Cute Pizza Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Feb 6, 2020
Well we had a bit of icy mix overnight. It's supposed to be gloomy and drippy/icy for two days. Glad I can stay inside.
Hope you al have a cozy nook and a good book to enjoy today.
Feb 6, 2020
We have been getting a lot of rain. Schools are either closed or are having an early dismissal because of flooding. Supposed to rain right up until tomorrow. Some places are getting up to 4 inches. I hope you stay safe and warm. I canceled my appointment for my psychologist this morning because of heavy downpours. Hopefully, I will get to see him next week.
Feb 6, 2020
I hate those "icy mixes"! Stay safe, pixipixil!
Feb 7, 2020
Hope you're feeling better mamag.
Feb 7, 2020
Thanks nborchardt. I just stay home when it's like this. My husband will go to Mass anyway if he thinks the roads will be ok. They usually are. We have an excellent hwy dept.
Feb 7, 2020
Hi mamag. It was smart to cancel. Hope you get that appt. next week.
Feb 7, 2020
Mamag, I hope everything is going well. You are in my prayers.
Feb 10, 2020
Thank you pixi and nborchardt, I am doing some better. Getting very frustrated with school. I am so close but I just can't seem to get caught up.
My husband's first anniversary is coming up on Valentine's Day and I am working that day.
I hope this will help take my mind off of it.
Thank you for the prayers. I really need them.
Feb 10, 2020
Heading towards the finish line of anything is always stressful. Got to keep putting one foot in front of the other so to speak and then leave the rest to God.
I'm sorry this is such a sad time for you. Sending a prayer your way.
Feb 11, 2020
Thank you pixi. I am getting ready to do some work tonight and see how much I can get done. There are times when I just want to give up but I know the disappointment I would be to a lot of people, especially my husband and his dad as I promised them both I would finish. I have everyone at church praying for me as well as so many people I have talked with. I really do need to finish this. Only 4 weeks left. thank you for your prayers as well. They all mean so much to me. I will be seeing a therapist on Wednesday and I hope he can help figure me out. I sure can't. Blessings my friend.
Feb 11, 2020
Good luck and God bless you, Mamag.
Feb 12, 2020
Mamag, you have my prayers to get through your work load with flying colors and especially that you find peace. As well as the people at your church and in your life you have a lot of friends here that love and pray for you.
Feb 6, 2020
This was a hard puzzle. Home today because my clean rugs come back today and the electrician coming to check on something for me.

"Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit." Aristotle
Feb 6, 2020
A very truthful quote from Aristotle. We forget the finding "friends" is easy, but having the friends that are there when it's rough, are rare. Thanks for the quote and the reminder, elijah13!
Feb 6, 2020
It done to 13 this morning & the snow is with us, but I think the high today will be 37. Had to drip the cold water upstairs & down to keep it freezing. Changed hair appt. until Tue afternoon next week, I also have my appt. for my hearing aids on Mon afternoon. Still cold but in the 40's by next week.

"Siamese are not unique amongst cats in being gay and having a sense of fun. But they seem to have these qualities in a stronger dose and to keep the playfulness of kitten longer. -Sidney and Helen Deham, The Complete Book of the Siamese Cat."

Have a Great Day!
Feb 7, 2020
I think Siamese cats got a bad rap from "Lady and the Tramp", and many, myself included, have not given them a chance. Thanks for the info, CatLadyOKC.
Feb 10, 2020
I have 3 cats--2 were stray ones and one I got from a sorority sister. They are wonderful cats and very faithful!
Feb 10, 2020
I grew up with Siamese so others seem different to me. My current one is the most stereotypical of them all. Very loud voice, always has something to say. Very demanding but also very sweet! If she thinks she is not in favor with the human, she hides.
Feb 10, 2020
Aristotle was a fountain of knowledge for us all.
Feb 10, 2020
Manatee, I have one that no one ever sees except me and she trusts me completely--sees me and turns over onto her back so I can rub her tummy. Anyone comes and she hides until they are gone.
Feb 11, 2020
Elijah13, Awwww the little sweetie! I always wonder what happened to them. Mine was 8 or 9 when she was captured stray, infected tooth, skinny and scared, the lens of one eye knocked out of place so vision impaired. But that first night home, after meowing at me from the bathroom sink for a while, she settled into a pet bed next to my office chair and the rest is history.
Feb 10, 2020
Feb 6, 2020
I wish I could find a delicious, small, frozen pizza!
Not about to make one from scratch for myself!
Feb 7, 2020
Check out Trader Joes if in your area, delicious, small frozen pizza!
Feb 7, 2020
Arlenez --- Thank you so much --- will do!
Feb 7, 2020
Looks good!
Feb 7, 2020
My wife and I had pizza the other night. Great puzzle.
Feb 7, 2020
Homemade pizza is MUCH better!!!!!!
Feb 6, 2020
Love pizza
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