Ceramic Cups Jigsaw Puzzle

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Aug 18, 2022
Pretty bowls.
Mar 8, 2021
Pretty dishes. My sweet Missy kitty passed away today. I miss her bossy self.
Mar 8, 2021
It's hard to lose a beloved companion. Hugs.
Mar 9, 2021
Thank you Aknan. I actually wrote that on Friday but it is dated today. I did some self-care on the weekend. She was such a presence in my life. But she was ready to go and she told us.
Mar 11, 2021
It's almost like they try to make it easier on us. My Penney did that, too.
Mar 11, 2021
Exactly! And it did. It's easier when it's clear. So different around here...empty petting stool, empty beds beside every chair. I better pick them up. I just got her dishes up and food packed for donation. I will get her paw print in clay.
Thanks for the chat, aknan.
Mar 11, 2021
I'm sorry for your loss manatee.
Mar 13, 2021
Thanks xyxyxyxx. <3 <3
Mar 13, 2021
Sorry about your kitty. I know it will be hard for a long time. I wrote above this on March 11 that we lost our min pin. I don't if you saw it. It's above this about 15 comments. We had him over 15 years.
Mar 15, 2021
I saw that and sent hugs in a comment. They are our best buddies through thick and thin, they just can't live as long as we do. After their loyalty and devotion, the best we can do is let them go gently. They're waiting for us when it's our turn.
Mar 18, 2021
That is all we can do. Today is the first day Sam hasn't cried. Thank you for the comment.
Mar 19, 2021
Thanks for yours. Glad you're there for Sam. Sending hugs.
Apr 2, 2021
You are not along in your grief. We can see from all the comments that many of us have lost a dear pet. When I lost my Callie a year ago, I cried for a week, and then lost myself in work for a while, then I had to pick of her ashes and I cried for another week. Miss her still...never will have another kitty like her.
Apr 2, 2021
Thanks micki. I'm still out of sorts. I picked up her paw print on Friday. (It's amazing btw) It's so quiet and empty even with my brother living here...
Apr 5, 2021
Sam took our cat in today for her shots. Same room, same doctor. That really upset him. We still expect to see him on occasion. The bed by the couch the cat has taken over and Sam reaches down and pets her a lot. It's going to take quit awhile I'm afraid.
Mar 5, 2021
Harder to do than it looks. Very pretty! Lots of uses for things like this.

We are not aging. We are ripening to perfection!
Mar 5, 2021
That is the best quote I have see for "perfection" instead of the usual "aging". You have definitely perked up my day. Have a great day, elijah13, and many blessings.
Mar 5, 2021
Sometimes it's hard to find things to go with the puzzles, I find these sayings all different places.
Mar 8, 2021
They uplift my heart and spirits! Thank you s much, elijah13!
Mar 8, 2021
Very pretty cups. I didn't think it would be that hard. I think the two cups with dots and lines really confused me. I had a hard time deciding which lines and dots went with which cups. Pretty when done. I like to enlarge some puzzles and move them around to see the details. Especially like villages, etc.
Mar 8, 2021
Pretty cups.
Mar 8, 2021
Nice sized coffee mugs
Mar 5, 2021
These are lovely and I wouldn't mind some of them in my house! Have a wonderful day, all, and blessings upon blessings for each one of you.
Mar 5, 2021
A family could have fun with these colorful bowls!
Mar 5, 2021
In our family I am sure they would have been smashed with 2 days!! Plastic was popular when I was growing up, but with 5 kids, plastic was probably the safer choice! Have a great day, JAMP124!
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