Cactus Garden Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Mar 16, 2020
Now that there are news articles about the virus it's a whole lot scarier than when they first said you just get a sore throat and fever. Turns out it attacks more than the lungs in some--anything from the gut and liver to even the brain. Yikes. Well it's all in God's hands anyway. One shall be taken and one remain etc.
Hoping none of us get a serious case.
Mar 20, 2020
Very contagious. Only go out if you need food, meds or have a medical appointment. I am already stir crazy, but the isolation is necessary. We are lucky we have the internet, tv, movies and books.
Mar 20, 2020
Yes. It's unclear if ordinary tests/maintenance at the doctor/dentist should be cancelled. I'm due for a dexiscan and am thinking of cancelling...also a dental cleaning and an eye exam.
I feel sorry for the older relatives in our families who refused to learn computer. My 95 year old uncle is in a senior apartment in a large retirement hotel and the dining room and public areas are now off limits and all are told to stay in their apartments. He won't use a computer and has no tablet or cell phone. His daughter and I have tried to interest him but he's very stubborn.
How awful to be so isolated.
Mar 20, 2020
Pixi, our dentist has canceled everything but emergency appointments - broken tooth, excessive pain, lost crown - so you might want to postpone anything coming up for a while.
Mar 20, 2020
Cute little cacti
Mar 18, 2020
Love a cactus!
Mar 16, 2020
That was hard, at least for me. Been snowing here for 2 days again, beginning to wonder if I live in the arctic circle!! Was snowing so hard yesterday couldn't see the trees across the street!! You all stay safe.
Mar 16, 2020
Yes, I found it rather hard myself. There is very little color variation in the pieces. It's sunny, cold, and muddy here in Michigan (mid-lower peninsula, near Lake Huron). Blessings!
Mar 16, 2020
Warm her in central Florida. 60's at night and 80's during the day.
Mar 16, 2020
WE had that snow on Friday.Where are you from.Northern Ontario Canada here.Beautiful sunny day to-day.Can hardlyait for winter to be over!!!!
Mar 16, 2020
I have a very good friend who lives in Houghton, upper peninsula, and I tease her all the time about living in the "frigid North". We were both teaching in the same school in Honduras....she always missed the cold and I loved the warmth! I hope the weather gets better for you, vmarie!
Mar 16, 2020
This puzzle was hard for me, too, darambo!
Mar 16, 2020
We're already in the mid 80s here in n.e.Florida. I'm ready for that 'little ice age' I keep hearing about.
Mar 16, 2020
I just wish it would stay more like this is now. I hate when we get into summer and feel like we are suffocating. However, that's Florida. Just thankful for air conditioning in the summer. In central Florida.
Mar 16, 2020
Trynfindit I don't want to hear about such good!!!! Would gladly send some of the latest 1/2 foot of snow, enjoy your sun and warm weather while I continue to watch the snow fly. Be safe.
Mar 16, 2020
@trynfindit - My son-in-law has been complaining about the Florida temperatures too. The family resides in Boca Raton, near Ft. Lauderdale.
Mar 16, 2020
Darambo and vmarie, our temps wouldn't be so bad if they didn't start in the 80s in early March, go into the high 80s to low 90s in April, then go into the mid to high 90s from May through the end of August. The humidity hangs at around 80-99% and the ground absorbs the heat so that, at midnight the temperature is still in the low 80s. Oh, and about 99% of the time during this heat there is no breeze. Throw in the fact that I'm heat intolerant and, yes, I'm ready for the 'little ice age.' ugh. lol
Mar 16, 2020
Vmarie my uncle and aunt live in Boca Raton. He worked for IBM and accepted a transfer there from San Jose, where we are all from. When he retired they decided to stay because of their grandkids are there and they really like it. Be safe
Mar 16, 2020
Trynfindit when I lived in Redding, Ca it was not unusual for the temps to get to 110 or more in the summer, but it is normally dry heat which is more bearable, also no breeze there either. Be safe and take care.
Mar 16, 2020
Fortunately for Boca Raton, which I've heard is a super place, they're on the ocean and probably get some breeze. While Jacksonville is close to the ocean, we don't get much in the way of summer breezes due to our being in a curvature of the state and futher away from the Gulf Stream.
Mar 16, 2020
Murphydog I'm in central Oregon on top of the mountains in the high desert. Still getting snow off and on today, it's a whopping 21 today. Be safe and wishing you a sunny day.
Mar 16, 2020
Lovely CACTUSES!!!!!!!
Mar 16, 2020
Difficult puzzle, but the cacti plants are lovely! Have a peaceful Sunday, everyone, and may there be blessings for all of us this day.
Mar 16, 2020
I agree with you! It took way to long for this!
Mar 16, 2020
Such pretty cacti....Never seen those colors before
Mar 16, 2020
Has anyone heard from Aussie lately? Seems like we haven't heard from her since the heart problems. Of course I usually get on here so early and she has usually posted by then. If you are reading this " sis" I'm thinking of you and still sending prayers. All be safe, stay home and be healthy.
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