Colorful Paper Notes Jigsaw Puzzle

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A mixture of colored paper notes create this online jigsaw puzzle. Paper notes are ideal tools for making lists and reminders, to help you get more done during the day.


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Sep 14, 2022
I have some of the same both at home and at work.
May 4, 2022
Hello everyone, hope all is well. Haven't been here for a while.
May 5, 2022
Malko, I hope all is well and you weren't just trying to avoid us, LOL!
May 5, 2022
Hello and welcome back!
May 5, 2022
Hello malko. I don't know if I have seen your comments but welcome back. I am a day behind most and I guess you are too because if I hadn't gone back to see what others wrote I wouldn't have seen you. Every day I go back to catch up on news or prayer request. That is the only way I can keep up with everyone.
May 6, 2022
Welcome home, malko!
Aug 23, 2022
Thank you all for your welcome back. I pray all is well with each of you. I simply adore this group! Has anyone seen aussiesapphire around?
Aug 24, 2022
Aussie has had health problems for some time. She has a bad ulcer on her foot and an arm and hand she can't move hardly. I don't know if there is a way someone could let her know you were asking about her. Maybe do another puzzle and more will see you were asking about her. She needs our prayers.
Aug 25, 2022
Thank you so much for that info! My heart goes out to her! I emailed her but did not get a response. I pray she comes through this.
May 4, 2022
I have a lot of notebooks. I make lists of things to do, doctor appointments, etc. I have post a notes by my computer to make notes to Sam and myself.
May 4, 2022
Prays please. I had a mammogram the other day and now I have to go in for an ultrasound. I am scared. I go in for an ultrasound on the 12th. I hope it isn't serious. Being in a wheelchair it could be hard to go for a lot of treatments or worse I have had my share of health problems from a car accident in 1993 and am paralyzed from the chest down. I died three times from the accident and then I have had infections from sores and about didn't make it through some of that. Had family come from some distance to be with us through that.
May 5, 2022
Beckydent, I understand your fears about the ultrasound - I had them, too. My ultlrasound picked up a tiny, tiny mass; they biopsied immediately and determined it was cancerous. I had surgery the following week and everything came out just fine. The ultrasound only means there was something the mammogram couldn't understand, and with your health history, it could be as simple as a calcification from that prior injury.
I'll pray for a good result for you and know that God is holding you close in His hands.
May 5, 2022
You have been through a lot. Am sending prayers now and will add you to my daily list. Hugs.
May 6, 2022
Thank you akan and KarenBuglet for your prayers and caring. aknan, Sorry you had to go through this but glad you are OK. You were the first to welcome me and we have shared a lot. Thank you both and will write results as soon as I can.
May 6, 2022
Remember, becky, when it all gets to be too much, simply give it all to God. I asked for his help with my ordeal and He simply took over for me. Prayers for you, and hugs.
May 6, 2022
Beckydent I'm praying for a good outcome for you as well. I can only imagine how hard it is to wait for the test. My thoughts are with you...
May 9, 2022
Thank you aknan and bopitextreme, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. I do think of it every day but I am a pretty laid back person or I thought I was. I need to leave it to God. That's the way I was raised. I have a cousin that lost her husband 3 years ago. He was a Friends Church preacher. Her and my mom had the same birthday 20 years apart. Since my mom passed I call her on their birthday just last May 3rd. I thought about calling her. She has been through so much with her son on drugs I hate too put more on her but I guess I will. We all lived in Iowa growing up and most of the families are strong Christians. We were raised Quakers. Not exactly like way back but the name has been changed Friends Church. They are mostly in Ohio, Iowa and Kansas. We moved to Kansas so I could go to the Friends Academy. I went 1 year and they had closed it because of money. We went to the regular high school for two years and then the Friends kids went to the college. They all used the same buildings and dorms with the Academy so it wasn't much of a change. I only went for 1 year and then got married. His family went there too. My mom worked there for 20 years as bookkeeper to business manager. It is a very small town of 700 but God has blessed the college and it is growing like crazy. They have had to build more dorms and other buildings. Right now one of my classmates is the President of the college. I don't know the story but the name was changed. Probably had to with someone or group giving money to them but the school hasn't changed their beliefs. I was so sad but glad it has good people working there. I knew a lot of them but by now most have retired. Sorry I got on all that. Just thought I'd let you in on how I grew up. Good Night.
