Colorful French Buildings Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Feb 28, 2023
Very colorful.
Feb 12, 2021
All I was going to say was how I enjoyed doing this puzzle but then I read the comments below. To deep for me. Have no talent in painting. My oldest son took art in high school. His senior year his teacher told him she had taught all she could to him. He painted different. I would have liked to see him do it the way he explained it. He would color the whole canvas in one color first. Then he would paint what he wanted so the first color only showed what he wanted us to see, etc. It has been so long I can't remember how he did it. It was like doing the picture backwards. He pictures were beautiful. I have a few small pictures he did. He didn't do all his painting that way. Does anyone know what I am talking about? He liked to take pictures and then paint off of them also. When he was in the AF they asked him to paint their logo on two big double doors. He didn't keep up with it. He went to college and became a physical therapist. He is in Seattle now working at a hospital in the ICU where covid was one of the first hit the US. Before they had a lot of PPE about 3 months into it he got covid. He stayed at home with fever and weakness mostly for three weeks but is back to working and has gotten his two shots but no one knows the future like we can get other strains. He will keep me up on things. I talked to him last night to see if he had a choice on what I should try to get. He said to get what I could. I looked it up on computer but couldn't find where I could make appointment. I don't want to get in line for hours. I'm going to call my doctor today to see what he says. They are taking appointments at Walgreens. I'm going to call them too. My husband can't apply for three months. He's just a youngster. Ha. Have any of you gotten your shots?
Feb 12, 2021
I wrote this in "My Comments" after I did this picture but it didn't show up there. You all were talking about all painting talent so that is what I was talking about at the beginning of the post just above this.
Feb 15, 2022
Just reading this -- beckydent your son's way of painting sounds fascinating. Somehow I think that is similar to the way they do silkscreening, where they put all of one color first, then the subsequent layers of color are added in such a way that the underneath colors only show up in certain areas. And now I'm not sure I'm explaining it correctly! Anyway, you description makes me want to see his paintings! I hope he is doing well in his work if he is still working in an ICU, with all the stress on folks who work there...take care...
Apr 22, 2020
Nice painting. I did a couple of street scenes. They take a lot of time and patience. A fellow I knew who could not draw freehand used to take photos of the parts of a painting he wanted to do and project them on the canvas. Then he'd trace them and paint in the tracing. He was pretty successful. This looks like it was done that way.
Wishing you find a successful way to complete your projects.
Apr 22, 2020
And to you, also, pixipixil!
Apr 22, 2020
Hi pixipixil,
Oh never mind, I was going to give you some information on the arts but it sounded too know-it-all so I deleted the text but than could not remove the empty post. Arlene
Apr 22, 2020
Thanks, nborchardt. Have a happy day.
Apr 23, 2020
Hi arlenez. Now you have me curious. I have a BA in fine art--major painting. You?
Apr 24, 2020
No, I took a minor in Fine Arts because of a conflict in what the instructors wanted. Don't remember now what the issue was, but I have been a Fine Artist for fifty years.

It's really sad that there is very little understanding how much the Fine Arts need support so they can continue to create instead of working a full time job to live.

I ended up getting a BA in Psychology and then a Masters in Clinical Psychology. No money there also at that time.
Apr 27, 2020
Sounds like my life story. I have an MSEd in musice ed. No money ther either. For 7 years I did freelance greeting cards. You'd think that would have been ideal but the most I ever made for a year was $5000. By the time I got through wracking my brain for ideas and executing what little got accepted I had no more energy or desire to do fine art. I did a few pieces in that time and sold four each for a pittance.
Apr 27, 2020
Forgot to mention I have been painting for years and have about 200 fine art pieces. They are insured. Also have many greeting card paintings.
I gave up looking for gallery rep. Had one once but it was a joke so I withdrew my work. Sold a piece from the site of my painting for a good price. Was commissioned once. Other wise my stuff hangs around the house and is stored.
Apr 27, 2020
Hi pixipixil

$5000! Wow!

