Fruit and Cider Jigsaw Puzzle

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still lifepaintingwatercolorfruitcupciderapplecherriesplumspeachcantaloupehappy

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Dec 13, 2022
I really like this painting. It was quite challenging.
Jan 22, 2022
Very nice painting. Fun puzzle.
Jan 14, 2021
Nice colors, but sorry, don't care for painting. Although lots better than what I could have painted. Still having problems with pieces sticking now and then. Making me develop patience! Thanks for sharing jigsaw puzzle.
Jan 14, 2021
My pieces were sticking a lot. I got a new mouse and that did the trick.
Jan 15, 2021
My pieces are still sticking (and a few other frustrating things) but unfortunately, my computer is a touchscreen, and I can't afford new fingertips at this time. (And yes, this was meant to be funny! Lol! )
Jan 17, 2021
Jan 19, 2021
I am too. Miss the "Classic" shapes when doing the 192 peice. pieces don't fit on the screen like they use to.
I miss the old format. Hope they are working on restoring it. puzzles take me twice as long and give me eye strain.
Still love all the comments. Sorry....Will try to keep a positive attitude.
Jan 17, 2021
A tough puzzle, for sure. Really don't care for still life pictures, like the one above.
Jan 14, 2021
Watercolors are an unforgiving media. One wrong move turns stuff muddy. This picture would have been much better without the mug which is poorly done...especially the handle and shadow behind it. Too bad. It had possibilities.
Hoping you make the choices that bring success.
Jan 14, 2021
Thanks for the thought about choices, pixipixil. I really need to think about what I am doing or going to do to make sure I make a good decision that is helpful, not just expedient.
Jan 14, 2021
Sounds serious. Here's a prayer you find an answer.
Jan 14, 2021
Pixi, I think I'd have to call this a Primitive. It's just a little too crude for me.
Jan 15, 2021
Not to my liking either but I like to see something positive and if you cover the mug you can see at least a pleasant painting with appealing colors. But that mug? UGH. AWFUL.
Jan 15, 2021
I couldn't agree more, pixipixil!!
Jan 14, 2021
Jan 14, 2021
An OK puzzle. Have lots to do today. It's "cooking" day. I have about 10 meals to make, package up and put in the freezer. For one person that's the way I cook.

Try to have a great day!
Jan 14, 2021
I think that's smart - no need to clean the kitchen constantly and no dithering about what to make; it's all done for you! I often freeze leftovers or make double portions so I can do the same for my Dearly Beloved and I. Great when you get home after a harried day and just don't feel like cooking!
Jan 14, 2021
Nice painting. Have not had hot cider in many years
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