Beach Sunrise Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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tropical getawaytravelvacationsunrisebeachoceanwaterseadawnsandrockspaviliontreesbrighthappy

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Feb 5, 2020
Reminds me of a "Beach Boys" song, ""Aruba, Jamaica, Ooo I wanna take you to Bermuda, Bahama, C'mon pretty mama! Key Largo, Montego, baby, why don't we go to the Kokomos, we'll get there fast and then take it slow". I'm waiting.....who's going to take me there?!?!?! Ah, one of the places I'll have to just keep dreaming about, and that is fine! Have a sunny kind of tropical day if only in the sun's shining! Blessings to all and lots of warm hugs.
Feb 5, 2020
I remember that song. I'd love to have been a good dancer but I was shy about dancing. I was okay doing skating competitions and singing but dancing was something else. Somehow going to a place like that makes me want to dance.
Hugs and blessings back at you nborchardt.
Feb 5, 2020
Doggonit, nborchardt, now I'll have that song playing in my mind for the rest of the day!
Feb 5, 2020
Hahaha aknan - happens to me all the time. Hugs to you and nborchardt!!!
Feb 7, 2020
Blessings and joy to pixipixil, aknan, and aussie, and to all the Senior Puzzlers!
Feb 10, 2020
Thanks nborchardt. To you too. Nice being a senior but I'm a bit worried about graduation. Hope it's an uplifting one.
Feb 10, 2020
It will be the most uplifting beautiful moment in our lives.
Feb 10, 2020
AMEN nborchardt!!! Hugs.
Feb 10, 2020
I see you have a music icon nborchardt. Do you sing or play an instrument?
Feb 11, 2020
I sing. I studied music, mainly vocal, in college and was able to be a music teacher, which I loved. I still sing and will continue until my voice only brings grief instead of joy!! I love music, always have and always will.
Feb 11, 2020
I got my MSEd in music with voice as my major. I sang at church for many years as cantor and soloist and did a bit of music teaching also in school and privately. I liked teaching grammar along great with the kids. The parents were another story. I don't give lessons any more, and I don't teach. For a while I was doing funerals at a local church and an occasional solo at Mass but the new music director won't let me solo. She says it's inappropriate. Humph. Well it wasn't for the thirty prior years I was doing it! They asked me to cantor b4 she came along but they only use volunteer cantors and that is insulting to someone with my credentials plus after spending 30 years of turning down all events on weekends because of cantoring I think a break from that is in order. I would still like to solo. Unfortunately I am hopeless on keyboard. I can play a bit but not enough to get a music director's job. My hands are tiny and are easily stressed out. I didn't go in to music until I was in my 40's. Now I'm pushing 74. I did do a Saturday Mass alone by playing guitar and singing. Folks were happy with me but the new priest wasn't. After 7 years there (4 before he arrived with an older priest who was a control freak but loved my voice )he did away with the position. I haven't tried to get a job since.
Since I don't have an undergrad degreee my sight singing skills aren't the best. I can figure it out in my head but can't hit the tarmac at takeoff speed without some time to suss out the tune first.
Too late now. I haven't the energy or stamina. I still practice voice 6 days a week for 45 minutes.
I was coloratura but now can only manage up to D above high C. My runs have gotten shabby too. Used to blaze thru the Mozart Alleluia. Now I go flat if I don't have an accompaniment.
Feb 12, 2020
I hear what you're saying about getting older. I still sing, but not so much in public anymore. I have people tell me I still sing better than they do, but I know what I used to be able to do. I will be 71 this year so the old vocal cords aren't quite what they used to be! But sing I will, alone, until I'm called to the next life!! Blessings, pixipixil!!
Feb 13, 2020
You, too, nborchardt. I get the same feedback but I miss my high range and the flexibility I once took for granted.
Apr 21, 2021
I just took up singing lessons a few years ago as I was approaching 70. Love it. Especially after believing I could not sing all my life. Recording hymns now for our on-line services.
Apr 21, 2021
How wonderful, nana. Sometimes singing makes me feel so free but on bad days it's like marching through thick mud.
Dec 12, 2022
Wow, you really know all of the words to that song. Hope you get there.
Feb 5, 2020
There must be some powerful floodlights shining from outside the right lower part of the photo. With the sun in the back of that sandbar the rocks and trees should have been in shadow. Sarasota is the closest we've ever come to the tropics. WE went to visit relatives and didn't see much in terms of "the sights."
Hope you are having a day of optimism.
Feb 6, 2020
Having been to Sarasota it's a shame y'all didn't go to Sanibel Island and Captiva Island (they're right next to each other, ). Wonderful place. One of our favorites.
Feb 6, 2020
Good eye, pixi! Those rocks should be in shadow on this side, too. That photo's been 'shopped...Photoshopped. I don't mind that if it makes it beautiful. I do get irritated when they add whole mountainsides of fake trees though.
Feb 6, 2020
Good observation! Did not see that. Thanks!
Feb 7, 2020
I hate it when they make the colors so bright it looks psychedelic. I find with digital photos they almost always need tweeking but the challenge is to keep them looking natural.
Feb 11, 2020
Artificially bright colors bug me too, unless it's part of a statement. Many phones are programmed to add contrast and saturation. It's not really my thing though.
Feb 10, 2020
Well, at least we can all imagine ourselves being in this tropical setting. I feel warmer and happier already!
Feb 6, 2020
Beautiful colors! I did puzzle with 192 Classic what about you?
Trying to find out if they stack the completed puzzles by time only, or by time and same puzzle cut?
Feb 6, 2020
Time & same puzzle cut, arlenez.
Feb 10, 2020
That is what I thought too. What about pixipixil saying he/she used Hex (see below) and I used Classic?
Feb 6, 2020
Lovely. Wish I were there.
Feb 5, 2020
Feb 5, 2020
Feb 5, 2020
Beautiful beach
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