Bamboo Stalks Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle for free online of green bamboo. Bamboo is a fast growing plant.


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Aug 26, 2018
I wish the US would start growing the kind used for the same things as wood instead of cutting down trees. It grows really fast and could help stabilize soil that has eroded.
Another plant I wish we'd find a good commercial use for is kudzu.
Wishing you a happy Sunday.
Aug 27, 2018
Kudzu has eaten up Georgia.
Aug 27, 2018
I know. It is a terrible scourge. But like many scourges, turn it into something for profit and you'll see it kept under control as it gets consumed by whatever industry can use it as a raw material. One group of entrepreneurs thought to use it to make ethanol but it turned out to give off bad by products. I suppose I am being optimistic but I didn't coin the idea "if you get lemons make lemonade." Here's something there's too much of but it must have some beneficial use if we could only find it.
I can appreciate the problem as I struggle with the vines overgrowing my yard.
Aug 28, 2018
Aug 27, 2018
A challenger. loved it
Aug 26, 2018
These are evasive plants. A neighbor of mine had some and they were hard to get rid of. Not easy to do. Hard puzzle.
Aug 26, 2018
We have people growing bamboo here in Virginia. I keep looking for Koala or Panda bears. this was a little hard. Took me over 4 minutes in 48 regular count.
Aug 26, 2018
There are two kinds. One is invasive and the other isn't. I was looking to plant the big type--I especially liked the black stalked variety--but that was one of the invasive kind nd I already have my hands full with controlling trumpet vines, bittersweet and wisteria that are monsters. They go deep under the surfaee and pop up all over and they all grow like wildfire. I can't keep ahead of them.
Aug 27, 2018
I know what you mean. I planted some vines to cover the ugly back fence that the association put up. Finally after about 5 years and trying to cover with vines, they finally put up a new fence. Howeve, I still am fighting the vines and I guess I will as long as I live here. Part of life, I guess!
Aug 27, 2018
I have it in my garden, it was here when moved in, luckily it only sprouts once a year in the spring, so I cut the buds, but it is awful and would cost me thousands to have it removed.
Aug 26, 2018
Another challenge!
Aug 27, 2018
Found both puzzles a challenge today, both tough!
Aug 26, 2018
The bamboo stalks puzzle was fun, but very challenging at the same time.
Aug 26, 2018
I had such a wonderful Sunday School today. There are now 4 kids in my class and every once in a while I might get a visitor or two. I have a friend who helps me keep the kids under control. I am supposed to have 3-4th graders but I added a second grader. He was a little intimated at first. But we got him calmed down and he did really good. And on another note, I passed my HIUS 221 and ENG102 with a "B". I was so close to an A in History, missed it by 4 points. I just wonder what this will do to my GPA. It already 3.16. I hope I get back up with these next classes in SPED and Civics. My Special Ed class should be fun. I will be learning the laws associated with Special Needs and how to identify the child with Special Needs. Another 8 weeks will start tomorrow and I am ready to go!!! have a blessed week and I hope and pray that ya'll stay safe and healthy. Blessings.
Aug 26, 2018
Good morning to all and hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Think they are going to lift the weather advisory, maybe we will get some fresh air and will be able to go out without it burning our eyes. Not much new around here for a change -- thank goodness! Everyone have a good week and be safe
Aug 26, 2018
Good morning to you early bird
hope you have a good day
Aug 26, 2018
Good morning :)
Aug 26, 2018
Well, this took me much longer than I expected, but I did finish it! Have a wonderful day, everyone, and blessings to all of you!
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