Bench by Old Building Jigsaw Puzzle

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Mar 6, 2023
This could be any building in Honduras. This brings back memories of those days that I lived there. I hope all of you have a day that has good memories for you in the future. Blessings to all!
Mar 6, 2023
What did you do in Hondura nhoward? You may have said but I forgot.
Mar 7, 2023
I was a teacher and taught 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grades and then was high school principal for 1 1/2 years until my marriage collapsed. And life goes on! I loved the kids and the best job I have ever had was being a principal. I lived there for17 years.
Mar 8, 2023
Ohhh, sorry about the marriage bit, but glad you liked the rest. We sponsor a Honduran child and, from pictures of the area, it looks a hard life for them.
Mar 8, 2023
It is a hard life. What I couldn't believe is how the upper class didn't want to help those who had nothing. They expected that the other countries who were better off would help and a lot of the times if help was sent into the country, they would be the first to check it to see if there was anything they could use. I hope it has changed since I was there. I came back in 1991.
Nov 27, 2023
Nhoward I'm fascinated to hear about your time in Honduras. How did you and your ex find yourselves living there, if I may ask?
Nov 27, 2023
We met at a Christmas party at the University of Illinois. He was from Honduras. We dated and he decided that he would like to marry me and so we went to his country, got married, and the rest is history!
Nov 28, 2023
Thank you for sharing some thoughts about your time in Honduras. You have led an adventurous life!
Nov 29, 2023
I have and it was difficult but I got through it and it made me stronger. It was a trial at times, but the lessons learned have helped me in my life.
Nov 30, 2023
We have been sponsoring a child in Honduras for many years now and the two leaders of the organization were kidnapped once down there!
Dec 2, 2023
Wonderful that you are doing that, trynfindit, in a place where it sounds like there are tremendous hardships.
Dec 4, 2023
Honduras today is totally different since I left. There is more violence, gangs, drug lords, and not enough law to keep things from getting out of hand. It is a dangerous place and more so for anyone visiting there. And the terror they are spreading throughout the country and the Hondurans is horrible.
Dec 5, 2023
Ah, heartbreaking, truly.
Dec 6, 2023
It is horrible and the main problems are the people from the country doing all the harm to others who live there.
Mar 24, 2023
Pretty photo, but looks as if it needs a good new paint job.
Was fun working jigsaw puzzle.
Mar 6, 2023
Great thought inspiring picture. I think of all the possibilities that this could be. Great puzzle.
Mar 6, 2023
Doing puzzles now because my cleaning lady is here so am staying out of her way. Wish I could clean myself but really hard to do the major cleaning. She comes every 2 weeks. Miss my kitty that I had to have put down on Wednesday but she is in a better place now. Still have my 2 so are company.