Bavarian Castle Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavarian Alps, Germany, is a well-known architectural jewel built in the 19th century by the King of Bavaria, Ludwig II. The castle was the inspiration for the royal castle in Disney's Sleeping Beauty, and offers a magical scene for an online jigsaw puzzle.


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May 29, 2024
I am so pleased that my castle is included in the jigsaw game!
Perhaps you lovely folks can come to visit. We might set up a jigsaw festival! I would like my friends and neighbors to meet all of you.
I might invite everyone to tea --- and what a jolly time we would have getting to know each other in person!!!
Be on the lookout for a post from me. I'm already planning it!
Jul 6, 2020
A easy mystery today
Jul 26, 2018
I'm here. Just trying to get rid of my migrane. They can be debilitating. Have a good day everyone :)
Jul 26, 2018
Oh I know all about migraines - I have a migraine as well. Debilitating - yes and for me they are. Ugh! Dizzyness, severe pain, nausea and vomiting. I've had them so bad that I had to go to the ER.
Jul 26, 2018
I hope you start feeling better soon leia. I know how bad migraines can get. Feel better soon.
Jul 26, 2018
I have had many friends who suffered from migraines and they are "not fun"! I will be saying prayers and I hope your day changes for the better. Blessings!
Jul 26, 2018
Thank you mamag15 and nborchardt for the well wishes. It's been about 8 hours and still no relief :(
Jul 27, 2018
Very true about migraines that their debilitating.
Jul 27, 2018
I hope that migraine goes away soon. leia.
Jul 27, 2018
Thank you so much. Today is the first day that I didn't wake up with it. My migranes can last 2 full days or sometimes they come back and don't fully go away. So far so good!
Jul 28, 2018
My daughter has them too so did her dad
Jul 28, 2018
I am glad to hear that your migraine is gone leia7. They can be so bad that they will make you nauseous. My son used to get them so bad we had to have the lights off and I would have to gently rub his forehead and put cool cloths on him. I would get them that bad too. Hope you continue having a blessed day.
Jul 29, 2018
Thank you for your care and concern. Yes, cool washcloths on my forehead help. I get the nausea, also. My mother had them. It's heredity and sometimes stress. Have a Super Sunday :)
Aug 2, 2018
Certain foods can trigger them as well. Mine can get really bad - not only with the severe pain but dizzyness, nausea and vomiting. Then my stomach is messed up. So I think I'll eat something. I eat and nope didn't work. Even light and sound can bother ppl. Have to take presc. migraine meds and I'm currently out. Ugh!
Aug 2, 2018
Hope you feel better - I'm on like day 5 with one.
Aug 2, 2018
I don't get the waving lines that tells you one is coming. I get the nausea and vomiting - wow 8 hrs. and not any relief. My aunt would get them. My uncle would say oh she's in bed. We're like omg! What's wrong?
Jul 25, 2018
I don'tknow if we'll ever go to Europe, but if we do, I want to go here.
One of my ancestors may have come from Bavaria. Perhaps it accounts for my love of the mountains.
Wishing you a day of dreams to be reached.
Jul 26, 2018
My son always wanted to go to Europe. That dream will never happen now. I would love to go to Finland, Switzerland, Bavaria, and Holland.
Jul 26, 2018
I hope you get that chance, mamag.
Jul 27, 2018
Thanks pixi but I highly doubt it., Too much money which I something I lack.
Jul 27, 2018
Pretty castle.
Jul 26, 2018
Very lovely castle and puzzle. A lot of fun to work and play with. I must admit, I'm surprised no one has mentioned all the windows that must be washed! lol
Jul 26, 2018
They had plenty of staff to take care of it back then - and now, it's government employees!
Jul 26, 2018
At least they're getting paid for the job! I'm sure I'd have to pay someone else to clean them. That's a lot of windows.
Jul 26, 2018
My German ancestors were from Bavaria, but I imagine they lived in the same building that housed their small brewery. Beautiful architecture. The buildings were built to last in those days.
Jul 25, 2018
Am I on here alone today?
Jul 26, 2018
Nah, we're just late starters! Blessings!
Jul 26, 2018
You are right, dbnc. No one is on this site today. lol
It IS a beautiful castle built in the 1800's. I don't have the reMOAT-est idea what surrounds it.
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