Assorted Gemstones Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Aug 27, 2021
These stones so pretty when polished!
May 8, 2020
A fun puzzle ---- again!
Dec 13, 2019
The woman who we bought our house from built the house herself, after her husband died in a wood mill accident...they had a mill on the 120 acres of forest behind is. Anyways as therapy she started a lapidary shop and we have a treasure trove of semi precious rocks all over our yard and when we were hooking up the new well last year we ran across a spot where she must have used to dump all the polished stones she couldn't use, we brought buckets of them in. Don't know what to do with all of them. She must have been a rockhound, we have so many types of rocks here, even have a lot of geodes or thundereggs, uncut. Would like to cut them in half but need a special saw blade to do that. Perfect house for 3 rockhounds. Everyone be safe.
Dec 16, 2019
What an interesting story.
Dec 16, 2019
Trynfindit we piled up all the obsidian and petrified wood into 2 big bunches close to our fence and people are always stopping and asking if they can have a piece...mostly the obsidian and there is so much we always let them take 1 or 2 pieces. Pearl must have left a pile of semi precious rocks 5ft. wide, about 20ft long and stood around 3ft deep, This massive pile was right in the middle of the yard and it took the 3 of us and 2 wheel barrows to move them to a better spot. That's when we found out there was different types of crystals, petrified wood, lots of obsidian, california jade and many, many others. The picture of the puzzle has a black stone with small white spots, I'm not sure but it looks like the one piece of snowflake obsidian we found.....very rare. Our piece is quite large and not polished. It now resides in the house with the other rare ones we found. Be safe.
Dec 17, 2019
That's very neat darambo. Wish I lived near enough to you to pick up some stones. lol
Dec 16, 2019
Beautiful gemstones --- and a fun puzzle!
Dec 16, 2019
Vibrant colors for stones!!!!!!!
Dec 16, 2019
Dec 16, 2019
Amazing! Can't believe the beauty in some of these gems. An enjoyable puzzle.
Dec 13, 2019
Beautiful stones ,, Fun to do
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