries. What's the one with the red rind and yellow center supposed to be?
Hope you all have a fabulous Mother's Day.
May 9, 2022
Hi pixipixil, I just googled red rind yellow center fruit's passion fruit! I've actually had it before, you crunch up the seeds as you eat it, the rest is kind of soupy. I loved it, but here's what they said on the site I found:" the pulp has an explosive, bitter, and very acidic taste" It does!! I wonder if those candies are flavored like the fruit they represent?
May 10, 2022
My brother has one of those vines. I don't think he has gotten any fruit from it. They come in several varieties and I don't think they are all fruit-bearing types. I may have has pieces of that in one of those tropical canned fruit cocktails. I'm pretty sure I didn't care for it.
May 12, 2022
Pardon my asking, you feeling well, pixipixil? Just noticed your're not posting quite as much lately. I always love your puns. I hope you are feeling good! All the best...
May 12, 2022
Hi bopit. Now that I'm alone I find I have so much to do to keep up. I am still sad and it's hard to be entertaining or witty when one is sad. My health is okay. I started singing at two churches and that also cuts into my time. I don't feel free to spend time on things that I used to.
I'll try harder to "pun"ish you guys.
May 13, 2022
Pixi, you're stil adjusting to a new lifestyle; don't apologize! I know from experience that time slips away when you're the one responsible for all the chores and details of everyday life. I'm not posting much either right now.
May 13, 2022
Aw, no worries, you're so busy, you don't need to take the time to entertain us...and you have my deepest sympathy for your loss...Just checking on ya! Hugs
May 14, 2022
Thanks, bopit. Thanks, aknan. You guys rock!
May 10, 2022
Looks like fruit but it really just taffy that is made to look like fruit. I don't think it is different fruit tastes. It is just sweet taffy. I have no idea how they made it but they did a great job.
May 9, 2022
A challenge --- but fun!
May 9, 2022
Looks too sweet for me to eat!
May 9, 2022
This 38-BRICK puzzle was quite challenging, despite all the different colors!!!!!