Bagel Sandwich Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle of a healthy bagel sandwich. The sandwich is topped with tomeatoes and cucumbers.


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Jul 2, 2019
A good mystery today
Apr 3, 2018
Nice sandwich!
Jan 14, 2017
I wonder what else is on this sandwich besides tomato and cucumber. I see some type of greens, but, I have no idea what they are - they could be dandelion greens for all I know.

I love bagels, sometimes, just heated up in the microwave and covered with salt. That's kind of like a hot pretzel. Or, toasted with cream cheese, sometimes flavored cream cheese, sometimes plain cream cheese, or, sometimes with plain cream cheese with cherry, raspberry, blackberry, or strawberry preserves or jam. Yum!
Jan 21, 2017
I like the soft bagels. My favorite is the everything bagel. Getting that flavor soft is hard to do.( PW would love that pun, even if it wasn't intended! ) I like mine with cream cheese and salmon.
Feb 4, 2017
You make me hungry just reading this!
Feb 5, 2017
Sorry elijah, I didn't mean to make you feel hungry!
Jan 26, 2018
The greens I think are Arugula - Love flavored cream cheese. Growing up we used to take pita bread or bagels and make little pizzas out of them.
Feb 4, 2017
Looks delicious but I can't have green leafy things--doctor says that!
Jan 21, 2017
I love bagels! When I lived in San Diego, there was a bagel shop which created the best sandwiches ever! As I live in Indiana right now I miss it.
Jan 18, 2017
This is my favorite type of sandwich, as far as the filling. This version would be difficult to eat in public because of the bagel. It is so easy to cut up 4-5 vegetables and put them in a wrap or on some deli bread. Sometimes I add a piece of Havarti or Provolone cheese if I feel my body needs protein. As a person gets older, their digestive system seems to have a harder time digesting meat, anyway. I only eat poultry, pork, or fish a few times a week. That is all I can handle and feel all right.
Jan 14, 2017
I can't imagine any of that stuff staying inside the sandwich. One bite and it'll all be back on the plate or in your lap. Looks very tasty.
We go to a restaurant nearby that has Mediterranean sandwiches that are similar but on bread. Yummmmmeeeee.
Wishing you a day when your sandwiches don't fall apart. ;-)
Jan 14, 2017
That sandwich looks gross!!!! Sorry but I don't do veggies on bread of any kind.
Jan 15, 2017
Not even lettuce and tomatoes? BLT is my absolute favorite sandwich. What do you put on your sandwiches mamag?
I get the veg sandwich with a boowl of French onion soup which is such a complete meal I consider the sandwich bread and a salad but together.
Jan 15, 2017
I only use butter. I love bacon sandwiches but with just the bacon. I will put shredded lettuce on my tuna fish sandwiches but that is about it, only if it is on a hard roll and not bread. I guess I am so weird.
Jan 15, 2017
That;s why they have the de gustibus saying. Everybody likes something different and there's no good reason why so there's no point in arguing. I'm weird, too. I don't like chocolate.
Jan 16, 2017
Jan 14, 2017
Pictures of food make me hungry. it is suppose to be freezing here but it is over 30 degrees. makes the weather reports remind me of the old Wolf Wolf story. Does anyone remember it?
Jan 14, 2017
Not unless it's the boy who cried wolf.
Jan 14, 2017
Fiestyoelady we have been having below freezing, sometimes in the single digits for over a week now. I'm in central Oregon on top of the mountains, 4-5 feet of snow. Where are you at? By the way I love your screen name. Be safe and warm!
Jan 14, 2017
When we lived in the Catskill mountains it would go to 40 below zero sometimes. We usually had 2-3 feet of snow but I can't remember ever having more than that on the groound and we were in the ski belt.
Jan 14, 2017
We've had some freezing rain that started Friday evening in Kansas City. The big concern is hopefully it will have passed before the Chiefs play the Steelers here Sunday evening, around 80, 000 people sitting outside for about 3 hours watching football (not soccer for those who live outside of the United States) hopefully while it's not below freezing or raining.
Jan 15, 2017
We're expecting several days of freezing fog, extremely dangerous. We have several ski resorts within an hours drive, the closest is Mt. Bachelor, 25 miles away so I guess we are in the ski belt to. Be safe.
Jan 15, 2017
Thanks darambo. You too. We aren't living there any more. Right now we have a cozy pocket in a lek community and the bad stuff seems to mostly avoid us. Only the ice storms that come in spring seem to hit here.
Jan 15, 2017
J.T. our son is in KC on the north side waiting for the roads to get better...he has been in Minn. & is on his way to OKC....he found a good motel w/good food. He made it that far yesterday & decided to stay another day.
Jan 15, 2017
Prayers for him to get home safely, Catlady.
Jan 16, 2017
I think most of the ice missed Kansas City, but we did get some. Didn't Oklahoma get hit pretty hard with ice?
Jan 16, 2017
The NW part got the worst. We are on the so. side of OKC (Moore) just had a little over the weekend, it came & went not a steady stream, our temps here were back & forth of the freezing.
I don't think we even had any power lines down here. We are in a area of under ground utilities, but they are fed by above ground lines so we lose power sometimes, but not long usually, it seems to be an major run so usually fix quickly. Most of the problems were north & west of OKC.
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