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Dec 14, 2021
Looks like a lot of you have already done this one back 2 years ago. Glad I ran across it. He is so cute. He is happy right where he is. Must have had a big meal.
May 21, 2020
So cute...
Dec 16, 2019
My mystery for today
he is cute but I don't want a pet
Nov 29, 2019
That little guy looks like something I am looking for only I want a female. I need someone to talk to and a dog would be perfect. This loneliness is driving me crazy.
Dec 2, 2019
That's a great idea, mamag! And you'll have something to joyfully greet you when you come home.
Dec 2, 2019
Mamag I wish I was close by so we could go out some where, sounds like we could both use the company. Even though Ed is here but he has not been any company since he found out about the cancer. I understand he has a lot on his mind but I need someone to talk to sometimes too. We have always had dogs and I think females make the best pets, although the males we've had were much more protective.Try to find a rescue pet we have found them to be very loving, think they know they have found a forever home and just show the love from being wanted and loved by someone. Does that make sense to you, don't know if I explained it right. Will write this afternoon. Be safe my friend.
Dec 2, 2019
I finally got a dog after years of saying pets were too much responsibility and I didn't want to be tied down. She has proven to be one of the best things I ever did for myself! Do it. And I concur with darambo, rescue dogs are the best!
Dec 2, 2019
Definitely a shelter dog then both of you have been helped.
Dec 2, 2019
Dogs are wonderful, loving companions. We are here for you also!
Dec 2, 2019
We have a rescue dog, a "tweenie" dachshund (tweenies are in between a full size and a miniature). Mac is about 16 pounds and he's been a pure joy in our lives since day 1. We must get a laugh or a chuckle out of him at least a dozen times a day. I've read, since we got him, that mini dachies are clowns and Mac has really proved that true. We've always had a dog and can't imagine life without one. Highly recommend a dog mamag!
Dec 2, 2019
Trynfindit doxies are little clowns, but if you want to see a dog that is a big clown try a basset hound. We have had 3 of them, they are the funniest, most loving dogs we have had. They were rescues and I really miss them to this day. Now we have corgi's, almost as much of a clown. They are the only dogs we have had that weren't rescue, although they were kind of rescue, the breeders couldn't sell them( the whole litter) so we bought 2 of them for $50.00 each so they wouldn't have to take them to the humane society. Both females one almost all red except white feet and the other tri color, they are great dogs and I don't know what I would do without them.Be safe
Dec 2, 2019
My sister has a rescue dog maned Archie. He is part dachshund mix and he looks so much like an Archie. There is no describing this cutie. He is short and fat, brown colored and the sweetest thing ever.
Dec 2, 2019
Lol. They really get to your heart, don't they?
Dec 2, 2019
What is cute is she is always asking Archie if anyone would want him and he just gives her those sad puppy dog eyes. I love that dog as much as she does.
Dec 2, 2019
Mamag, the easiest way to find a rescue pet in your area is to go to Right under the big picture on the home page, you can put in your zip code and click on 'Find a Dog'. From there you can limit your search by age, size, color, etc or even pick a specific breed. Good Luck!
Dec 2, 2019
Almost every breed has its own rescue group. If you do an internet search on "beagle rescue" (without the quotes) or whatever breed you want, it will bring up rescue groups.
Dec 4, 2019
Thank you jazz0130. and trynfindit. My daughter told me about that site and I do want to check it out. I also love beagles so I am not sure yet if that is what I want or not.
Dec 4, 2019
If you love them, you probably already know they take a lot of exercise! Be careful if you're mobility is limited, please. Hugs.
Dec 6, 2019
I have a good size yard for him/her to play in. I am not sure when I will be getting the dog. I looked at one yesterday but they are not sure if the owner is going to reclaim him or not. If he does, there are plenty of other dogs that need rescuing. It is in God's hands as to when and what type I get.
Dec 6, 2019
Good luck mamag, whatever you do and whenever you do it! BTW - there is an interesting article on loneliness in the issue of AARP magazine I got just this week.
Dec 6, 2019
Mamag you will know when you find the right dog, your heart will tell you. Be safe my friend and don't study too hard.
Nov 29, 2019
Terminal cuteness! I can't believe I've lived most of my life without a dog, but in this tiny apartment it wouldn't be fair.
Nov 29, 2019
A small dog in a tiny apartment beats a small dog in a'd love it....
Nov 29, 2019
I am thinking of getting a therapy dog to help with my depression and loneliness. I have a big enough trailer for both of us. I just hope my landlord will approve. Nothing bigger than a 25-30 pound adult female. I want to get a rescue dog.
Dec 2, 2019
If you get a Dr. to certify you need a therapy dog or emotional support dog as defined in the ADA, the landlords have a much harder time saying no. They can be sued for discriminating against the disabled!
Dec 2, 2019
Nlbuchanan, I don't think my landlord will give me a problem. My neighbor had 2 dogs and he is renting form the same people as me. I really want a rescue dog.
Dec 2, 2019
I am glad you don't think there will be a problem, mamag15. Just FYI, your dog can be a rescue dog and still be an emotional support dog. You pick the dog, it just has to give you comfort and "emotional support". Any animal can do that for you if you love one another. My dog is a rescue dog with no formal training and I am certified ADA eligible.
Dec 4, 2019
Nlbuchanan, I talked to my landlady this afternoon and she agreed that a dog would be beneficial for me. She is completely understanding. It is going to be a rescue dog. I think that might also help me from making myself bleed by scratching myself raw.
Dec 4, 2019
I am so very happy for you, mamag15! I'm sure any rescue dog would love you to scratch them instead of yourself!
Dec 6, 2019
Nlbuchanan, I looked at a cute little Beagle yesterday and I am waiting to hear back from the rescue shelter. If the owner does not reclaim him, then he will be mine. As I told aknan, it is in God's hands whether I get him or not. If not, then there are plenty of other dogs that need a good home.
Dec 6, 2019
Whichever dog you get, I am sure it will be one very lucky dog!
Nov 29, 2019
That little dog seems very peaceful just sleeping away like that.
Nov 29, 2019
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday.
Dec 2, 2019
Thank you mamag15. The weather was very cold where I live, but my wife and I had a great Thanksgiving none the less. We ate great food, spent time with family, and counted our blessings of course. How did your spend your day? I hope it was great.
Dec 2, 2019
I did not celebrate this year. I stayed home and worked on some of my school assignments. I am not sure if I can Christmas. I know my husband and son would not want me to be sad, but it is hard getting through this time of time.
Dec 2, 2019
Dec 2, 2019
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