Animal Pile Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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May 11, 2021
I wonder where someone would hang these cute crocheted animals? I definitely know they're not key chains. Anyway, wish I could sew that well.
Dec 11, 2020
Fun crocheted animals, but whats with the key ring on them? I agree with pixipixil that they'd be too heavy for a pocket keychain. Hmmm...
Nov 25, 2019
Someone had fun making those. Don't think they'd be good keychains for a pocket. I would use them some other way I think.
The sun is trying hard to come out today. Hope it wins.
Wishing you creative inspiration today.
Nov 25, 2019
Hope you get your sunshine, pixipixil.....we have no hope here! Have a blessed day!
Nov 25, 2019
Hi Pixipixil, A very nice sunny day here in Weeki, 67 deg. at 3 pm.
Was up early this morning, did this fun, whimsical puzzle. Enjoyed all the little characters and the colors. So cute.
Went right back to bed as I had G.I. distress Sat., Sun., and today. Taking it's sweet old time leaving. I'm guessing it is being caused by the new antibiotic prescribed by the DR. Oh well, this shall all pass, eventually. Hope you are having a good day. :)
Nov 26, 2019
Tomandray, you should tell the doctor. He can switch medicines. You can't recover from whatever the medicine is for if you are being worn out by that.
Nov 28, 2019
Hi pixipixil, Yes, I did just that. My Dr. was out on her vacation for holiday. Her boss took over her patients. He prescribed another antibiotic, which I had used last year. Only issue I had last year was the pill was too big. I have a narrowing of the esophagus. Well, I tried again this time, still same old problem, stuck in throat, scratching all the way down and then stuck in the stomach. It sat there and started fermenting. I was throwing up for the next three days. Did not eat anything all day today, then at 8 pm finally got hungry. Thanks to Tom, he made 3 cups of tea to get rid of this pill. Will have to call the Dr. on Friday. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Pixipixil.
Nov 29, 2019
TomandRay--oh it's awful when your doctor isn't available. The stand ins never know how to help.
It sounds like you are having a terrible time. I hope your doctor is back and can fix things today. Let me know what happens. Sending a prayer your way.
Dec 2, 2019
Tomandray, I was reading your back posts and see your Thanksgiving plans were ruined. I hope you give yourselves a late Thanksgiving once you are feeling better.
Dec 2, 2019
Hi Pixipixil, We actually had a nice Thanksgiving. We did decide to stay in, we had so much left overs from the week, did not need to go out to eat. It's always nice to be flexible. We had pie too, Pumpkin, lemon, NY cheese cake, chocolate pudding, vanilla I.C. and whipped cream. We lacked nothing. Reason we stayed in, Tom decided to decorate for Christmas. He was in the mood. :) I was his "little helper", he does the big heavy things, I do the little things. Two big trees are up, one fully decorated, the 7 ft. tree is still bare. Lights going up Sat., decorate on Sun., so we are getting there. Have you started your holiday decorating? Did you get some shopping done this weekend? I thought I was done, but my sis needs shoes, so getting her that and Tom needs slacks and socks, so it's shop some more. Did a few more cards, but not done as yet, have my Europe cards to do, always the most difficult as I need to write in French. :)) My relatives live in France, Belgium and friends in England.....So how was your Thanksgiving? Did you have a good day?
Dec 3, 2019
Hi Tomandray. Yes our day was yummy and peaceful. We canolis and fruitcake for desserts and turkey with stuffing, sweet potatoes and scalloped potatoes. There aren't many veggies we like and can eat so I took the plunge on the scalloped potatoes instead. Never made them b4. We both liked them and everything tasted good. We spent the pm sleeping and got up for early evening to get a bite of whatever (I was too full for even that) and watched Amadeus (borrowed from the library.)
