Pancakes Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of pancakes for breakfast. The pancakes are topped with fresh fruit and whipped cream.


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Dec 6, 2017
Never had whip cream on my pancakes. I like jam!!
Jul 13, 2017
Sure looks good
another easy one today
Jun 4, 2017
I really want pancakes now!
Jan 9, 2017
Looks delicious!
Jun 3, 2016
I Just love Pancakes all of them in there own way are always nice even when I was a child a long time ago my mother made them and we had Suger on them to me that was great but now I make them for my grandchildren and thy like all the mix of berries and cream but only now and then as I know you can have to much of a good thing.
May 28, 2016
"Oh do you know the pancake man" or is that muffin man. I do o o believe I'm wrong. Sick all night. I'm pretty sure I know what caused it. I had chocolate covered almonds before retiring and I must be allergic to almonds. Anything that's good I'm allergic to.
Have a good Memorial day week end and God bless you all.
May 28, 2016
Feel better Jingles. There is a bug going around.
May 28, 2016
Sorry to hear that, Jingles. Over the years more and more foods set off reactions in my gut, too. Always the tastier stuff, too.
May 28, 2016
Maybe the almonds were going rancid; if you were allergic to almonds and ate one, you wouldn't be around to tell it. I am catching a cold: sore itchy throat and I feel about as brilliant as grey flannel.

On the positive side, my cholesterol is down in normal range for the first time in forever. I'm hypothyroid, so it's always been maxed. I've been taking astaxanthin supplements (from microalgae) for a couple of months and it has really helped.
May 29, 2016
Hi Orinoco. How are you feeling today? Better, I hope.
May 30, 2016
Still playing with this cold, but we had a lovely service yesterday, a couple from another town was visiting and the guitarist attended too so we had decent music.
May 30, 2016
Glad you liked the guitarist. I used to play guitar and sing at church but the priest let me go because he only wanted organ music. He bought a very expensive organ and blamed my popularity for the organ fund raising slowing down. Claimed I was no longer an asset to the parish. Those weren't his exact words but you get the gist.
May 31, 2016
Well, that wasn't very nice of the priest. Did you continue to play you guitar elsewhere? I used to play guitar, but that was many moons ago, in Jr. High and High School. No longer play.
May 31, 2016
This is a beautiful "tasty" looking puzzle, making me hungry for a late night snack. :)) I also have a problem with almonds, just can't digest them. But not with peanut butter cups! :))) Love those. Hope you are feeling better. :)
May 31, 2016
Pixi, without our guitarist we'd have no music; most of the folks can't really carry a tune. I do my best but I'm used to singing harmony. I made some honest-to-goodness miso soup yesterday with homemade dashi stock, and it did me a world of good. That and some herbal tea (honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, and mangosteen) for my supper, had a good sweat and went to bed early; woke up this morning without a single symptom. No aching, no sore throat, and the persistent cough I've had for a week has gone.

Your priest needed a compassion transfusion, seems to me. And a values check.
May 31, 2016
Thanks, Orinoco. I try to understand but it still hurts. By now I'd have had to quit anyway as my tummy has gotten too unpredictable.
I will have to look up your rcipe for miso soup to see if I can eat it. So glad you are feeling well again.
May 31, 2016
Miso Soup
2-3 cups water
Handful dried bonito flakes (Asian store or online)
5 inch piece of kombu (dried kelp)
1-2 Tablespoons miso paste

Optional veggies: fresh or dried mushrooms
(or both! )
Green bell pepper, in strips
2-3 slices ginger

Bring the water and seaweed to a simmer for about 15 minutes. Add bonito flakes and bring to a boil; cover the pan and turn off the heat for 3 minutes. Strain out the solids.
Add veggies (if desired) to the broth and cook till tender. Turn off the heat, stir in the miso and serve.
Good for what ails ya, and if nothin' ails ya it's still good. TIP: If you can't get kelp and bonito flakes, you can get away with chicken broth. Our local sushi place certainly does, but then they're actually Chinese.
May 31, 2016
Thanks Orinoco. I copied it and put it in a file. I'll have to see if there are any Asian markets around here. There are certainly sushi restaurants. Maybe I should try soup at one of them to see how I like it. What do you think?
Jun 1, 2016
Do that! I will warn you, YouSushi's soup is made from granules and you can taste it. I judge a sushi restaurant by the quality of their miso soup; if it's not tasty and satisfying, I don't go back.
Jun 1, 2016
Okay. I don't know if that chain is around here but I'll skip it and go to another.
Jun 1, 2016
Hope you feel better Jingles. A bit of nighttime advise-DON'T EAT ANYTHING AFTER 7:00 PM. Drink what and rest your stomach muscles after a good meal. Chocolate brings on migraines and if not chewed properly, almonds will cause cramps in your gut. Be careful with your intake of foods at night. I hope this helps. Good Day to you.
May 30, 2016
Looks yummy!
May 28, 2016
I'm not a pancake fan either but these look good
thank God I got up this morning without a pain anywhere
first time in a long time
feeling thankful
May 28, 2016
Well done dbnc - I like the pankcakes, just not all the trimmings. Hugs.
May 29, 2016
I'll trad you Aussie...I'll take all the trimmings, and you can have the pancakes! :-)
May 29, 2016
:) good trade kjd (big smile)
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