Christmas Gifts Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Dec 16, 2019
Pretty packages. Which one is mine?
Dec 16, 2019
You get your pick!
Dec 16, 2019
Never judge a package by its wrapping! How do I know which is best? We had a gift exchange at a party yesterday and I chose the one that was not wrapped so I would know what I was getting!
Dec 17, 2019
Lol. smart choice.
Dec 16, 2019
Good morning to all. Very attractive wrapping, mine never look that good lol! You all be safe.
Dec 16, 2019
I don 't wrap anymore. I give gift cards so they can get what they want.
Dec 16, 2019
Sometimes I wish I could convince myself to do the same, elijah13. But I usually work too hard making gifts they may just hide in a closet somewhere. This year I did buy about half of them instead off making them. For me that is a big concession! At 70 years old, I am slowing down a bit!
Dec 16, 2019
Usually we send lists of what we would like and then they can choose from those. I always ask for gift cards because at 83, I don't really need anything else. If I do, then I can use a glft card.
Dec 16, 2019
I like getting gift cards. That way I can save them till spring and buy plants and stuff from the bit store with the orange logo and the initials H.D. (don't know if we're supposed to mention business names.) One Christmas was really funny because when my hubby asked me what I wanted I said a circular saw. He shrugged and went to the hardware store and the salesman gave him some grief about 'buying his wife a circular saw'. lol.
Dec 16, 2019
Smart idea, elijah. Our circle of friends simply gives gift cards for the same reason - we all have everything we need. Sure saves on postage! To me, it's like receiving 2 gifts - one when I receive it and one when I use it.
Dec 16, 2019
"This" 63-piece Tessellation puzzle of Christmas presents took a LOT less time than I anticipated!!!! It was VERY MUCH FUN, too!!!! I'm so GLAD I still have the mental strength at 70 years old that I did when I first did computer puzzles quite a few years back. it prevents me from getting dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. I call it Jigsawtastics.
Dec 16, 2019
Pretty wrapped gifts!
Dec 16, 2019
Neat wrapping
Dec 16, 2019
My packages are not that elegant!
Dec 16, 2019
Pretty. I don't wrap--gift cards!

"Your children need your presence more than your presents." Jesse Jackson
Dec 16, 2019
Love the quote! May I steal it for facebook?