Glass Squares Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a colorful stained glass window. The bright and colorful window is made with textured glass.


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Jan 18, 2018
These colors just make me happy!
Oct 13, 2017
Beautiful! Thoroughly enjoyed this one.
Apr 15, 2016
My Dearly Beloved used to make magnificent stained glass, all from his own patterns. He did a lovely 3-D hot air balloon light as his final creation. The flux (brushed on to keep the glass from breaking when soldered together) produces a vapor that is quite harmful to the stomach and can contribute to bleeding. He had ulcers at the time, so no more stained glass. I have some beautiful pieces hanging in our windows, as does my mother.
Apr 15, 2016
I wish I could see what he did. That's a wonderful thing to have by which to remember him. My father made a few clock casings--somewhat fancy. I kept the two smaller clocks and let my brother have the grandfather clock.
Apr 15, 2016
Plz post, would love to see it.
Apr 15, 2016
You should take pictures and upload them. Then you can kind of share in his work as you put the pieces together.
Apr 15, 2016
Pixi, my DB is still alive - he just can't do the glass work anymore! I plan to keep him around for a few more years, too - our marriage contract was for eternity with unlimited renewals!
Apr 15, 2016
Hahaha Aknan, must admit on reading your first post that it looked as though R had gone one ahead of you lol, so not surprised at the postings hehehe. Written with love. Hugs.
Apr 15, 2016
I'm glad your DB is still with you, aknan. I'm sorry he has ulcers and can't do stained glass anymore. It just goes to show, art isn't for sissies. Many materials are quite poisonous. I hope DB has found some other outlet for his creative side.
Apr 15, 2016
I'm glad that your DB is still around. Hopefully, the ulcers have healed. Does he do other forms of art to deal with his creativity?
Apr 16, 2016
Probably an area outside and out of the wind would be a good alternative to working on this art form. Most places have enough temperate days if artists' schedules will jive with the weather. My friend did her stained glass in the winter in her trailer home. No wonder she stopped this pursuit.
Apr 18, 2016
Jamie T, my Dearly Beloved gave up the stained glass (my house cleaning became much easier! ) and took up crewel embroidery again. He's quite good; the framing place wants him to have a show. He literally paints with thread! However, chemo left him with a little neuropathy in his hands. He can't easily feel the needle, so has set this aside also. We pray that the neuropathy gets better enough so that he can resume the embroidery. Ulcers are completely gone, but so is 4/5ths of his stomach!
Apr 18, 2016
Love the sound of the crewel embroidery - what a treasure you have Aknan. It would be lovely to see some of his work at some stage. Had a messy weekend so my correspondence is a bit behind. Please be patient with me. Hugs a million. H
Apr 18, 2016
Many prayers for you, aknan and your db. When you love to create your hands are your life.
Apr 18, 2016
I have neuropathy in my feet - the hands sound like a worse place to have it. I take Lyrica and Cymbalta for the neuropathy, which prevents it from getting too bad.

Aussie - I hope your weekend wasn't too much of a mess.
Apr 20, 2016
Jamie T I have been praying for your blood problems. Do they or the treatment for them cause the neuropathy?
Apr 21, 2016
Thank you Pixi! As long as the abnormal blood cells stay below 10%, all they have me do is take extra Vitamin D3. If the abnormal blood level goes above that, then I would have to start chemotherapy using thalidomide, a drug that was infamous in the 1950's and early 1960's for causing birth defects in babies.
Apr 21, 2016
So there's no connection with the neuropathy unless the abnormal blood is causing it since D3 shouldn't cause it. I hope you'll never need chemo. That sounds like nasty stuff.
Apr 21, 2016
The doctor's aren't exactly sure what's causing the neuropathy. The neurologist thinks it's the blood disorder, the hematologist thinks it's something else.
Apr 21, 2016
Typical. The nerve guy says it's the blood guy's problem but he says it ain't so. I hope you can get the answer soon, JamieT.
May 21, 2017
Oh Aknan, you are so lucky to have you DB and sound deeply committed to him! I told my husband that I made vows to him and God; so he is stuck with me for the rest of his life or mine! We have a mutual friend that makes stained glass. It is an art form I would like to try!
Jun 22, 2017
@Jamie T I've been reading and studying Medical Medium (Anthony William) lately. He channels messages from Spirit to help people with their medical problems. One food he recommends for neurological problems is organically grown grapes, the darker the better. Asparagus is also good. Pure coconut water and raw coconut (no preservatives) is good--coconut water was used in WWII as a replacement for blood plasma for the wounded soldiers. It tastes great, by the way. Pray to Archangel Raphael for help in healing the condition. Love and blessings!
Aug 24, 2017
Yeah that's what my mother died from was a bleeding ulcer. She was on meds that caused variicose veins. She had just had an upper GI test. She had a 2% chance of survival. Really miss her!
May 21, 2017
Such a cool puzzle! I like the colors and the stained glass!
Apr 15, 2016
Not as easy as it looks.
Apr 17, 2016
My time wasn't so great, either, elijah. The colors and pattern, though, made it easier than some other puzzles I've worked here on C4J.
Aug 6, 2016
You have a beautiful way with words vmarie. Sounds like you were in the educational system.

I love stained glass windows in churches, but would not put them in my home. Little too conservative for all that color.
Aug 7, 2016
Thank you, Micki. I did study English at Michigan State University for four years, but never finished my bachelor's. I appreciate the compliment. Blessings!
Aug 3, 2016
Nice one
May 4, 2016
Very nice stained glass.
Apr 17, 2016
Stained glass is believed to have healing properties. The deep colors in religious depictions are especially so. Colors have a frequency, and the visual cortex is stimulated.
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