I think my income was in the hundreds, I guess. Never kept a record. Let me know if you ever want to do that again. I am an idea person, also. What about you?
There are hundreds (plus) small galleries in the USA that sell cards besides retail. What was your kind of market? No money in Music ED. Was it a the teacher's low pay problem?
I have 2D Wall art for sale which I sell for a reasonable amount with a payment plan but need someone to do the marketing.I also do 3D. Do you know anyone? My art is non-objective. Everyone sees something different because of the brain's individualism.
I am concerned that the youth will figure out the no money issue with Fine Art and the field will die but design art will continue.
Apr 28, 2020
As for the Music Ed the schools were shrinking or outright dropping their music programs. I only could get a 2 day a week job at a Catholic Grammar school which payed very little.
Since you seem to have been selling your work regularly you might be able to interest an agent.
My pastels are conventional framed flat art of landscapes and flowers. My acrylics are unframed on board cut in various shapes that relate to the contours of the subject matter but don't follow them. I have done several 3D pieces such as a huge iris bloom of 3 interlocking sections; a hanging basket of geraniums with several interlocking planes of flowers and real macrame strands with which to hang it; A portrait with cut out sections and a mounted toilet paper holder which has a long strip of large frames unrolling from it like film depicting my life as I sit clothed on top of the toilet seat holding my paintbrush and the whole thing is reflected in the black bathroom tiles. Explaining that would take a while. I call it Fade to Black.
Apr 29, 2020
WOW! I'm extremely impressed with both you, pixi, and you, arlenez. What an interesting and talented group we puzzlers make up. I have a friend who's a professional artist and artist's rep in Santa Fe, NM - she started out working at Hallmark in the early 60s, went on to design children's wear through the 80s and has been freelance since then. Wish the 3 of you could meet and I could listen in on the conversation! What an education I would get!
Apr 29, 2020
We could all learn many amazing things eavesdropping on that conversation!
Apr 29, 2020
You two might be disappointed at least from my end.
I am so disappointed in the lack of artistry in greeting cards today. Hallmark used to have art so good it was more. Your friend must have been really good.
Apr 29, 2020

All the reason to create your cards.

Also, let me know if you ever find a good website that sells a lot of Fine Art.

This art related topic can be huge here we would have to focus. We both have nature added to our art if I understand you correctly. My 3D is sourced around beach finds and I augment driftwood in different ways. Also make arrangements with the beach finds in glass vases with added dry flowers. I'm a flower thief in the spring and a seed thief in the fall. A gardener for years.
Apr 29, 2020
Where do these "n" come from in my postings?
Apr 29, 2020
She was and is, pixi. Some of her acrylics have gone for $10, 000, all on commission. I have 5 of her paintings, either purchased or gifted to me back in the 80s, but certainly can't afford any more! She does a lot with palette knife, too. At the moment, she does interior design staging for a realtor who works for Sotheby's and also has some private clients. I'm just amazed at all she can do - including cook!
Apr 30, 2020
Some people God has gifted abundantly.
Apr 30, 2020
Arlenez, the "n" seems to be a spacer of some kind - it isn't in your sent post. I've had the same thing happen to me.
May 1, 2020
If you don't let the application automatically decide to start the next line and you hit enter it prints an "n". It comes from using a typewriter. I often forget to let the application make the decision.
May 1, 2020
Thanks, pixi - I didn't know that.
May 4, 2020
Aknan, Were you talking about our pixipixil when you mentioned selling art for $10, 000. I've always wanted to talk about this issue with an artist who gets a high dollar return for their work. There is an assumption about the value of the art work when it is high priced.
May 4, 2020
Pixixpixil, See my comment to aknan.
May 4, 2020
You're welcome, aknan. It really confused me why that happened. I thought it was something with my computer until I noticed it was after I'd hit enter.
Apr 23, 2020
Neat street painting. Makes me smile in these down times.
Apr 22, 2020
These are nice but to crowded for me. I am a country boy
Apr 23, 2020
That's pretty much the way it is for me, too, Jas--only I'm a country lady. What I do like about the urban areas is that they have the best art museums, botanical gardens, and symphony orchestras. I need the forests and streams, though.
Apr 23, 2020
I've lived in a city all my life but my heart and soul is in the North Carolina mountains.
Apr 23, 2020
Same here jas6415. My wife and I live in a small town. We love to visit the city, but we love living in our small country town.
Apr 23, 2020
I've lived in medium size cities 30, 000 to 100, 000 and country. Love elbow room and views in country. E Tennessee is my dream area around Greenville.
Apr 23, 2020
I have never lived in a city only in small towns or in the country. I live in a very rural setting and love it.
Apr 23, 2020
VERY different for the color arrangement.
Apr 23, 2020
A charm all its own!
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