Colorful Knitting Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a scarf being knitted. Two colorful hats and a ball of yarn are with the knitting.


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Jun 7, 2021
I think those knitted hats and scarf will be cute on someone when they're finished. Enjoyed crocheting once upon a time.
Dec 16, 2019
Well I'm no nitwit....found better things to do since my hands don't work so well anymore.
Feb 15, 2019
Used to crochet...and that's no yarn!
Feb 15, 2018
Nice puzzle!
May 26, 2017
Looks nice, but no more knitting for me. On to other things.
Mar 8, 2017
Lovely yarn
Jan 18, 2017
Love to knit, it is one craft I can do well.

Good night dear friends and take care. Hugs.
Jan 18, 2017
Aussie wish you were closer you could try to teach me to knit. Mom tried several times and I just couldn't pick it up. It is something I always wanted learn. Be safe and try to stay cool my friend.
Jan 18, 2017
Darambo, I don't know why you couldn't pick it up. It isn't THAT heavy.
Speaking of puns:
The class took a trip to the Coca-Cola factory. I hope there's no pop quiz.
There was an earthquake in Washington, D.C..Obviously, it's the government's fault.
Be kind to your dentist. He has fillings too.
Haunted French pancakes give me the crepes.
What is Forest Gump's password? 1Forest1.
What's red and bad for your teeth? A brick.
Why can't your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
My wife told me I was immature. I told her to get out of my fort.
What's green and fuzzy and if it fell out of a tree it would kill you? A pool table.
I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.
Jan 19, 2017
ParsonWayne you got me kicked out of my bedroom for laughing so long and loudly lol!!! That was wonderful, thank you it came to me when I really needed a good laugh. Guess I will have to use my laptop in another room. Be safe and stay well my puzzle buddy.
Jan 23, 2017
These are for you, darambo:
What do you receive when you ask a lemon for help? Lemonade.
After he lost his tail, I had to take my dog to a retail store
A man sued an airline company after lost his luggage. Sadly, he lost his case.
I started sleeping by our fireplace. Now I sleep like a log.
What you call the wife of a hippie? Mississippi.
I had to take an IQ test the other day. Fortunately it came back negative.
Jan 23, 2017
What a wonderful string of puns! Thanks, PW.
Jan 24, 2017
ParsonWayne you are just too punny! Where do you get them all? Be safe and hope you and Mrs. PW are well. Take care and thanks for all the laughs.
Jan 25, 2017
We are both well, thank you. I make up some and see some on the internet and save them - although some f them are too far gone to be saved.
Jan 25, 2017
PW not too far gone, just forgotten by most ( like me ). Thank you, stay safe and say " hello " to Mrs. PW.
Jan 26, 2017
Will do so.
Jan 18, 2017
Never mastered the art of knitting. For that matter I never mistressed it either (groan! ) Tried it only once and decided it was knot for me.

God bless you all and have a better day than my jokes are.
Jan 18, 2017
Nlbuchanan your puns were wonderful, gave me a laugh. Are you going to join the " pun club " that ParsonWayne and a few others belong to? Sure get some great laughs out of them. Hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe.
Jan 18, 2017
No, I am not planning on joining the club. I had a boss who went out of his way to pun whenever he could and, for the most part, I am totally turned off by them. On the rare day, I not only enjoy them but will even make an attempt at humor. For some reason I have never been able to enjoy comedy shows either. They just seem too ridiculously stupid to me. What a horribly serious person I am!
Jan 19, 2017
Nlbuchanan I agree most comedy shows are really stupid. You are not horribly serious, I am the same way about shows. I usually have my tv ( when I watch) on Turner Classic Movies. I love old movies the best, some new movies are good but the old ones are the best, they don't rely on special effects to make the story.Be safe
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