May 9, 2022
Thank you so much for your prayers and thoughts. I have never talked to anyone that had cancer. That gives me an idea what I will be going through. I'll let you know on the 12th unless I have to go to the hospital for a biopsy.
May 9, 2022
Thank you bopitextreme.
May 9, 2022
Thank you bopitextreme, I will write when I find out something.
May 9, 2022
Sorry about the post before this one. When I read it and saw how long it was I figured out how to delete it. It disappeared anyway and then I get on today and it was back.
May 10, 2022
Beckydent, when I was diagnosed, it seems like I was immediately surrounded by more care, compassion and warmth than I had ever experienced in my life. Every single person, from my surgeon to the radiologists to fellow patients, was only concerned with my comfort. Now, 3 years later, they're the same way when I go for my semi-annual checkups, mammograms - really anything, and I share this with new people, too. We're all working for the same thing - a body & life free from cancer. You know the t-shirts that say "I CAN beat CANCER"? Mine says "I DID beat Cancer! " Yours will, too.
May 10, 2022
No worries about that, beckydent! I was interested to read about your upbringing and schooling. Thank you for sharing!
May 10, 2022
Bopitextreme, Just scrolling through to see any news from anyone and saw that you had written. I was embarrassed how long my comment was. Was pleased you read it. I like to get glimpses of where people have traveled and their lives. I haven't been out of the states. You took a little of my embarrassment away. Three more days and hope I get good news. Let you know.
May 11, 2022
That's great, beckydent...hang in there. Hugs
May 12, 2022
Becky, I enjoyed reading about your childhood. I've always admired the Friends - they've held to their basic beliefs and offered compassion to those in need through all these decades. Thanks for the info!
May 13, 2022
Aknan, Thanks for writing. Glad to hear your nice thoughts on the Friends. She found a small lump today so I know where to keep watching. Doctor will call tomorrow. Never thought I would go through this. I never checked myself. Was easy to see right on the under edge. Sam was with me. He had never said any thing but today I could tell he was worried. Glad to hear from you also bopitextreme. Will try to keep my sharing a little shorter. To be continued.
May 14, 2022
By now, you've heard from the Dr. and have a plan of attack worked out. You will now have more CT scans, X-rays and bone density tests than you ever dreamed existed, even with the car accident. Never forget that all your friends on this site are pulling for you and you are thhe subject of many prayers.
May 18, 2022
Sorry it took so long to get back to you but it took forever to get an answer. I wrote all about it May18 under "Summer Popsicles". Hated to hear you thought I had heard the worst but I am OK. You'll have to catch up with my story. Hope to hear from you.
May 31, 2022
I had a friend who used to say I have a list of my lists. What can I say. I just always have, start a new one each morning with my coffee as I plan my day. Glad to know I'm not the only
May 4, 2022
Nice colorful pieces of paper to write on.
May 4, 2022
I use lots of these EVERY DAY! I'm always making notes of some kind--don't want to forget anything--which is easy to do as you get older.
"Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future." Paul Lewis Boese
Hope your day goes great for you.
May 4, 2022
Love that quote, Elijah1
May 3, 2022
These remind me of "Post It Notes"! I loved those when I was teaching, and actually still like them since they are so handy. May your day be smooth and spring-like. I hope all of you have a blessed and pleasant day.
May 3, 2022
What a FUN and colorful jigsaw puzzle.
I really enjoyed working it at 6:24am!
Thank you again for sharing such great puzzles. I appreciate it.