Control Tower Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle of a control tower at an airport. The tower helps guide airplanes on the ground and in the air.


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Oct 3, 2019
How do they get up there?

This is true faith, a living confidence in the goodness of God.
Martin Luther

When we are broken because of increased hardship, we simply have to trust in the goodness of God.
Steve Farrar

Take care and God bless. Hugs.
Oct 3, 2019
There's an elevator inside, aussie. I've been up in one of these control towers when I was considering applying for a controller position in Kanas City. View is incredible!
Oct 3, 2019
With ADS-B where the controllers all get aircraft position via satellite signal, they are talking about having "virtual" towers where instead of looking out the window the controllers will look at projections at a central location. Not sure how I feel about that.
Oct 3, 2019
Lol Aknan was picturing them getting in like a lumberjack climbs a tree hahahaha. Hugs.
Oct 3, 2019
Not used to doing this size. Didn't take as long as I thought it did.

"There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." Bernard Williams