Flower Painting Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 17, 2022
That is a beautiful painted flower.
Nov 29, 2020
Beautiful painting. Reminds me of Georgia O'Keefe. I have always loved her paintings. Have a lovely day and I hope all of you had wonderful Thanksgivings. We had our get-together with 2 less people. My granddaughter got a positive reading on her Covid 19
test and her fiance is in quarantine with her. She is the 25th person in the nursing home where she works it to test positive. Something has to be done to protect the caregivers in these homes They are only given the bare essentials-face mask and gloves- in the home where she works. Very scary. Health and blessings to all of you.
Dec 2, 2020
Sorry to hear about your granddaughter and her fiance. Prays that they get over it. I had mentioned back in May my son got it working in the ICU as a physical therapist. He was at home for three weeks and got over it. Thank God.
Dec 3, 2020
She seems to be coming out of it ok, but she says her fiance has a cough that would dislodge rocks! Thank you so much for the prayers and I am so glad your son got over it ok.
Nov 29, 2020
In case some of you have wondered, I have been in the hospital and rehab for a month. Home yesterday. My spine was shattered but it now healing beautifully! Tabby came thru her thyroid procedure fine and has been to the vet once. Will call the animal hospital tomorrow to thank them. My niece Kathy had to take Tabby there and then pick her up 2 days later. Also spent my birthday in the hospital and Thanksgiving in Rehab.
Either I'm "rusty" on puzzles or this was a hard one.
Nov 30, 2020
Glad you are healing up well and the news is good for Tabby. I thiught this puzzle was rather difficult.
Nov 30, 2020
I have to you are back!

Have a Great Afternoon and Evening to you and all!
Nov 30, 2020
Welcome back elijah13! So glad to hear both you and Tabby are doing better. This was a hard one!
Nov 30, 2020
Elijah13! Welcome back! So thankful your spine is healing!! And for Tabby too. My cat was diagnosed with high thyroid and I want to get her the procedure too. This puzzle was very hard.
Nov 30, 2020
I am so relieved to hear you and Tabby are okay. When you came up missing for so many days I got worried and have been praying for you and your kitty. Enjoy the upcoming holiday season and keep warm, we've got some cold weather on the way!
Nov 30, 2020
We were worried about you and your kitty elijah13. Glad you're both home and healing well now.
Dec 1, 2020
Happy to hear you and Tabby are both healing. Wishing you a belated happy Birthday and Thanksgiving Day.
Dec 2, 2020
Thanks to all of you. I really did miss doing the puzzles and reading the comments. Tabby and I are both doing well. Have had rehab people come to the house to evaluate me. Hopefully the last one will come tomorrow and if necessary will start me on some excercises--tho I really don't feel like I need them..Have 2 braces to wear at different times--not too bad.
Nov 30, 2020
Nov 30, 2020
That took me a while.
Nov 30, 2020
Pretty flower. I love the painting
Nov 29, 2020
Pretty painting, easier than I thought it looked. I used to paint, been many years since I stopped. I quit because my first husband was an artist also, but with a wildly different style. He criticized my work continuously until I finally stopped and never picked it up again. Was one of the reasons I divorced him. Be safe and well everyone.
Nov 29, 2020
Unless you were depending on your art to support you, criticism shouldn't stop you from doing something you love. Get back to your painting if you miss it. Van Gogh only sold one painting in his life.
I paint and consider myself a fine artist. I have no gallery representation although I tried several times (which isn't much I admit). My uncle whose brother-in-law was a selling artist considers himself an art critic and thinks very little of my art but I don't consider him the expert he imagines himself to be. He judges all art by his brother-in-law's criteria who was a watercolor artist. That is a field unto itself.
It sounds like your husband picked on you a lot. With a husband like that, who needs enemies? You need to shake off his influence entirely. I know how hard that is from someone you care(d) for and is in the field.
Nov 29, 2020
It sounds to me like you made the best decision for you. My first husband didn't really like me singing around the house, and singing is one of my favorite things to do and everyone else loved my singing. The wrong husband can truly mess up your life. Blessings, darambo.
Nov 29, 2020
Darambo --- How about another phase of painting in your life?
Nov 29, 2020
Nice painting, wish more colorful flowers were involved.
Thank you for sharing jigsaw puzzle.