American Flag Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle of the American flag with focus on the white stars on the blue background.

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Jul 5, 2024
Happy 4th of July to everyone!
May 22, 2019
mystery today
Mar 18, 2019
A pretty mystery today
Jul 4, 2015
Jul 4, 2015
Happy birthday AMERICA
May 25, 2015
I can tell this will be a harder puzzle for me once I get into the 40 some count, if not before, and its going to probably freak my eyes out too. I can tell this color and pattern will do something.
Had a lot of rain yesterday but we needed it bad. Also had thunder and lightening practically all day and night, and rain and hail.
Was talking to my boyfriend on the phone and let out a scream. I looked up at the skylight and saw a lightening bolt close and the phone crackled and lit up and the thunder was right overhead and so loud it about scared me half to death. I was holding the phone away from me as I had him on the speaker phone and had just picked it up off the couch. These storms can get pretty scary at times but our big month for storms is June so starting in a little early!
May 25, 2015
Oh my goodness Seaview, never, never use the phone during a thunder storm. Easy way to get to eternity quicker than you are planning. Hugs.
May 26, 2015
Yes aussie I found that out. I was so engrossed in our conversation that I wasn't even thinking or paying attention and totally forgot that years ago I told my youngest son to get off the phone as we were having a storm like that. I thought he got off right away until I heard him yell and the phone had lit up blue and he was off fast then.
We get quite a bit of lightening this time of year but mostly June, but can have it other months too.
When it simmered down I got in shower to shower and wash my hair and I could hear thunder coming again so I was really scrambling to get out of there as I have heard to stay out of showers and sinks too.
I got caught down at the lake years ago and had walked way down the beach and turned around to come back and saw the storm coming but couldn't get back in time. There was nowhere to go and it hit with a downpour of rain, strong winds, thunder and lightening so I put my back to it and sat down and I had lightening on all sides and was scared to death and praying like crazy. When the storm lifted I had the most beautiful double rainbow right in front of me, and I mean right in front of me and I have never forgot that and how calm I was when the storm lifted and the double rainbow was there.
I am not going down to the lake to hope I can see another in storm season again though, lol!
May 26, 2015
What a wonderful privilege to see that, but like you I am storm scared as a tree got hit with lightening outside my bedroom window years ago, and have been afraid of thunder ever since. My aunt was in the shower once and the house got struck, so wise to stay away from running water, seems to attract the lightening for some reason. Hugs.
Jun 1, 2015
Was your aunt ok when the house got stuck by lightening aussie?
We had some terrible storms here on Friday. Thunder, lightening, strong winds, rained so hard that water was sitting all over and hail bigger then marbles and up to almost quarter size. Went on all day and calmed down about 9 o clock that night. Lightening was surrounding the houses and the thunder was so loud that I was jumping all over. Supposed to get more thunder and lightening storms today and tomorrow. I hope we don't get it. I wont even be able to get on here if we do. Was surprised our power didn't go out this time, it goes out a lot with those storms.
Jun 1, 2015
My aunty was OK, and we have been getting news of all the tornadoes and floods over your way. Hope everyone is safe from them. Hugs.
May 30, 2015
Challenging! Thank you to all who have served.
May 25, 2015
Sad day for me, just had a military funeral for my husband one week ago. Taps is so sad to hear. I honor everyone who searved, and for those still searving. My son is in Afghanistan.
May 25, 2015
Oh Maryhelen, I am so sorry. Not only are soldiers patriots but so are the families who bravely endure the pain and suffering of missing them whether dead or alive. Thank you Maryhelen for being part of our country's defense. God bless your husband. God keep your son safe.
May 25, 2015
I so agree with pix, maryhelen. I cant image what you are going thru but know there are people who appreciate what you have lost. God bless you and son.
May 25, 2015
Dear Maryhelen, I am sad for you - condolences. And I echo pixi's thoughts. Hugs.
May 26, 2015
MaryHelen, you and your family are in my prayers tonight. May your son return home quickly and safely.
May 26, 2015
Maryhelen I am so sorry for your loss. This has got to be an especially hard time for you. I really feel for the families that are going thru these things and whole heartedly agree with pixie also. Cant imagine what you and your family must be going thru right now, or other families that are going thru the same thing. Makes me so sad when I hear of these things. We all care on here. So sorry!
May 26, 2015
So sorry for your loss, Seaview. And sad to have your son so far away at such a time. May God be with you while you grieve. He understands grief.
May 26, 2015
Not Seaview, Maryhelen! I had a cousin Mary Helen who has been gone several years, so I should be able to get a neme straight, :(
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