Bamboo Bridge Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jun 1, 2022
I like scenery best.
Jun 28, 2021
I wonder if there are any critters on that little island.
Mar 12, 2020
Useful bridge, but not very forgiving if one loses their balance on the way to the island.
Mar 9, 2020
I found this image both on Big Stock and Alamy. Their descriptions both read as "Bamboo pedestrian hanging bridge over sea to remote desert island." Well, it doesn't look like a "hanging" bridge at all, but supported from beneath. The island doesn't look like a desert, either, but maybe it's deserted.

Bamboo, by the way, is very versatile. It's strong and handles moisture easily. Buildings are even being made from it.

Have a nice day!
Mar 9, 2020
Yes. Bamboo should replace wood. It's sturdier and grows very fast. There are multiple uses for it including flooring and fabric. I have a towel holder made of bamboo.
If I were an entretpreneur I'd try to find a ood place to grow it as a farm. there are so many kinds and they span a pretty good range of climates but not really cold ones. The push to drop plastic bags worries me because we can't afford to lose any more forest. The new bags should be made of bamboo paper.
Mar 9, 2020
I love that you tell us more about it. However, not for me.
Mar 9, 2020
I know! It looks inviting, in a way, I mean, it is lush and green......but do I really want to hike over that bridge and experience the island? I'm thinkin' NO! Have a great day, elijah13! How is your sister doing?
Mar 9, 2020
Seems to being good. A therapist comes a few times a week-I think. I don't go over there. I told her if she needs anything that her husband can't do for her, and I can, just let me know. 2 of her kids help her also. They also help me when necessary.
Mar 9, 2020
Thanks for the update, elijah13. I will keep her in my prayers. Stay well and blessed!
Mar 9, 2020
Very pretty the bridge looks a little scary
Mar 9, 2020
Such a beautiful looking island. I love it.
Mar 9, 2020
A FUN and BEAUTIFUL puzzle!!!!!!!!
Mar 9, 2020
Good morning all. What a lovely little island, would love to explore it and maybe find a place in the sun and just listen to the surf and relax. Very interesting walkway. We're supposed to be getting snow again, so makes this look even more inviting. You all be safe.
Mar 9, 2020
Chilly day for here. 40's at night, around 60 daytime. 2 days ago had record high temp--upper 80's.
Mar 9, 2020
Late with things today...

"There is no trouble proving that the most acute eyes, the most sensitive souls have turned to the cat for inspiration, allegory and the sheer joy of capturing a magnificent form in repose or motion...we have in the cat, living art. - Roger Caras"

Have a Great Evening!
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