Big Splash Whale Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jul 8, 2020
Not one of my favorites.Any one from Canada on here?
Jul 9, 2020
I am from beautiful British Columbia.
Jul 9, 2020
I am from Northern Ontario.Nice to meet you 123 Bunny
Jul 10, 2020
Manitoba here!
Jul 10, 2020
From beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We have been completely isolated from the world since April, 2020. And do I need a haircut? Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 8, 2020
I wonder if animals can sense the past and future. Some live such a long time like tortoises. This blue whale lives a hundred years or more but bowhead whales can live 200 years.
If humans lived that long in good health do you think we might try harder to get along?
Wishing you all good health and long life.
Jul 8, 2020
I sure hope so
if it gets any worse I just don't know
Jul 8, 2020
Only if there were no other way to survive. I find I get more and more pessimistic about humans everyday. Good health and long life to you, also, pixipixil.
Jul 8, 2020
Thanks, nborchardt.
Jul 8, 2020
Yes they do sense the past and future. This can be observed by you. Your pet remembers you every day. Plus animals sense a dangerous, unfamiliar or unpleasant smell to a person and when they appear again there is the same reaction. I feed Seagulls. There is a certain batch on the beach that remembers me. When I am about to feed them I wave my arms in the air and they fly over. I then know it is my group. We do this year after year. If other humans they scatter away from and terrified of dogs. Just a few examples.
Jul 9, 2020
Thanks, Arlene. I know animals have memories or they'd all be dead by now. Your example is close to what I was looking for--the idea of knowing the good guys from the bad is a real historical item.
I googled the question and one person had answered on a site--Quora, I think--that if a person carries an object that looks like a baby crow, the crows will attack them and pas the info to the next generation which will also attack them.
I think that is the sort of history I am looking for. I know monkeys that learned to use water fountains in a park passed that on to the next generation also. I'm not sure if I consider that the same thing.
Jul 9, 2020
Magnificent large whale.
Jul 8, 2020
Beautiful puzzle relaxing and fun
Jul 8, 2020
Nice, strong-looking creature!!!!!
Jul 8, 2020
I may have told you about a perfect day in my life. On a cruise to Alaska, we watched whales all morning and glaciers calve all afternoon. Spectacular!
Jul 8, 2020
What a beautiful puzzle! The one sure thing I have on my "bucket list" is to see a live whale in the ocean. I love these huge creatures, and the whale songs I have heard on recordings! Have an amazing day with many stunningly beautiful moments.
Jul 8, 2020
A big whale. My mother was born in "the Whaling City"--New Bedford, MA. During high school we lived across the river from there--in Fairhaven, MA.

Warm weather here--in fact, HOT! "If you're not barefoot, then you're overdressed". Unknown
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