Most of the Fall stuff is away and I have two areas of Christmas finished--a mirror which I surround with gold tinsel garland and red twinks with red plastic bells on a few and a red and gold decorated wreath that hangs over the center of the mirror. Down the hall are green twinks and draped green tinsel garlands with a red ornament on each "peak". The entry between kitchen and LR has silver tinsel garlands with blue twinks around the top and blue metallic tinsel about a foot long across the top plus some large snowflakes. I still have the kitchan window and the crib to do. The crib goes on the mantel above our wood stove that we never light. I put white twinks on the wall in back and cover them with sheer royal blue material and lucite angels that light up. The crib is flanked by silhouettes of Bethlehem with green lights behind. Putting that up is the most work so I do it last. The kitchen gets a wooden stand holding bubble lights. the wood is painted to look like a holly bough and the lights show thru cutouts in the wood. there are also green tinsel curtains on either side for privace as we can't lower the curtains at night with that in the window. There isn't any room for a tree in our house. I used to put up a fake one in the basement but things are too cluttered for that now so we got rid of the tree. It was too much work. After Christmas I replace the creche area with a snow scene and it cascades from the mantel to the wood stove with a lake and waterfall and little bitty train. I used to put that up on Christmas downstairs but I do all the decorating and it has gotten to be too much. I do love the snow village best of all so I just moved it to its own Epiphany.
My husband doesn't like to buy or give presents. My brother and I just trade checks. I do send out calendars to him and his wife and he sends a commercial fruitcake to us. The only gifting I have been doing since my son died is to a friend in New Zealand, who, now living in a nursing home, will be getting her last Christmas gifts from me as she can't exchange them any more and has no room to keep much of anything. The postage has gotten so high I was going to ask her to stop the gift giving even if that hadn't happened to her. I just sent her a $20 calendar and the postage was $24.
Dec 2, 2019
These are the cutest crocheted animals I've ever seen. Because of the clasps I see attached on top, I presume that they are key chains of some sort. I would have preferred them to be a cuddly toy for a tot.
Nov 27, 2019
Nov 25, 2019
Very hot and tired and still upset about the loss of yet another friend so will bid you Good night and God bless. Hugs.
Nov 25, 2019
Hugs to you, aussie. The hot and the tired will pass, but the loss of a friend is forever. Try to think of the good times and always treasure your friendship. What was there about your friend that you can pass on to others?
Nov 25, 2019
Aussiesapphire, so sorry for your loss. Prayers going out to you and the soul of your friend. Peace and Blessings.
Nov 25, 2019
God is holding your friend close to His heart, aussie. She is safe and not in pain. I wish the same - safe and no pain - for you, too.
Nov 25, 2019
Thank you tomandray and aknan. losing friends is part of growing old that I detest but to those who are saved by the grace of God, I know I will see again. Hugs to you both.
Nov 26, 2019
I am so sorry for your loss my Dear. Sending big and gentle hugs. Prayers for you and the family that God will give each of you comfort and peace.
Nov 26, 2019
Thank you mamag and thinking of you this Christmas especially. You have loving friends on here - hugs.
Nov 26, 2019
Aussie, so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend(s). My mom lived till she was 91 and she told me how she hated learning another of her friends had died.

mamag, and aussie, and any of our puzzlers who have lost a loved one, when my mom passed her sister sent me the lovely poem "I'm Spending Christmas With Jesus This Year." It can be found here:
Hugs and warm wishes to y'all.
Nov 26, 2019
I'm so sorry, aussie. Sending lots of hugs your way.
Nov 26, 2019
Thanks nlb much appreciated - hugs.
Nov 25, 2019
I liked doing this puzzle! Cute and not too hard. As we get closer to Thanksgiving I try to think of things I am thankful for and one of the first things that comes to mind is the people I have "met" on this site. I feel so rich in having the bounty of so many wonderful people with whom I can communicate. Thank you Senior Puzzlers for enriching my life with your friendships!
Nov 25, 2019
You are quite welcome, nborchardt! Hugs.
Nov 25, 2019
Amen to that Aknan.
Nov 26, 2019
I'm with you, nborchardt. I count this site as one of my many and best blessings.
Nov 25, 2019
So colorful and fun to do , A great start to this day
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